I can't get a decent pack to save my life. Nothing but dupe commons and rares.
No shadow word death? Mind control? Big game Hunter is a mythical that would have instantly killed death wing.Gah.. Just lost a game where I drew out my deck as a priest. Everything was going fine and I had tempo. My gurubashi destroyer was like 11/12 with a senjin for protection whil he had nothing ... He had no cards on hand then boom draws some 12/12 legendary dragon and clears the table. I have to use the heroes in my hand to take him out ... And then he just whittles me with 1/1 guys until I completely run out of cards to draw...I wish I had a legendary card
Gah.. Just lost a game where I drew out my deck as a priest. Everything was going fine and I had tempo. My gurubashi destroyer was like 11/12 with a senjin for protection whil he had nothing ... He had no cards on hand then boom draws some 12/12 legendary dragon and clears the table. I have to use the heroes in my hand to take him out ... And then he just whittles me with 1/1 guys until I completely run out of cards to draw...I wish I had a legendary card
There's no nice way to say this.It's not like she/he was streaming and making money off of being a girl. Hell, there are plenty of unattractive people making money for being good at a game, why pretend?
Sub money for being tied to a team (white knights buying emotes essentially). Didn't even have to stream.
I'm pretty sure she was, I mean, that's where I heard about her first.
Someone told me there was this girl streaming HS and she was a decent player and not Hafu.
I will make video content for tempostorm, I don't stream yet but I try my best to be active with the community and get a lot of content out on our team website. If you feel like you want to support me~ I will be very happy~~
I must've saw her at a tournament stream then.
Were you running mind control or shadow word death? Those would be the two hardest counters Deathwing.
It's the only place I ever remember seeing her
Same here.
My question is what the hell kind of endgame does that have when you eventually have to go to an actual in person tournament?
Got lucky and got Sylvanas in a pack! I was like "no fucking way!" So now I have, Legendary wise -- Alexstrasza, Dr. Boom, and Sylvanas. Also have all the Naxx Legendaries. What should I craft next? I usually play Druid or Hunter, but I also love Warrior.
I trust your opinions GAF, don't let me down, I'm thinking Ragnaros or Black Knight.
Sounds good. Why do people say Grommash is so essential for Warrior Decks? I know he does 12 damage on a Charge with the right cards, but wouldn't something like Ragnaros be nearly as effective with a guaranteed 8 damage? I just don't understand the significance.Well since you really like Druid Black Knight would be a good choice. Excellent card and used in a lot of Druid decks since they lack removal.
Sounds good. Why do people say Grommash is so essential for Warrior Decks? I know he does 12 damage on a Charge with the right cards, but wouldn't something like Ragnaros be nearly as effective with a guaranteed 8 damage? I just don't understand the significance.
Sounds good. Why do people say Grommash is so essential for Warrior Decks? I know he does 12 damage on a Charge with the right cards, but wouldn't something like Ragnaros be nearly as effective with a guaranteed 8 damage? I just don't understand the significance.
I know spellbinder is a crap card. But it works so well in arena. Priest casting Velens chosen emote:thank you. Paladin casting kings emote :thank you.
I went with Harrison over Black Knight and have been really content. I also play Druid and it has been pretty invaluable against the control warriors and Paladins. I've even removed a a couple of Bows so far from Hunters with that winning me the game.Got lucky and got Sylvanas in a pack! I was like "no fucking way!" So now I have, Legendary wise -- Alexstrasza, Dr. Boom, and Sylvanas. Also have all the Naxx Legendaries. What should I craft next? I usually play Druid or Hunter, but I also love Warrior.
I trust your opinions GAF, don't let me down, I'm thinking Ragnaros or Black Knight.
Nice! Slyvanas is pretty much a staple card in control decks.Got lucky and got Sylvanas in a pack! I was like "no fucking way!" So now I have, Legendary wise -- Alexstrasza, Dr. Boom, and Sylvanas. Also have all the Naxx Legendaries. What should I craft next? I usually play Druid or Hunter, but I also love Warrior.
I trust your opinions GAF, don't let me down, I'm thinking Ragnaros or Black Knight.
You've already been answered, but I here's my take on Grom. He has 3 different roles, all of which he is incredibly good at.Sounds good. Why do people say Grommash is so essential for Warrior Decks? I know he does 12 damage on a Charge with the right cards, but wouldn't something like Ragnaros be nearly as effective with a guaranteed 8 damage? I just don't understand the significance.
So I don't frequent the hearthstone reddit, but there is an accusation from a former teammate of magicamy's, who was on magicamy's team before tempostorm, claiming that she is just not exactly being honest in who she is. He says she is claiming to just be the face of magicamy and that in reality someone else plays the game for her.
There isn't really anything to support this accusation, however, but it is an interesting read.
Well that's something new, played from an empty board (theirs) vs a semi-full one (mine):
Equality > Knife Juggler > Muster > Recruit (Hero Power)
Has got to be the most troll-ish board clear I've been hit with yet. I had 4 minions (2 were totems, I know not to over-commit, but still), and 3 of them dropped like flies from the KJ processing off the Muster + Recruit, and the 4th dies to the 1-ping from the 1/4 weapon from Muster.
Leaving them with a prime board for getting their 3/3s next turn, and a completely empty board on my side. Unfortunately for me, while they drew their 2nd Muster (hence the combo above), I didn't get my second AoE, so that game turned in to a quick loss as their army of recruits survived the round.
Paladin is really something now I feel, they must have the most board clears of any class. I guess the key is surviving through the Musters without seeing them buffed, and also drawing out the 2 equalities.
You know, I'm beginning to think that weapon design for the Rogue will be a major issue going forward with Blade Flurry existing in its current form. I feel like they'll need to always keep in mind not letting weapon damage scale much, because if it gets too much higher relative to the 30 HP we have for each hero, we'll start seeing Blade Flurry being game-defining.
It already sort is, with just a deadly poison > oil > attack face > blade flurry, you've done 15+ damage and a 6 damage AoE for 7 mana, 4 mana if you had a prep. A few eviscerates and you're quickly approaching the 25-30 range for 8+ mana.
Also Prep in to Sprint is really good too, usually they can do that and still have plenty of mana to still play some of the new cards (even if it's just a freshly drawn eviscerate on a 4-health minion you had for 2 mana).
Right, that's exactly the issue; it's already very good, now imagine if they include a few more weapon options that maybe are more ideal for that sort of deck? It could get out of hand very quickly.
Well, you could give them a 1 charge weapon, then you don't have to worry about blade furry combos.
You know what I would love to see as a card that will never ever happen? Something that makes you swap hands with the other player. Would have to be something that was 10 mana though. Even then likely too powerful.
For even more lawls, a 10 mana priest card that swaps your remaining deck with the opponents.
What I would like to see is being able to discard cards from your opponents hand, totally at random but it would bring a new element in to HS.You know what I would love to see as a card that will never ever happen? Something that makes you swap hands with the other player. Would have to be something that was 10 mana though. Even then likely too powerful.
For even more lawls, a 10 mana priest card that swaps your remaining deck with the opponents.
I saved up a bunch of gold over the last few weeks, and I intended to spend it on 12 GvG packs. However, I messed up and bought classic packs. The result, Tirion and Ragnaros![]()