Wild Pyro + Equality is pretty retarded
Lost a game where I had 4 Thaddius on the field to that dumb shit
Wild Pyro + Equality is pretty retarded
Lost a game where I had 4 Thaddius on the field to that dumb shit
If it wasn't for Equality, Paladin would not be viable in constructed, period.
Agreed. I let equality slide because paladins indeed have shit for minions, especially in a warrior heavy meta.
Hunters mark on the other hand...
They wouldn't be playing Priest if they weren't hellbent on forcing both players into fatigue every game.
Give Hunter's Mark to Paladin and Humility to Hunter.
think about it
Give Hunter's Mark to Paladin and Humility to Hunter.
think about it
As an aside, while reading MTH stuff, I was curious what you guys would think about adding a poison legendary. For those who dont play MTG, you'd have a minion that adds a poison counter through an ability. Once you get ten, you automatically die. What I was thinking for Hearthstone was to have a legendary that was 4/x that instead of damaging the hero, it adds a poison counter. I think it'd be cool to have another ability in the game but maybe you'd need more than one minion to actually make it work but then I'd feel it might be to strong without a way to remove the poison counters.
Oh so over the weekend we decided we hate Hunter's Mark now?
I mean, when thinking about it, it's a 0 cost spell that with combination with buzzard and unleash the hounds allows for one of the best combo removals, you get cards+using the hounds isn't like using a minion, and you normally get amazing value taking out multiple heavy hitter cards.
So if you have two minions out and they get 2 cards+removing one heavy minion for free, while having mana to spare, and that's just for 5 mana. Unlike miracle rogue the hunters cards all have syngery with the buzzard and damn man 0 mana removal is OP
Execute ヽ(´ー`)ノ
But the fact remains the card isn't a "0 mana removal", it always needs a minion or another spell to go with it. It relies heavily on UTH which again relies completely on Buzzard.
Costs 1 mana and you have to activate it, doesn't guarentee card draw if played with two other cards that will away the game in the hunters favor.
Deathbite + Acolyte of Pain?
This is like those Preparation-Auctioneer complaints from pre-Naxx. Everyone's just evaluating Hunter's Mark as part of a package (Mark + UTH + Buzzard), without considering how well those cards do on their own, which is the tradeoff for synergy. Given the new tools Naxx gave Hunters, it could use some tweaks to compensate (Hunter's Mark to 1, for example), but the sky isn't falling like you guys think it is!
On the other hand, playing it does allow Gnimsh to make the "boar control" joke for the 97th time, so there's that.The pig in the room, one might say.
There's a reason, however, that people weren't running Stonetusk in VGVN, which is that it's weak most of the time unless paired with Buzzard/Hunter's mark. Even then, the Hunter might be better off just throwing more value onto the board than keeping a narrow, co-dependent 1 drop.
Literally don't have any cards on my NA account.We've hit 20 players for the tournament. Signups are still open until Thursday night...punch and pie.
The NeoGAF Hearthstone Superstar Open Challenge Season One (September Edition)
Same here, why is a CCG (soft-) region locked in the first place.Literally don't have any cards on my NA account.![]()
Same here, why is a CCG (soft-) region locked in the first place.
I really can't think of any good reason, it's pretty shitty.
Also, I still suck a druid. Started the new season and played until rank 15 with him and started getting crushed. Switched back to one of my other decks and proceeded as normal.
Didn't know it was that bad, just thought it was interesting. I guess we're better off without then.Let's not even talk about adding the most broken MtG mechanic in recent history to HS.
Shaman needs a reverse Zombie Chow to get to that stage consistently. Otherwise it's just the occasional nice screenshot that you can make *cough almost all my screenshots cough*Kel-Thuzad + reincarnate is pretty funny.
Shaman needs a reverse Zombie Chow to get to that stage consistently. Otherwise it's just the occasional nice screenshot that you can make *cough almost all my screenshots cough*
I had some ridiculously non threatening plays because of that. When you can't even sack your totems because you don't have space for a Flametongue, so you can't play a Sunfury or Belcher. That's why I run the shitty card Ancestral Healing.The problem with shaman deathrattle deck: your fucking totems take up all the space where Thaddiuses and three cairnes should go :/
Deathbite + Acolyte of Pain?
This is like those Preparation-Auctioneer complaints from pre-Naxx. Everyone's just evaluating Hunter's Mark as part of a package (Mark + UTH + Buzzard), without considering how well those cards do on their own, which is the tradeoff for synergy. Given the new tools Naxx gave Hunters, it could use some tweaks to compensate (Hunter's Mark to 1, for example), but the sky isn't falling like you guys think it is!
Give Hunter's Mark to Paladin and Humility to Hunter.
think about it
We've hit 20 players for the tournament. Signups are still open until Thursday night...punch and pie.
The NeoGAF Hearthstone Superstar Open Challenge Season One (September Edition)
Fuck deadly shot.
Deathbite + Acolyte of Pain?
This is like those Preparation-Auctioneer complaints from pre-Naxx. Everyone's just evaluating Hunter's Mark as part of a package (Mark + UTH + Buzzard), without considering how well those cards do on their own, which is the tradeoff for synergy. Given the new tools Naxx gave Hunters, it could use some tweaks to compensate (Hunter's Mark to 1, for example), but the sky isn't falling like you guys think it is!
I agree with this. I make a big deal out of it but the game is the most balanced it has been in a while thanks to naxx and some strong answers introduced in Naxx like Loatheb and Sludge Belcher.
Kel-Thuzad + reincarnate is pretty funny.
If this is the most balanced the game has ever been then the game must have been really fucking shit ages ago.
Decent Reynad interview here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAhci5lXcxg
My favourite time was just before release. After the OTK Warrior nerf but before the UTH buff. I feel that was when the meta was most balanced.
When we had decks like Koyuki's Giants Paladin. That was a fun time.
Heh, were you around when Unleash was 2 mana and Pyroblast was 8 mana?
It is bizarre anyone admitting reliable OTK decks existing is when the game was the most balanced. I forgot about Giant Warrior and 2/2 buzzards and 1/2 Gnome Engineers.
If that is referring to my post, I said after the OTK Warrior nerf.
Which I think happened after the 8 mana Pyroblast Freeze Mage days.
I liked when Pagle was end of turn. I liked when Tinkmaster was targetable. And at that time there were the weird fun decks like Koyuki's Giants Paladin that I mentioned.
Maybe I am misremembering but I think there was good class diversity then too. It was a fun time with no particularly popular deck that flooded ladder.
I feel it has gone downhill since the 2 mana UTH buff.
If it wasn't referring to my post then ignore me. I'm stupid.
Thats about the only thing in the games history that I cannot believe. 8 mana Pyro is overpowered man. I cannot imagine that.