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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Also apparently Ben Brode doesn't know deathrattle works as well as you, so let's not kiss his boots just yet. :)
Ben Brode is the senior game designer, so if something doesn't work exactly like he says it does, you can be sure it will after the next patch. :p


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I bet Stalaag & Fuegen have special rules outside the normal Deathrattle code. Since you can silence the first and the second still triggers the summon their condition isn't based on the death rattle.

The text doesn't say "Summon Thaddius if Stalagg/Feugen died while having the deathrattle that says Summon Thaddius if Feugen/Stalagg died." It just says to summon Thaddius if the other minion died that game. Just because the other minion was silenced when it died doesn't mean it didn't die. Thaddius only triggers on the deathrattle of the second minion because the deathrattle is conditional.


Yet if that is the case then the behaviour Super Nothing described above is inconsistent, no?

I mean you can't have a minion trigger its deathrattle when it's returned to a full hand and at the same time technically "not die" (to circumvent the Thaddius spawn).

I'd expect Thaddius to spawn if the second Stalagg/Feugen dies after the first was sapped to a full hand.


I edited before seeing your replies.

I missed that death rattles do trigger on Saps to full hands.

I bet Stalaag & Fuegen have special rules outside the normal Deathrattle code. Since you can silence the first and the second still triggers the summon their condition isn't based on the death rattle. I bet when a minion dies to sap+full hand it's a different process than normal death or normal card burn. Legit bug.

I wonder if Bolvar Fordragon has the same bug. When in hand does his attack increase if you sap+full hand a minion from the board.

Also apparently Ben Brode doesn't know deathrattle works as well as you, so let's not kiss his boots just yet. :)

What the fuck am I reading...?

Finally started crafting Nax gold cards.
Started with Webspinner, Haunted Creeper, and Undertaker for now.


Yet if that is the case then the behaviour Super Nothing described above as inconsistent.

I mean you can't have a minion trigger its deathrattle when it's returned to a full hand and at the same time technically "not die" (to circumvent the Thaddius spawn).

I'd expect Thaddius to spawn in that case.

We agree on how it should work. In Mobious' example it should have triggered. If the first one dies to Sap+Full Hand, silenced, or regular trading. As long as the second is there it should bring down the thunder.

All I was saying is that for that mechanic to work, it requires new code that may not have been present before. The game has to track what has died. The only two cards that currently make use of this are Bolvar & Stalaag/Fuegen.

So I wonder if the Sap+Full hand death isn't recorded, even though the minion dies as normal. A way to test this would be to try killing a minion that way why someone has Bolvar in hand.

Just a programmer theory crafting.
Yet if that is the case then the behaviour Super Nothing described above is inconsistent, no?

I mean you can't have a minion trigger its deathrattle when it's returned to a full hand and at the same time technically "not die" (to circumvent the Thaddius spawn).

I'd expect Thaddius to spawn if the second Stalagg/Feugen dies after the first was sapped to a full hand.

To be clear, sapping a minion to a full hand counts as if the minion died normally for all intents and purposes.

If it didn't count stalag as dead when feugan's deathrattle triggered, then that is a bug.


Didn't know that if you gained control of an enemy minion on a full board, it dies. Lol cool. Feign Death + Sylvannas = loooooool


Ugh. Back-to-back arena runs of 0 and 2 wins. 300 gold spent, 2 packs and 70 dust received.

This new aggressive arena meta sucks. Every single game was just me losing board early due to unlucky opening hands or them having the right removal and then never being able to catch up.


Corporate Apologist
This is an interesting point. Like Ive been playing for a year (and I basically suck) but even so I have so many cards including leg's that you just have no access to when starting out. So even in rank 20-15 of constructed, I'm running into beefy decks. Someone just starting now really has to either play for a while or plunk down some cash in order to get on an even playing field. Does that turn people off or just get them hooked?
For me, I feel it is a turn off. I like the game, but it gets annoying that you can't even effectively grind cards, you just have to wait for dailys. Even paying isn't that effective since your money gets you so little.


For control Warrior, I've found how out disappointing bouncing blades and crush are. Both cards are extremely sitautional and brawl, shield slam and execute are just better removal options in general. Even with that, Warrior is probably the class that improved the most from GvG. Dr.Boom and Shield Maiden are both ridiculously good in the deck.

It's funny how Warrior's ShieldMaiden/ShieldBlock are just better versions of paladin's GoK/Holy light. Tells you a lot about the state of Paladin as a viable class.
Didn't know that if you gained control of an enemy minion on a full board, it dies. Lol cool. Feign Death + Sylvannas = loooooool
When you use Reincarnate to gain a 7th minion, Sylvanas just doesn't come back.

