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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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I think I figured out the reason why I was sucking ass in constructed yesterday. I tried taking out mana tide totem, but really that card is actually much better than I initially thought. I mean, I know its a great card and probably way better than people give credit to, but I also kinda figured it isn't that good against hunter. But I actually think it can be good against hunter.

Most games where I can manage two draws off the totem, or force them to use a valuable burn card, I am getting good value out of it. Even when I force a priest to cabal shadow priest it, I feel like I am doing something good with it.

I would fit two in the deck if I could manage it. I don't think it is worth it though, at least with my deck.

No you normally don't put 2 mana tides in the deck, but you definitely want one in. It provides a net benefit if you can get them to spend a card to remove it.
No you normally don't put 2 mana tides in the deck, but you definitely want one in. It provides a net benefit if you can get them to spend a card to remove it.

I don't think shaman always needs it, but this deck benefits greatly from it.

Also... man, I am also loving having added lava burst to the deck. The deck can sometimes have trouble taking out 5 health minions, and then sometimes just that extra burst can really help even though I already have doomhammer + alakir and rockbiter/flametongue combos.

It just helped me win a match against the most hated priest who had a cabal shadow priest and a 4/4 on board. I played azure drake to take out the 4/4 with lightning bolt, topped a lava burst and could clear board. Next turn I still had enough mana to fire elemental or black knight etc.. So nice.


lol just had a match vs one of those all face all day hunter decks as shaman and I almost lost due to a disconnect. I mean, I had this thing wrapped up. Doomhammer and 2xrockbiter in my hand, a way to get him down to 16 the next turn, 2 taunts and 2 other minions on the board to ensure I get that done, and even a lava burst to follow up in case I don't manage it.

Then I disconnect... I come back to an empty board an 2 minions on his side. I see it is my turn, but nope it is not it is over. He brings me down to 5 hp... he is at 18. I could win if I doomhammer and x2 rockbiter and lavaburst with full 10 mana. But he played loatheb. FF.....ck. But I had picked up alakir. Hit face once, removed one minion. And rolled a taunt totem. So clutch, however I guess I would have lived by 1 hp if the 2 attack minion could hit face and then hero power.

Then I just did my doomhammer + 2x rockbiter.

It must suck to lose a match up that way. He had the holy grail of like 2-3 turns to do whatever he wanted. And he still lost.


The double Lava Burst is indeed quite strong, never understood people who didn't run it. My only problem with that super burst deck is that it still has the problems any midrange Shaman has: not drawing the right cards for the right situations will set you quite behind. Especially turn 2 and 3 really require some kind of decent play.

Naxx cards help a lot with sticky minions though, which helps because Argus is kinda of MVP is this deck that glues everything together.

I've been trying quite some bit with that tourny style Lava Burst deck and it has a better winrate than my control Shaman decks for sure. But I feel like I'm drawing lucky everytime. Don't really like that playstyle.

But I guess being able to beat Hunters and Mages who try to burst your face all the time makes it worth it. The shock in their faces when they still lose when they Fireball your face and you answer with a Lava Burst + a bunch of other combos in their face.

Still prefer the more defensive style with Paladin though. Molten Giants and Guardian of Kings is just too nice of a combo together that I can't let go.


I just saw the craziest RNG I've ever seen in this game on reckfuls stream. He's up against an alexstraza and 6 other cards on the board and they are concealed. He loses next turn if Alex doesn't die, so he drops rag who somehow snipes the Alex which makes the other player concede, hilarity ensues.
The double Lava Burst is indeed quite strong, never understood people who didn't run it. My only problem with that super burst deck is that it still has the problems any midrange Shaman has: not drawing the right cards for the right situations will set you quite behind. Especially turn 2 and 3 really require some kind of decent play.

Naxx cards help a lot with sticky minions though, which helps because Argus is kinda of MVP is this deck that glues everything together.

I've been trying quite some bit with that tourny style Lava Burst deck and it has a better winrate than my control Shaman decks for sure. But I feel like I'm drawing lucky everytime. Don't really like that playstyle.

But I guess being able to beat Hunters and Mages who try to burst your face all the time makes it worth it. The shock in their faces when they still lose when they Fireball your face and you answer with a Lava Burst + a bunch of other combos in their face.

Still prefer the more defensive style with Paladin though. Molten Giants and Guardian of Kings is just too nice of a combo together that I can't let go.

I feel like 2 might be excessive especially in this aggro meta. If I ran 2 it would probably replace black knight and the most common target would probably be sludge Belcher anyway.

I think one is enough for my deck atm. Too much overload can creep up pretty fast.


Fucking arena Huntard pulls a Mukla from his Webspinner and if that wasn't enough topdicks two Deadly Shots in a row

Of course followed by two Paladin shitbags with Equality



I'm about to put Lightspawn into "never pick" category since it gets silenced every goddamn time I play it.
And how on earth did I hit two priests in a row who got shadow priests and dropped them on curve T_T



I'm about to put Lightspawn into "never pick" category since it gets silenced every goddamn time I play it.
And how on earth did I hit two priests in a row who got shadow priests and dropped them on curve T_T

Yeah my 12-0 priest deck yesterday became a 7-3 deck because I had two Lightspawns in it... never again.


Managed to go from 0-2 to 7-3, losing the last game to a godly mage deck that had 3 frostbolts, 3 sheeps and 3 fireballs. And to think I almost ragequit after losing the first two games without a chance >_>


That Savjz vs. Kolento was sick, I ain't even mad as a Kolento-fan.
Savjz has had some awesome plays during this tournament. The turn three 14/14 van Cleef against Theude yesterday was a crazy ballsy play.

