Also you kind of need something to make a second copy not useless.
Why the fuck do you get the guy who can't talk due to sore throat be a commentator.
Wouldn't fit in the card text. Maybe it could summon any totem (in Elekk form) instead of just the four bad Hero Power totems. Shaman needs more RNG anyhow.
You can always just have the second form do something else, like make the totems have more health or something.
Even then, as I was saying, spending 2 mana and a card just to guarantee beast synergy just seems really bad anyway.
what I love about the top hearthstone commentators is that they're very self-aware about how ridiculous the game is at the competitive level
One thing I miss reflected in Hearthstone is the shapeshifting nature of druids. Shift to a moonkin, maybe get a different hero power for a specific situation. There are lots of cool stuff they can do there.
Tree of Life is almost a cool card.
It enables that fatigue druid deck to have a chance which I like. I wish that druid could get some cool minions again. It will prolly never happen though or else the ramp deck will overrun everything.
lol I can't tell when every time you say this -- if you are making fun of "esports" as something stupid, or if you actually really do enjoy watching it
It's really easy to root against people in HS because of the RNG. I somehow hate Xixo as a person right now.
I'm making fun of Hearthstone as a legitimate esports title but still enjoy watching it for its ridiculousness, it's entertaining
Yea that card was nuts back in the day when it was 4/3.For how long was Argent Commander in every deck? I feel like I faced it all the time when I played briefly in early 2014.
0-3 the dream?Arena is still the worst piece of shit I've ever played in my life. Absolutely cancerfilled bullshit. What a disgusting game this game is.
For how long was Argent Commander in every deck? I feel like I faced it all the time when I played briefly in early 2014.
Until Naxxramas and Sludge Belcher came out.
Arena is still the worst piece of shit I've ever played in my life. Absolutely cancerfilled bullshit. What a disgusting game this game is.
It was gone long before Naxxramas came out.
Just don't play Arena, it's all bullshit anyway.
I don't understand this. In arena, I see the most unpredictable, mismatched, unorganized, surprising decks all the time. It's just a product of how they're put together. How are you fighting the same or similar decks in arena repeatedly? It feels like you could swap arena and constructed in your post and it would make more sense.![]()