The main expensive components of Mech Mage are Antonidas and Dr Balanced. The rest are mostly cheap Mech minions and the usual Mage basic spell cards. You can even play the deck without Dr Balanced but come on son....ok thx, I've never played as a Mech Mage before, but sounds like something I would like a lot
I think last time I looked at the deck cost for mech mage I could not afford it
Kripp is so fucking funny, he is that guy you know who thinks of quips right off the top of his head without any effort
The main expensive components of Mech Mage are Antonidas and Dr Balanced. The rest are mostly cheap Mech minions and the usual Mage basic spell cards. You can even play the deck without Dr Balanced but come on son....
It's Dr Balanced aka Dr GG aka Dr Lucky 7.
I'm determined to figure out a deck on my own, but what is the best class for taking out Heroic Geddon? I don't have any of the good legendaries, so I can't cheat with Alex.
The main expensive components of Mech Mage are Antonidas and Dr Balanced. The rest are mostly cheap Mech minions and the usual Mage basic spell cards. You can even play the deck without Dr Balanced but come on son....
It's Dr Balanced aka Dr GG aka Dr Lucky 7.
Deal 3 damage.
Draw a card.
"Okay, I want to deal 3 damage, and I want to draw a card, so I target my hero."
Ok, even if you were a total noob to the game, why on earth would you ever hammer of wrath yourself?
So remember how I just crafted Van Cleef? Well, I opened ONE pack today with my daily win gold, and guess what? Van Cleef.
This is the second time this has happened to me. The day after I crafted Tirion he showed up in a pack. I can't even.
I just cannot even.
So remember how I just crafted Van Cleef? Well, I opened ONE pack today with my daily win gold, and guess what? Van Cleef.
This is the second time this has happened to me. The day after I crafted Tirion he showed up in a pack. I can't even.
I just cannot even.
It's the new type of cancer
The main expensive components of Mech Mage are Antonidas and Dr Balanced. The rest are mostly cheap Mech minions and the usual Mage basic spell cards. You can even play the deck without Dr Balanced but come on son....
It's Dr Balanced aka Dr GG aka Dr Lucky 7.
They're trying to do a mexican stick fight but the sad music playing on top makes it look like a sad documentary about a bunch of HS streamers who went on to die alone ten years later.
I don't think that's the ambience they were going for.
It is still a 400 dust pack. I wish I had problems opening duplicate legendary cards.
I spent 1600 dust two days ago, and this is literally the first pack I've opened since then. I haven't even used the Van Cleef I crafted yet. It's obviously better than a 40 dust pack, but the opportunity cost (could have had two legendaries instead of one legendary and 400 dust) stings.
Lifecoach's luck right now, holy shit.
It's always amusing playing Zoolock when you beat your opponent before they even play a single card (game made it to turn 4 vs a Priest, they didn't play anything the entire game, then quit at 12 health on turn 4, with like 20+ damage on the board on my side).
What did they do, just heal themselves??
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