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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Had a really strong 12-1 Arena run just now, using:

I don't think the importance of being able to use up all your mana in the early game can be overstated right now. You win games when you can curve out just right, and being forced to hero power on turn 3 is a very likely loss. I probably won my last game because even though we both played Spider Tanks I was able to remove it with Flamecannon and lay down a 2-drop while my opponent had to Frost Bolt and ping. Always always always go for early efficiency even if it means not holding on to hard removal in case they have a big late-game minion waiting.

The GvG cards seem to mean that people have a lot less access to board clears. I ran into a Hunter with Multishot, one Mage with a Flamestrike, and one Mage with two Flamestrikes, but otherwise it was single target spells everywhere. I clinched a whole bunch of games basically by laying down a Silver Hand Knight on turn 6 with the Stormwind Champion on 7 when I already had board control to start with.
Unless it is late and everyone has 10 mana, whoever has board control should win. Board sweepers take up a turn.

You could have played any creatures that are decent and win if no one has anything on the other side. Since people can't double flamestrike back to back for the most part.

My biggest bane right now is that freeze mech of mages. You can lose the game off of that if you don't have a way to get rid of it at the start.
Watching Day9 and he's doing this combo with Molten Giants and Echo of Medivh. Long story short, you can play up to seven Giants if your board is empty. Pretty strong if you have an Ice Block and guarantee the next turn. High gamble though, seems to be losing a lot but it is Day9.
Watching Day9 and he's doing this combo with Molten Giants and Echo of Medivh. Long story short, you can play up to seven Giants if your board is empty. Pretty strong if you have an Ice Block and guarantee the next turn. High gamble though, seems to be losing a lot but it is Day9.

That's pretty clever.


Watching Day9 and he's doing this combo with Molten Giants and Echo of Medivh. Long story short, you can play up to seven Giants if your board is empty. Pretty strong if you have an Ice Block and guarantee the next turn. High gamble though, seems to be losing a lot but it is Day9.

Kripp made an Echo deck yesterday with giants too:


Seems like a pretty good card.

The Adder

I've seen what looks like 2 versions of demonlock. One is an all out demon deck, and the other is Handlock updated to include demons.

I think the best demon deck I've played against is the Demon Handlock. They do the same tap, tap, turn 4 giant/twilight drake play that can run away with games if you don't have an answer. They have Void Callers to try and pull out demons that cost 5+(Infernos, Mal'Ganis, and Watchers) Owls and watchers were still there. Fire Giants were there. They seemed to have a bit more healing, my guess is just in case Jaraxxas gets pulled onto the board.

On the subject of Handlock:

Not pictured:

Mountain Giant x1
Molten Giant x1

It's played so well so far. You can hear the opponent's soul crack when the Healbot comes out. And Recombombulator is so good in here. I'm looking for ideas on what to replace the Ogre with. I thought it'd be good (since the Ancient is a Handlock staple) but it's pretty much been dead in hand.

Jaraxxus hasn't done much either, but I've had a couple of games he could have ended if I didn't have another card to do the same job.


remember me
Mind posting the decklist? I just unlocked Nax (finished it all on one sitting, ha!). It'd be cool to see some ideas. I missed the whole post-Nax meta until now.

Haven't tweaked it for GvG at all, but this is what I used to get legend a couple of months ago (super easy) and grinded out 500 ranked wins.


I hadn't played since a week after Naxxramas came out. I opened my 3 free packs and dusted a gold Gadgetzan Auctioneer.

I tried using an old Warrior deck for dailies. I can't win with it at all. Not even close.


Played arena vs a freeze mage. Got me fatiguing with my Fel Reaver, but I still won.

Just had a guy down to two health with an explosive trap ready to be triggered. He sacs his loot hoarder into my taunt and draws jaraxxus.


I am having some fun with a priest mech deck - probably not the best but just absolutely dominated another priest winning in about turn 4 or 5 with pretty much an ideal draw.
Turn 1 = mechwarper + clockwork gnome
Turn 2 = spider tank + clockwork gnome
Turn 3 = Piloted shredder
Turn 4 = Upgraded repair bot onto spider tank
I find that with mech based decks, mulliganing to ensure a mechwarper can allow for a very fast and aggressive early game that can help dominate an opponent if they are not ready for i.


I hadn't played since a week after Naxxramas came out. I opened my 3 free packs and dusted a gold Gadgetzan Auctioneer.

I tried using an old Warrior deck for dailies. I can't win with it at all. Not even close.

This is an interesting point. Like Ive been playing for a year (and I basically suck) but even so I have so many cards including leg's that you just have no access to when starting out. So even in rank 20-15 of constructed, I'm running into beefy decks. Someone just starting now really has to either play for a while or plunk down some cash in order to get on an even playing field. Does that turn people off or just get them hooked?
So, I posted about this months ago after the release of Naxx and even posted on Blizzard's official forums asking about it (never got a reasonable response, just some douche telling me that the card must have been silenced), but I finally have proof. When you Sap Fuegen/Stalagg back to a full hand, the second one does not spawn Thaddeus when he dies.