Speaking of full boards, I wish there was a way for Shamans to remove their own totems. I just need to know when to stop making them but it's kind of sad when I draw too much with Mana Tide. Just make this spell they have in WoW:

Totemic Recall: 0 Mana
Destroy all totems on the board, gain one Mana per two destroyed.

Though maybe that's horribly unbalanced.


I managed to get a decent Control Priest deck in arena!


Not showed in the list are frostwolf warlord, cabal shadow priest x2, piloted sky golem, sea giant and mind control.

The one loss was when I did not realize I could have saved myself by using shrinkmeister + shadow word pain to kill their stranglethorn tiger.

Shrinkmeister + Cabal has brought ridiculous value.

edit: the pack reward was fitting for a Control Priest! I haven't crafted Vol'jin yet.



Didn't know that if you gained control of an enemy minion on a full board, it dies. Lol cool. Feign Death + Sylvannas = loooooool

If you have 6 minions on your side, and there's a 2 or less att minion on the other side of the board you can't play Cabal Shadow Priest at all. I don't know if it is a bug or intended.


Forever Platinum
For control Warrior, I've found how out disappointing bouncing blades and crush are. Both cards are extremely sitautional and brawl, shield slam and execute are just better removal options in general. Even with that, Warrior is probably the class that improved the most from GvG. Dr.Boom and Shield Maiden are both ridiculously good in the deck.

It's funny how Warrior's ShieldMaiden/ShieldBlock are just better versions of paladin's GoK/Holy light. Tells you a lot about the state of Paladin as a viable class.

While I agree that Crush is pretty situational, blade is really good imo. Multiple hits pairs well with armor smith and acolyte if it's hitting your board, has the potential to crush your opponents board strength if you're behind, and it can kill any lone enemy minion regardless of health. Pairing with sylvanas like you already do with brawl or even Commanding Shout, not entirely sold on this but maybe in the right deck, and it has even more possibilities.


I've been trying to get back into this since I haven't played since August but man it's pretty difficult. A lot of losing as i misplay because I don't know the cards the opponent has due to not keeping up with the expansion info. It'll take a while to learn the new decks/meta.

On top of that I don't have many of the new cards myself since I lack the in-game gold and I don't want to throw money at packs which don't guarantee me anything great anyway.

It'd be even worse for a new player who would have to acquire the classic cards and the new GvG cards. I think this wall is just gonna prevent me from getting back into it... knowing with each expansion I'll have the same issue...


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
lol.. so if you are going to run jaraxxus in your warlock deck... it is probably not a great idea to play the "deathrattle: put a demon from your deck on the battlefield" guy... I genuinely felt bad with an "I'm sorry". yes the chances are slim.. but still...


Ugh.. so i'm playing against this control warrior. Get down to 8 cards and ofcourse in the fucking last 8 cards are all my fucking win conditions, 2x fireball, 1x frostbolt, Antonidas, Gazlowe, Flamestrike. I must've done something to piss off the RNGesus.
I'm convinced that cobra shot would actually be a good card if it were 4 damage. So I think this card could actually work with a bit of spell damage. Just used it in arena, not because I think it is a great arena card but it was the best pick for my curve and the other two cards were shit anyway. If I could have hit with 4 damage by a spell power minion, I could have done not only 1 extra damage to face from spell power, but 4 due to the taunt minion taking a whole extra minion to kill it, so the 4 damage cobra shot would have increased my damage that turn by 5 over the 3 damage and it isn't like any other removal would have been better for that situation and I don't feel like that is a rare situation at all and is quite common actually.


While I agree that Crush is pretty situational, blade is really good imo. Multiple hits pairs well with armor smith and acolyte if it's hitting your board, has the potential to crush your opponents board strength if you're behind, and it can kill any lone enemy minion regardless of health. Pairing with sylvanas like you already do with brawl or even Commanding Shout, not entirely sold on this but maybe in the right deck, and it has even more possibilities.

May be a stupid question. Does Brawl trigger Sylvanas? I mostly just played arena, so I've never used it.


lol.. so if you are going to run jaraxxus in your warlock deck... it is probably not a great idea to play the "deathrattle: put a demon from your deck on the battlefield" guy... I genuinely felt bad with an "I'm sorry". yes the chances are slim.. but still...
Don't underestimate Jaxxus usefullness on the field.He has 15 freaking health,that means tons of great trades,give him taunt and he is best wall you could possible ask for.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Don't underestimate Jaxxus usefullness on the field.He has 15 freaking health,that means tons of great trades,give him taunt and he is best wall you could possible ask for.
unless (as was the case) he was up against a priest who played vol'jinn the next round .:p

hence feeling bad.


