You can't play control warrior without grom. It's absolutely vital.
I know that. I was mainly wondering how integral Harrison is considered. Since if I get Grom now, I won't have Harrison for awhile. And Harrison can serve to strengthen my Druid and Paladin decks. Issue with him is he's meta-dependent, albeit still a decent 5-drop in matches where the opponent doesn't have weapons.
Harrison is good, but the 5 slot is super crowded, and he's useless against half the classes, so he's not vital, and never has been.
If you have Alexstraza, Ragnaros, and Dr Boom I'd go for Grom. You can play Paladin and Druid without Harrison easily.
I wonder if violet teacher would work well with shaman... I think it merits consideration. Lots of cheap spells, flametongue totem synergy, could be helpful for board dominance.
I believe Token Shaman was a real thing back in beta or early release. I forget what else went with it.
Do you always get a pack as a reward in Arena mode? Regardless of how you do? I have 380 gold and was thinking of how to spend it. Two decks and 1 arena run?
edit. I should say, I haven't spent any real money yet. So I have relatively basic decks with a few good cards in there. I like playing as Priest, Mage, Rogue, Druid, and Paladin. I guess Priest would be my 'main' ATM. I could also craft a common card or two if I broke some stuff down
Do you always get a pack as a reward in Arena mode? Regardless of how you do? I have 380 gold and was thinking of how to spend it. Two decks and 1 arena run?
edit. I should say, I haven't spent any real money yet. So I have relatively basic decks with a few good cards in there. I like playing as Priest, Mage, Rogue, Druid, and Paladin. I guess Priest would be my 'main' ATM. I could also craft a common card or two if I broke some stuff down
TBH I think I have worse luck when playing on iPad vs. PC. Weird how it is.
And I'm teching in Kezan Mystic, fuck da police. Too much Mage cancer on ladder.
Might try and rank with oil rogue, but I find it to be very stressful to play compared to other decks, even if it is strong.
Finally have enough dust for a new legendary, deciding between Sylvanas and Dr B. Hmmm...
lol, I am losing way more now that I have naxx cards. I guess having new shiny cards thrown me off balance.
That doesn't make sense.
^ Holy shit, and that was arena I'm guessing?
edit: I know it's a dumb question, it's just hard to believe............
Well you had 1/3 chance of getting huffer.A loss.
Well you had 1/3 chance of getting huffer.
pulled another legendary!!
It's Nat Pagle, I have the worst luck.
Harrison vs. Grom or, how viable is control warrior with everything but Geddon and Harrison?
Still not sure on how I feel about the value of Harrison with all the mech mage and druid about.
Grom "unlocks" warrior to me, but Harrison man, idk. Won't have the dust for the one I don't pick for a good while.
All other "essential" legendaries for classes I play/want to play are covered at this point.
I play Control Warrior without Harrison. I use TBK instead.