So I built a control paladin deck, similar to my midrange/control paladin of old but stronger vs aggro... sorta. I haven't played aggro yet. It has been control after control so far.
Really just a first draft. But here is a couple highlights:
BGH - Of course, Dr. Boom
Lil' Exorcist - Anti-aggro, also in control match ups drop after dr. boom for a 3 mana yeti with taunt.
Kezan mystic - 1 of to help vs mage and hunter
Spellbreaker - anti-sylvanas tool primarily
Seal of light - instead of holy light, 2 hp heal difference seems minor in the long run
Wild pyro - only 1 of atm, I still feel like this is a worthwhile include in control paladin even though many other decks have cut it. 2 seems excessive though.
Bomb lobber - these cards just seem too good to pass up on. I messed around with these in druid first and I feel like they'll work here.
Kelthuzad - the primary trump card aside from tirion
stampeding kodo - only 1 of, maybe even wrong to include 1 of since paladin got a couple other neat tools but I think 1 of is worth while.
Everything else is pretty standard-ish. I am not running muster or quartermaster because I think those 2 cards take the deck in a different direction. I also don't have quartermaster yet.