Keep getting an error connecting to and can't get into Hearth. Internet is working fine. I've restarted PC and everything. Servers down or just me? What would cause this?
Same issue here.
Keep getting an error connecting to and can't get into Hearth. Internet is working fine. I've restarted PC and everything. Servers down or just me? What would cause this?
Finally a decent pack. Went ahead and bought 15 because I really needed some dust and cards As much time as I spend playing this game i should throw blizzard some money every now and then.
Nothing better than making a comeback from 1 hp. Should have traded sucker!
Decent? Decent is getting a useful rare or epic! Or even a golden common. lol. You have two fucking Legendaries in there, including perhaps the most useful and desirable one of all!
Nothing better than making a comeback from 1 hp. Should have traded sucker!
About the connection issues, it still works for me but everytime our names are displayed as Unknown and also got two disconnection wins in Arena which was nice, so I guess it's a bit unstable.
Every match tonight... 1 or 2 undertaker openings... reminds me of why I have been playing less lately.
Probably not.Getting From Rank 5 to legend takes a long time.Dunno if I'll have enough time now left in the season to hit legend though. Breaking past rank 4 would be an all time high.
It took me five or six days getting from 5 to legend for the first time back in season 3 or 4. Current Control Paladin is probably a bit faster than the Warrior I grinded with, so if your winrate vs Huntard is decent it's doable. It's really up to whether you're still enjoying yourself or if the pressure makes it a chore, if not you'll still have it a lot easier next season with the experience you're gaining from playing at rank 5+.Back to rank 5 bitches.
StrifeControl Paladin too stronk.
Dunno if I'll have enough time now left in the season to hit legend though. Breaking past rank 4 would be an all time high.
Probably not.Getting From Rank 5 to legend takes a long time.
I feel like everyone else in this game has spent infinitely more money on this game than I have, I keep running into the same legendaries over and over again, and this is on casual where I just fuck around with deck ideas with my limited legendary/epic resources.
Hearthstone makes me almost as salty as my HoN days. Almost.
I feel like everyone else in this game has spent infinitely more money on this game than I have, I keep running into the same legendaries over and over again, and this is on casual where I just fuck around with deck ideas with my limited legendary/epic resources.
Hearthstone makes me almost as salty as my HoN days. Almost.
I feel like everyone else in this game has spent infinitely more money on this game than I have, I keep running into the same legendaries over and over again, and this is on casual where I just fuck around with deck ideas with my limited legendary/epic resources.
Hearthstone makes me almost as salty as my HoN days. Almost.
Casual is where most people screw around with testing decks though. Or do dailies for classes that they don't typically play/aren't in meta. If I make something new I usually run it through a casual game or two so I can avoid affecting my rank which can be very temperamental the closer you get to (but aren't at) legend.
But I hardly spend much time playing casual.
Millhouse is probably the most desirable, but I wouldn't say he's the most useful. That goes to Hemet.
I feel like everyone else in this game has spent infinitely more money on this game than I have, I keep running into the same legendaries over and over again, and this is on casual where I just fuck around with deck ideas with my limited legendary/epic resources.
Hearthstone makes me almost as salty as my HoN days. Almost.
There's no info at all. Up next is most likely another adventure expansion so that would be the perfect opportunity for a Naxx sale but I wouldn't expect it before another 2-3 months. Naxx cards aren't becoming obsolete anytime soon.Anybody know how far off the next expansion/adventure is, roughly?
I've been a F2P player so far and I'm thinking of getting the Naxx adventure, but I'm slightly worried that Blizzard will announce the next expansion soon and with that make the Naxx cards obsolete (or alternatively, offer a pricecut for Naxx). Is it a good idea holding off for a bit and watching what Blizzard does, or is that so far off/unlikely that I might as well buy Naxx now?
Anybody know how far off the next expansion/adventure is, roughly?
I've been a F2P player so far and I'm thinking of getting the Naxx adventure, but I'm slightly worried that Blizzard will announce the next expansion soon and with that make the Naxx cards obsolete (or alternatively, offer a pricecut for Naxx). Is it a good idea holding off for a bit and watching what Blizzard does, or is that so far off/unlikely that I might as well buy Naxx now?
Well Naxx came out in July and GvG in December, so every 6 months for a new adventure/expansion seems like a safe bet. Probably looking at June/July then.
There's no info at all. Up next is most likely another adventure expansion so that would be the perfect opportunity for a Naxx sale but I wouldn't expect it before another 2-3 months. Naxx cards aren't becoming obsolete anytime soon.
If you're thinking about buying Naxx then do it, there's enough good cards that warrant getting it and I don't see any reason why we should expect the cards to become obsolete.
After the release of Goblins vs Gnomes, we kept an eye on the state of game balance as more matches were played with the new cards we introduced to Hearthstone. After careful consideration we have decided to make a balance change to the card Undertaker.
The following balance change will be made in an upcoming patch:
Undertaker now reads: Whenever you summon a minion with Deathrattle, gain +1 Attack.
Undertaker was frustrating to play against. It often gained both Attack and Health stats significantly above those of other inexpensive minions very early in the game. With this change, we expect Undertaker will still be better than other 1-Mana minions when played in a deck with a Deathrattle theme, but more likely to die in combat against other minions.
The golden version of Undertaker can be disenchanted for its full cost for a limited time once this balance change goes live.
We will continue to make balance changes to Hearthstone when we feel they are necessary in order to increase the variety of cards seen at all levels of play, with the goal of making Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone.
After the release of Goblins vs Gnomes, we kept an eye on the state of game balance as more matches were played with the new cards we introduced to Hearthstone. After careful consideration we have decided to make a balance change to the card Undertaker.
The following balance change will be made in an upcoming patch:
Undertaker now reads: Whenever you summon a minion with Deathrattle, gain +1 Attack.
Undertaker was frustrating to play against. It often gained both Attack and Health stats significantly above those of other inexpensive minions very early in the game. With this change, we expect Undertaker will still be better than other 1-Mana minions when played in a deck with a Deathrattle theme, but more likely to die in combat against other minions.
The golden version of Undertaker can be disenchanted for its full cost for a limited time once this balance change goes live.
We will continue to make balance changes to Hearthstone when we feel they are necessary in order to increase the variety of cards seen at all levels of play, with the goal of making Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone.
Hunter is dead. Again.
I think the core idea was the see if introducing new cards caused it to become less popular, but it did pretty much nothing to stop it.Took them long enough.
And surprising considering not too long ago they said (I think it was Ben specifically) they had heard the complaints and decided card was perfectly fine as is. Gonna miss those fast Hunter quests.
Hunter was 'dead' after:
unleash the hounds got nerfed
buzzard got nerfed
undertaker got nerfed
I predict Hunter will rise from the ashes once again
I think the core idea was the see if introducing new cards caused it to become less popular, but it did pretty much nothing to stop it.
Now things like Lil' Exorcist and Scarlet Purifier are effectively hard counters to it, but it's also a card you really don't need to hard counter, since even a leper gnome will trade just fine.
I win a lot of Hunter games without ever even pulling an Undertaker so I'm not too worried for the class.
Hunter is dead. Again.