Why are people botting in casual mode? What's the point?
For the gold you get every 3 wins.
Why are people botting in casual mode? What's the point?
For the gold you get every 3 wins.
Dude I can screenshot every book page if you want it. I just have not been lucky with boosters and spent my dust crafting cards I needed primarily for rogue and warlock so I could make at least cheap consistent decks. And I did not add that I don't have a single one class legendary. The other day I opened 40 packs with all the gold I had been saving for naxxramas and didn't need in the end and the only legendary I got from it was Illidan.
By the way I play on EU so no reroll bug for me either.
Claw's are awesome since a one mana utility card fixes your curve very nicely. Filling your deck with minions is one way to lose in arena.
Then post your draft (it gives you a link to share your draft). I'm guessing Scy will be more than happy to point out a dozen or more mistakes you made, if you care for drafting advice.
This isn't really true either. If you give two people the same deck, the better player won't always win, not by a long shot. Draw is still fairly important, definitely important enough that it accounts for some percentage higher than 0.
Apologies for the bump. I really had to make a lot of tough choices in this one.. Starfall vs. Argent Commander, Azure Drake vs. Keeper of the Grove, Ironfur Grizzly vs. MotW, Ironbark vs. Sen'jin Shieldmasta. I'd say about 20 of the cards were no-brainers, but there were a bunch that could have gone either way.
A slew of new cards and unpredictable decks is less fun?
Pick #22 - I think I agree but I really want to know if this backfired horribly at some point.
Something about the meta currently is bugging me. I dunno. Feels less fun and I can't put my finger on why.
Assuming it's just me, but I dunno.
Deathlord pulled out a naked Faceless Manipulator, a Razorfen Hunter, and a Shattered Sun Cleric. I was OK with this. I think it's not really a bad pick since a lot of good minions are chosen based on their battlecry in arena, and obviously yanking them onto the board removes that value.
I find it less fun because secrets and some crazy death rattle effects. Mostly secrets though. Always hated them.
I'm either going to just Arena or not play for a bit and wait for the meta to settle down and see how many secrets decks are still in play.
Yeah, I think Hearthstone has needed some form of counter to secrets for a while now. I'm really surprised they didn't add a card or two to counter them in Naxxramas.
Three Shamans in a row at rank 8 EU. My face-Hunter says thanks.
it's had to win against shaman if you don't draw buzzard/unleash because all of their plays are so much more efficient than yours you need the card draw.
Jesus christ the hunter meta makes this game unfun. It's worse than when hounds were 2 mana.
The meta isn't diverse at all, 2/3 games are hunter or zoo.
The best (worst?) thing about secrets is that the only thing that counters secrets (flare) can be countered by a secret (counterspell).
Finally saved up enough gold to enter the final wing of Naxx. Any tips for Sapphiron and KT?
What's arena value?
I can't see me ever getting over the pick-and-mix way you have to pick. In a 30 card deck if the majority of your choices aren't duplicates (2x whatever minion or whatever spell) then you are playing a deck that relies purely on what order you draw the cards in to win, and that's obviously never going to be consistent.
Drawing 30 cards from a pool of 90 doesn't sound too bad in theory, but when it's done in groups of 3 with no knowledge of what's coming up then it's completely down to chance whether you can ever get any consistency in your deck. I'd prefer to be drawing 30 cards from a completely visible pool of 45 for example, or some other method that allows you to chose cards in the knowledge of what you have available to work with in other areas.
If the Mage plays only one secret, and the counterspell triggers on a flare, I am 100% OK with that.
I'm only playing around level 15-16 right now, but the amount of hunters I saw last night was mind boggling. If I played 7 games, 4 was against hunter and 2 against zoo. If it's the same thing this weekend I'll need to make some deck changes in order to make a run.
Good luck. You'll need it.Finally saved up enough gold to enter the final wing of Naxx. Any tips for Sapphiron and KT?
Heroic or normal.
Both are pretty easy on normal.
I'm not saying he's necessarily wrong, when you have top streamers like Reynad repeating things like "if you are climbing and aren't playing Hunter you are stupid", it's going to make the meta reaallly boring for a while.
Personally I've been playing Shaman because I have a deck I tweaked together and that's more enjoyable than netdecking the latest rush meta to Legend. To each his own.
Finally faced my first gold hero. Rank 18 hunter. Not legendary 18. Just rank 18.
Pretty cool hero portrait.
I didn't win lol
Normal. Don't really care about heroic.
Can you buy the Naxx wings out of order?
I just wanted a funny horror story :x
Golden locks = bots
Simply shouting down everyone that doesn't love it with "You aren't drafting right!" or "Bbb...but is so good" isn't going to change that.
Though I complained about there not being new cards, I think the new wings have kicked my hearthstone playing. I haven't played in days, not even to do daily quests.
I just crafted rogue cards to do a daily. That's 500 dust down the drain.
Golden locks = bots