Here it is. Notice that he attacked with Stalagg (with Baron Rivendare on board, no less) and this is after I Sapped Fuegen back into a 10 card hand. He got no Thaddeuses. I can guarantee you that Stalagg was not silenced because I don't run any silences in this deck. Dude got screwed out of two Thaddeuses. It might have cost him the game (although I probably would've just Vanished them back into his hand), but without them, he had no chance.


I'm loving Antique Healbot. It replaced all my Farseers and the healing with a 3/3 body is such a bargain (note that it heals more than Guardian of Kings and as much as Alexstrasza at 7 hp or higher). My Shadowform Priest just got a lot stronger by running it twice. Can't wait to try it later in my other decks.

The Adder

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no 2 drop worse than Ironbeak Owl once you disregard its Battlecry, right? Basically what I'm saying is that recombobulating Ironbeak Owl is always, at worst, a wash, right? (Unless you really need your minions not to take 2 damage from the exploding sheep.)

I'm loving Antique Healbot. It replaced all my Farseers and the healing with a 3/3 body is such a bargain (note that it heals more than Guardian of Kings and as much as Alexstrasza at 7 hp or higher). My Shadowform Priest just got a lot stronger by running it twice. Can't wait to try it later in my other decks.

The deck I posted above loves Antique Healbot.
This is an interesting point. Like Ive been playing for a year (and I basically suck) but even so I have so many cards including leg's that you just have no access to when starting out. So even in rank 20-15 of constructed, I'm running into beefy decks. Someone just starting now really has to either play for a while or plunk down some cash in order to get on an even playing field. Does that turn people off or just get them hooked?

Like 2 weeks before gvg came out I tested a basic only paladin deck and hit around rank 12 easily on EU. So I'm still in the camp that having higher rarity cards aren't as necessary as they appear to be.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no 2 drop worse than Ironbeak Owl once you disregard its Battlecry, right? Basically what I'm saying is that recombobulating Ironbeak Owl is always, at worst, a wash, right? (Unless you really need your minions not to take 2 damage from the exploding sheep.)

At worst? A doomsayer.

Like 2 weeks before gvg came out I tested a basic only paladin deck and hit around rank 12 easily on EU. So I'm still in the camp that having higher rarity cards aren't as necessary as they appear to be.

I think it depends when you do it. In the first two weeks of the month you will hit all sorts of good decks... well the 3 good decks everybody plays.
In the last week or so you can get to 10+ pretty easy.


Snipping useful advice
Thanks, I really need to learn to play as my wr is awful out of 10 games or more I'll probably win 2, getting the dailies can get me a full day or so, I'll check the video and read drafting guides but my collection is probably lacking.
Apparently the mistress of pain and auchenai interaction causes you to chain damage yourself to death once mistress of pain deals any damage. Because the heal that procs off the card turns to damage, triggering another heal that turns to damage, endlessly til you are dead.

The Adder

So guys what's your GvG MVP card so far?

For me its without a doubt


The times where he just either puts me back in the game or gives me board control is like 70-80% of the game's. Also has made plenty of people ragequit.

Turned a Sunfury Protector into Nat Fucking Pagle. Amongst other up valuing things done to frozen, badly damaged, or otherwise less than useful minions.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm currently in this awkward split where I want to just get GvG packs but I am missing sooooo many important classic cards that I don't know where I should be focused. I can't really mess around or make fun decks with what I have so if I try to just grind out wins on ladder I'm using this deathrattle hunter that kills my soul to use.

I... I just got wisp'ed.
In constructed.
At rank 2.

What is happening?

Bow to your hobgoblin deck overlords.
Turned a Sunfury Protector into Nat Fucking Pagle. Amongst other up valuing things done to frozen, badly damaged, or otherwise less than useful minions.
I once turned a staalag into a leeroy - which helped me clear the way for ragnaros and win the game. Thank you blizz for the leeroy nerf.
Apparently the mistress of pain and auchenai interaction causes you to chain damage yourself to death once mistress of pain deals any damage. Because the heal that procs off the card turns to damage, triggering another heal that turns to damage, endlessly til you are dead.
It can't be a bug since they have to specifically program such an effect.
Unstable Portal into Turn 4 Neptulon... nothing like a massive board and card advantage all in one. I was lucky to have Shadow Word: Death and Holy Nova on-hand.

Anyone else notice Secrets take longer to proc after this patch? I have to slow my play down to make sure they are or are not triggered, otherwise I play my cards before I see the result of the Secret.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no 2 drop worse than Ironbeak Owl once you disregard its Battlecry, right?