So after my last match as mech Mage vs. Control warrior I switch to the new Handlock. And I swear he topdecks me at every turn. He plays Iron Juggernaut > I kill it with my Giant then recombulate it to full hp and give it taunt > het topdecks BK. Heal myself back up with healbot > he gets Alexstrasza. And the best of all: he only has a armorsmith left so i'm on 17 hp with 14 cards left kill I decide to Jarraxus and hit the armorsmith and then kill it of with Death Coil > yup you guessed it borrowing mine > wariior is on zero cards draws > Blingtron > gave him Arcanite reaper for the kill.
So, I love tinker sword oil but that randomness is quite annoying. It was probably my mistake to play a minion to start the combo, but at least I had a 2/3 chance to get the 3 extra damage in.

But the card is so balls good. Nowadays, I feel like getting a huge blade flurry off is so much easier. And you can almost never have too big of a blade flurry!

Any minion with 4 or less health now is a huge risk against a priest since Shrink master was introduced.

True. And it is a new weird card for the class to have so adjusting mentally to playing around to reduce its effectiveness is the real challenge. I haven't quite figured it out yet. I guess pressuring them into using shrinkmeister suboptimally and having an aoe like blade flurry is the best way for my deck to deal with the shenanigans.


While I agree that Crush is pretty situational, blade is really good imo. Multiple hits pairs well with armor smith and acolyte if it's hitting your board, has the potential to crush your opponents board strength if you're behind, and it can kill any lone enemy minion regardless of health. Pairing with sylvanas like you already do with brawl or even Commanding Shout, not entirely sold on this but maybe in the right deck, and it has even more possibilities.

You listed the exact reasons why I was so hyped for the card at first and disappointed when I tried it out afterwards. Its not a bad card by any means, but warrior doesn't needs any more removal. Maybe I just haven't played with card enough.
Aha, sharpsword oil is the best...

I'm top decking vs this priest I just lost to (cause fuck me I never got blade flurry) and this time I am doing bad cause I got both blade flurries very early (fuck me x2). But I have the priest pretty low (9-10hp). I top deck into my only card draw in the entire deck - SPRINT!

And I get deadly poison, sharpsword oil, spellbreaker, and iron sensei. I only have a harvest golem on board (somehow, someway this survived the previous turns onslaught of mechadeaths). So I play the iron sensei and after a brief training montage my harvest golem knows how to beat cabal shadow priest's mind persuasion. The priest is at 8 hp at the end of my turn and 10 at the beginning of the next turn.

The ninja harvest golem doesn't matter since the priest didn't play a taunt or heal up more than just hero power. So I hero power, deadly poison, sword oil, hit face, blade flurry for 2 damage overkill with 7 damage unused on board.

Love it.

If I were any sort of good at art I would draw a harvest golem being trained by an iron sensei in the art of the ninja and enter it in that deviant art contest.


needs to show more effort.
I never went for legend this early in a season before and man is it rough. At rank 2 there is like literally no one else here so the matchmaking only pits you against the top 30 legend players.
I never went for legend this early in a season before and man is it rough. At rank 2 there is like literally no one else here so the matchmaking only pits you against the top 30 legend players.

It is likely because a lot more people are playing in casual and arena than normal. Plus it is kinda in the middle of the day in most of the NA region.
I made a list of each weapon and put a A-B-C rating on each weapon if gotten from blingtron. A being the better end of the deal. I put an asterisk next to weapons that are extra good with weapon buffs or other synergy (like having a mech for cogmaster's wrench). So if you tend to agree with this rating of each weapon, then basically 10/18 weapons are good. 6 are average. And only 2 are poor, but synergize well with weapon buffs or in cogmaster wrench it synergizes with weapon buffs and mechs on board. Since you're running blingtron, it starts out as a 3/3 every time. So there is a 1/18 chance to get light's justice level of bad weaponry.


18 different collectible weapons

7 attack_
gorehowl - A

Arcanite reaper - A
Gladiator's longbow - A

death's bite - A
ogre warmaul - B
truesilver champion - A

assassin's blade - A
eaglehorn bow - A
fiery war axe - A
powermace - A

coghammer - B
doomhammer - A*
glaivezooka - B
perdition's blade - B
stormforged axe - B*

light's justice - C*
cogmaster's wrench - C**
sword of justice - B*

What do you guys think of blingtron now?
Since you're running blingtron, it starts out as a 3/3 every time.

I'm not understanding this line Mobius, can you clarify? Are you saying the weapon starts out as a 3/3 every time, and if so, how'd you come to that conclusion?
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