Looking at the top 8, I don't know if these results speak for or against Hearthstone as a competitive sport. On the one hand, a lot of familiar names have once against prevailed, on the other you do have some upsets by (at least to me) complete unknowns. I guess it's a healthy mix.
Production Value of this Tourney is sooo much better than Viagame Housecup and WCA. No technical issues at all.
Germany > Sweden > China confirmed.


Who invited these players
lol, I love when a hunter choreographs snake trap.

Like seriously, your mad scientist traded into my 1/1 instead of going face on the turn you played a trap? You think I am dumb enough to run my other 1/1s into your obvious trap? That isn't even bait man! I was gonna try to roll spellpower totem to silence anyway. But when a hunter trades on turn 3 instead of going face, which is what 99% of hunters do anyway while having a trap up that they chose to use, it is obvious they are trying to bait you into something like snake trap.

Could it have been explosive trap? Yes. I tested that first because my 1/1s would have died anyway and the plan was to earthshock it to death regardless. After it was obvious that it wasn't explosive trap, I just went all face. He drops a bare hound master. I hit it with lightning bolt and flametongue up and start some real pressure. By the time he got a taunt, I already had black knight. But instead, I went for the kill by attacking a 1/1 into the 4/4 misha and then rolling the dice with lightning storm which managed to hit it for 3 (even if it hit for 2 I had another 1/1 but I needed that 1 damage for lethal).

In short, people really underestimate shaman's ability to beat hunters.


Kolento is still the best, he just wasn't on top form here. I still hope he takes Blizzcon he deserves it and this tournament has arguably better players.

I don't even think form matters. This is a game where anyone can beat anyone, it's all about being able to pick the right class for the matchup and getting good draw order and/or topdicks. There are like 20 players that could win Blizzcon (I dunno how many will actually be there)


I don't even think form matters. This is a game where anyone can beat anyone, it's all about being able to pick the right class for the matchup and getting good draw order and/or topdicks. There are like 20 players that could win Blizzcon (I dunno how many will actually be there)



I don't even think form matters. This is a game where anyone can beat anyone, it's all about being able to pick the right class for the matchup and getting good draw order and/or topdicks. There are like 20 players that could win Blizzcon (I dunno how many will actually be there)

Are you Reynad?


Completely missed him losing today. I agree if he said that, I think he just goes salty too often, most players are much better at handling a loss than him. He's definitely winning me over recently though, seems less abrasive.


I don't think Reynad is wrong about the luck factor and deck choices, but I wish he'd hold his mouth when it comes to other players and their deck choices. Just seems like poor sportsmanship when he starts slating others.
So whats teh deal with control warriors using fiery war axe to take out random totems, not even good ones, without even establishing their own board at the same time. I just feel like that isn't very smart. If the warrior was taking out my second totem while dropping even something as simple as a cruel taskmaster, that is good. I think getting my 1/1 totem taskmastered is the best thing warriors can do in the match up, since that task master is probably gonna go on to either eat a removal or more totems which can make a bad starting hand for a shaman pretty bad.

Oh well, easy rank 4 (for like the third time this season lol @ me).

I don't think Reynad is wrong about the luck factor and deck choices, but I wish he'd hold his mouth when it comes to other players and their deck choices. Just seems like poor sportsmanship when he starts slating others.

I think that may have happened because everyone was on the shaman deck's balls pretty hard lol
Protip: if you're playing arena keep a flamestrike in your opening hand even if you have 2 in your deck because you will get fucked when you actually need one.
Protip: You will draw your 2nd one before turn 7 if you kept one, but draw 0 if you didn't.

I can vouch for this.


So whats teh deal with control warriors using fiery war axe to take out random totems, not even good ones, without even establishing their own board at the same time. I just feel like that isn't very smart. If the warrior was taking out my second totem while dropping even something as simple as a cruel taskmaster, that is good. I think getting my 1/1 totem taskmastered is the best thing warriors can do in the match up, since that task master is probably gonna go on to either eat a removal or more totems which can make a bad starting hand for a shaman pretty bad.

Oh well, easy rank 4 (for like the third time this season lol @ me).

I think that may have happened because everyone was on the shaman deck's balls pretty hard lol
Cos of flametongue, ferals etc. Its hard for the warrior to keep the board under control wih how bad the matchup is.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
All these Shaman bots are hinging on players not aggressively wiping out Totems to set up a lethal Bloodlust.
Cos of flametongue, ferals etc. Its hard for the warrior to keep the board under control wih how bad the matchup is.

I agree about flametongue being a potential problem, but it just seems like a waste to chop down a fire totem and then a healing totem, then next turn I get a taunt totem and drop a flametongue totem... lol.

Then he used a second fiery war axe and took out the taunt totem and I just continued developing board. 4 swings on totems, has to be pretty painful. I feel like their best way to win is to board develop early and save war axe for feral spirits or the flametongue itself (or clearling to it for the minions to take it out).

I can't say I would do things differently, mainly because I've never played a heavy late game control warrior deck... ever, but it doesn't seem to work out if you're not developing board yourself.


Man Mirrari just seems to be having the best of luck. I swear he's got a legendary in most of his thoughtsteals.

Edit: Hah, Savjz got the top decks he needed anyway. xD
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