Novice Engineer and Captain's Parrot are worse.

By the way has anyone noticed the increased chance of legendaries dropping from "random" minions?

Legendaries recombobulated during a single arena run: Antonidas, Troggzor, Toshley and Gazlowe (I had 1 chance to use his draw ability and got Iron Juggernaut)

Non-legendaries recombobulated during a single arena run: Water elemental and 1 other I don't remember.

Sure, there are relatively more legendary 6- and 7-drops than 2-drops, but everybody's telling how they're unstable portaling, recomboing and webspinning a crazy amount of legendaries.


So, I posted about this months ago after the release of Naxx and even posted on Blizzard's official forums asking about it (never got a reasonable response, just some douche telling me that the card must have been silenced), but I finally have proof. When you Sap Fuegen/Stalagg back to a full hand, the second one does not spawn Thaddeus when he dies.


Here it is. Notice that he attacked with Stalagg (with Baron Rivendare on board, no less) and this is after I Sapped Fuegen back into a 10 card hand. He got no Thaddeuses. I can guarantee you that Stalagg was not silenced because I don't run any silences in this deck. Dude got screwed out of two Thaddeuses. It might have cost him the game (although I probably would've just Vanished them back into his hand), but without them, he had no chance.
I don't think deathrattles go off when a minion is returned to a full hand via sap. Just like a minion's deathrattle doesn't go off when you overdraw. Think of it this way: it's not the minion that is destroyed (triggering the deathrattle) but the card itself that is ripped up.

This is intended behaviour, imo.


Novice Engineer and Captain's Parrot are worse.

By the way has anyone noticed the increased chance of legendaries dropping from "random" minions?

Legendaries recombobulated during a single arena run: Antonidas, Troggzor, Toshley and Gazlowe (I had 1 chance to use his draw ability and got Iron Juggernaut)

Non-legendaries recombobulated during a single arena run: Water elemental and 1 other I don't remember.

Sure, there are relatively more legendary 6- and 7-drops than 2-drops, but everybody's telling how they're unstable portaling, recomboing and webspinning a crazy amount of legendaries.
Along with the increased chance for legendaries and epics because there are more of them in the new expansion proportionally, I believe that's just the selective stories you hear about. Everyone talks about their RNG producing crazy (read: legendary) results, but no one bothers to tell a story about the times Unstable Portal netted them a Harvest Golem and the game continued normally.

Also, as you say, if you recombobulate a 7+ mana minion, there's like an 80% chance it's going to be a legendary.
It can't be a bug since they have to specifically program such an effect.

I'm pretty sure it is an intended result.

I don't think deathrattles go off when a minion is returned to a full hand via sap. Just like a minion's deathrattle doesn't go off when you overdraw. Think of it this way: it's not the minion that is destroyed (triggering the deathrattle) but the card itself that is ripped up.

This is intended behaviour, imo.

Deathrattles do go off when a minion dies due to being returned to a full hand.

"@KindbudiiIchig0 a deathrattle minion can't be returned to a full hand at all. It never gets there. It just gets destroyed." - ben brode https://twitter.com/KindbudiiIchig0/status/479594738883244032


Afer way too many losses I finally optimized my Mech Mage deck to the point where i'm comfortably winning against both aggro and control matchups.


Used UP 3 times now and got Spiteful smith > ETC > Bloodsail raider.
So, I posted about this months ago after the release of Naxx and even posted on Blizzard's official forums asking about it (never got a reasonable response, just some douche telling me that the card must have been silenced), but I finally have proof. When you Sap Fuegen/Stalagg back to a full hand, the second one does not spawn Thaddeus when he dies.


Here it is. Notice that he attacked with Stalagg (with Baron Rivendare on board, no less) and this is after I Sapped Fuegen back into a 10 card hand. He got no Thaddeuses. I can guarantee you that Stalagg was not silenced because I don't run any silences in this deck. Dude got screwed out of two Thaddeuses. It might have cost him the game (although I probably would've just Vanished them back into his hand), but without them, he had no chance.

The person who said the card must have been silenced probably said that because that is the only reason why thaddius wouldn't be summoned.

I even asked ben brode about this interaction once upon a time. If stalagg is dead due to sap, it counts as dead when feugan dies.


edit: Of course I guess it could be a bug that he wasn't summoned. But it should count as dead when the other guy dies while not being silenced.
Y'all are right; Velen's Chosen is really strong in Arena. Unless they've got direct removal (Hex, Polymorph) or a Silence, it's hard to take down whatever you buff.


I like how there's certain legendary cards that have a specific mana cost so that there card abilties can't be played on the same turn as them but then these considerations are thrown out with Unstable Portal.

On my last arena run I pulled out Illidan and Jaraxxus both of which benefit greatly from a reduced mana cost.


