Do people who play mech mage in casual actually have fun? It's the same deck every time. How rewarding is to play a deck that you didn't create in a mode where nothing is at stake?
You can re-roll your daily quest once a day as some of them pay out more coins than others.Super newb question:
I've never had more than one daily quest. Each day, I beat the quest, get my 40 coins, and that's that. Is there any way to get more than one daily quest at a time? And is there anything I should be doing to get better (more $$$-productive) quests?
You can re-roll your daily quest once a day as some of them pay out more coins than others.
As for getting more than one quest a day I don't believe you can.
Otherwise if you win 3 games it rewards you 10 coins.
I sometimes get 2 quests a day. It always been a mystery to me.
Super newb question:
I've never had more than one daily quest. Each day, I beat the quest, get my 40 coins, and that's that. Is there any way to get more than one daily quest at a time? And is there anything I should be doing to get better (more $$$-productive) quests?
I sometimes get 2 quests a day. It always been a mystery to me.
You really don't.
Sounds like the guy was playing around Get Down and giving you more credit than you deserved for drafting Eye for an Eye You can't play around that shit, he only made a mistake if he didn't heal himself before attacking.Paladin Secrets in arena - nobody sees them coming. I've had two epic wins from people who walked right into them. A priest with 6 health had a 32/32 Lightspawn on the board but attacked with his other 6/6 minion instead to show off before the kill, and killed himself to my Eye for an Eye. LOL
Sounds like the guy was playing around Get Down and giving you more credit than you deserved for drafting Eye for an Eye You can't play around that shit, he only made a mistake if he didn't heal himself before attacking.
went to arena with a mage deck heartharena picked for me, 2 wins so far by huge lead. The deck looks terrible though, barely any synergy there but decent cards individually, no legendary. Winning by questing adventurer so far...
The MagicAmy saga has ended.
Typical PR response, nothing too surprising.
Happened to me twice, assumed it was a bug. One of those times, it was the same quest twice, so it essentially was worth double gold. I didn't complain.
They really need ways to earn more gold.
I'm thinking they do weekends or something where everyone gets a bonus quest worth 150 gold, or where ranked wins are worth more, or where all wins are worth 20 instead of 10. "Double gold weekends" or something.
More 'events' like this in general would be fun.
If I want to start really playing should I just buy all the cards?
I fell in love with the game and sank cash into it. Haven't regretted it. Having so many more cards has offered me flexibility to play many more of the heroes at greater potential and with a lot more fun to boot.
Do people who play mech mage in casual actually have fun? It's the same deck every time. How rewarding is to play a deck that you didn't create in a mode where nothing is at stake?
They're both cards with huge tempo swing potential (new Soulfire not so much) so yeah, you could say that.Not that I really know these things, but I wonder if Goblin Blastmage is filling the same role Soul Fire used to in Zoo. What I mean is, Zoo worked best when you could empty your hand filling the board, then remove whatever your opponent plays with Soul Fire. Then you'd have a full board of minions and the enemy hero would be way behind. They'd play whatever but you'd have tools to trade up and keep their board clear. Now with Blastmage, it's almost kind of the same thing. Having four damage go out on turn four can be pretty devastating and clear early game minions which would be used to control the board otherwise.
Wouldn't say I'm right though, never really played Zoo and did only a bit of Mech Mage, and I'm still learning about the game overall. Just a thought that popped into my head while playing when a Blastmage hit a minion four times in a row.
Trump... what has he done? Hunter meta about to expand 10x.
A little. The power of Soul Fire lied in the fact it cost 0 and with Zoo you would easily empty your hand by the time you could fire Soul Fire off and thus not discard a card. When you add to that the Warlock hero ability you're looking at a really strong card hence the nerf.Not that I really know these things, but I wonder if Goblin Blastmage is filling the same role Soul Fire used to in Zoo. What I mean is, Zoo worked best when you could empty your hand filling the board, then remove whatever your opponent plays with Soul Fire. Then you'd have a full board of minions and the enemy hero would be way behind. They'd play whatever but you'd have tools to trade up and keep their board clear. Now with Blastmage, it's almost kind of the same thing. Having four damage go out on turn four can be pretty devastating and clear early game minions which would be used to control the board otherwise.
Wouldn't say I'm right though, never really played Zoo and did only a bit of Mech Mage, and I'm still learning about the game overall. Just a thought that popped into my head while playing when a Blastmage hit a minion four times in a row.
I crafted the others no problem and substitute the second Azure drake with a mini-mage (maybe I'll dust it for an Azure drake...I dunno)..
That is a terrible sub. The only suitable sub for an Azure Drake in a deck like that is probably thalnos, but even there are a lot better subs than mini mage. Mini mage is just... awful.
Thalnos is already in there... Should I shard Mini mage for drake then? I think the costs balances out... (epic for rare )
Thalnos is already in there... Should I shard Mini mage for drake then? I think the costs balances out... (epic for rare )'s fun seeing a lot of people participating in this community are the same posters I recognize from DOTA-GAF(some of whom I hadn't seen there post in awhile). I guess Hearthstone is a good alternative to the amazing time sink that is DOTA 2.
The spellpower+1 isn't necessarily important, since Drake is actually a pretty poor spellpower boost since it's so expensive, but it's been core on most Rogue decks because it draws a card and has a decent body, so it's not something mini mage can substitute for. If you don't want to craft drake you might as well sub it for a second deckhand or an arcane golem, or a kobold geomancer
good to see that the hearthstone subreddit is as toxic as all the rest of the site
The spellpower is what gives the card the extra oomph that makes it as popular as it is. If Azure Drake didn't have spell power it would probably be only as popular as gnomish inventor.
Just a heads up, the bracket has been posted for round two of the NA tournament. Good luck folks.
The only two spellpower minions that get consistent play (besides Malygos) are Drake and Thalnos, because they both have card draw utility as well. +1 Spellpower just isn't that great of an ability, and I don't think we'll see pure +spellpower minions being prominent in the meta til they introduce some +2 spellpower minions, but that might actually be broken.
Kobold Geomancer and Ogre Magi are objectively better at being spellpower boosters than Thalnos or Drake, but those two cards are rarely played while the latter have been staple rogue cards since forever.