All these new mid-range beasts for Warrior.

Siege Engines and Shieldmaidens coming out of a solid early game with Armorsmiths and Ghouls is enough to overpower most decks' midgame plays.

With all these new answers to endgame finishers for other decks, I feel the midgame is more important than ever.


The person who said the card must have been silenced probably said that because that is the only reason why thaddius wouldn't be summoned.

I even asked ben brode about this interaction once upon a time. If stalagg is dead due to sap, it counts as dead when feugan dies.


edit: Of course I guess it could be a bug that he wasn't summoned. But it should count as dead when the other guy dies while not being silenced.

I really don't think that is how any death rattles work. Or death of a minion in general.

To trigger a death rattle the minion must die in play, meaning it has to be on the board.

A few crazy examples:
Fell Reaver - If the cards Fell Reaver destroyed triggered Deathrattles then discarded Harvest Golems would spawn mini golems, sylvannas would take one of your minions, and so many other effects would be going on.

I would guess that Burned cards don't count as dead.
Try it by playing Fell Reaver and watching him burn through Stalaag & Fuegen. Or let him burn through one while the other is killed afterwards in game.
Burned cards count as having never existed or played. That's what I would assume.

Just read above that death rattles do trigger on Saps to full hands.

I bet Stalaag & Fuegen have special rules outside the normal Deathrattle code. Since you can silence the first and the second still triggers the summon their condition isn't based on the death rattle. I bet when a minion dies to sap+full hand it's a different process than normal death or normal card burn. Legit bug.

I wonder if Bolvar Fordragon has the same bug. When in hand does his attack increase if you sap+full hand a minion from the board.
They do?


I thought it was the same as when you overdraw.

It doesn't matter often but I've played a deck that takes advantage of that and it does matter from time to time.

I really don't think that is how any death rattles work. Or death of a minion in general.

To trigger a death rattle the minion must die in play, meaning it has to be on the board.

A few crazy examples:
Fell Reaver - If the cards Fell Reaver destroyed triggered Deathrattles then discarded Harvest Golems would spawn mini golems, sylvannas would take one of your minions, and so many other effects would be going on.

I would guess that Burned cards don't count as dead.

Try it by playing Fell Reaver and watching him burn through Stalaag & Fuegen. Or let him burn through one while the other is killed afterwards in game.

Burned cards count as having never existed or played. That's what I would assume.

Ben brode is a senior designer... I think he knows how deathrattles work a bit better than you do.

Returning to hand and being discarded are two different mechanics.

I mean, it says it in the tweets if you bothered to read them. "a deathrattle minion can't be returned to a full hand at all. It never gets there. It just gets destroyed." - Ben Brode

I even specifically asked him if stalagg is dead if he is killed that way "follow up on an old question: if stalagg is destroyed from sap, does it count as dead when feugan dies?" - me

answer: "yep" - ben brode.


If Ysera wasn't unplayable against Priest before, it definitely is now. Baited out the mind control only to get hit by the Shrinkmeister > Cabal combo.

I really don't think that is how any death rattles work. Or death of a minion in general.

To trigger a death rattle the minion must die in play, meaning it has to be on the board.

A few crazy examples:
Fell Reaver - If the cards Fell Reaver destroyed triggered Deathrattles then discarded Harvest Golems would spawn mini golems, sylvannas would take one of your minions, and so many other effects would be going on.

I would guess that Burned cards don't count as dead.

Try it by playing Fell Reaver and watching him burn through Stalaag & Fuegen. Or let him burn through one while the other is killed afterwards in game.

Burned cards count as having never existed or played. That's what I would assume.
It's easy to make the association because they both use the same effect as well.


It doesn't matter often but I've played a deck that takes advantage of that and it does matter from time to time.

Ben brode is a senior designer... I think he knows how deathrattles work a bit better than you do.

Returning to hand and being discarded are two different mechanics.

I mean, it says it in the tweets if you bothered to read them. "a deathrattle minion can't be returned to a full hand at all. It never gets there. It just gets destroyed." - Ben Brode

I even specifically asked him if stalagg is dead if he is killed that way "follow up on an old question: if stalagg is destroyed from sap, does it count as dead when feugan dies?" - me

answer: "yep" - ben brode.
I edited before seeing your replies.

I missed that death rattles do trigger on Saps to full hands.

I bet Stalaag & Fuegen have special rules outside the normal Deathrattle code. Since you can silence the first and the second still triggers the summon their condition isn't based on the death rattle. I bet when a minion dies to sap+full hand it's a different process than normal death or normal card burn. Legit bug.

I wonder if Bolvar Fordragon has the same bug. When in hand does his attack increase if you sap+full hand a minion from the board.

Also apparently Ben Brode doesn't know deathrattle works as well as you, so let's not kiss his boots just yet. :)
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