Mobius and pet octopus
There's nothing you can do to win over board. What can a Paladin do early when none of the clearing spells go over 2 HP when all minions have 3+ HP?
I lose by turn 6 every time. Every minion gets wiped off regardless.
Against face hunter, at least the minions are 1 HP.
I think mech mage is worse.
What can paladin do to beat mech mage?
The early game is about playing proactively with minions rather than removal spells.
Zombie chow, minibot, muster for battle are all great for this. Truesilver champion also works but it might not be ideal to keep in starting hand if you lack an earlier play. I generally try to save aldor peacekeeper for blastmage, but hitting a spider tank or tinkertown technician sometimes has to happen to slow them down. Muster for battle in particular tends to slow them down a lot and gets their minions into consecration range. Once you clear the board once against mech mage, they'll refill it though which makes consecration not ideal early on but more as a way to kind of win after they refill.
Prioritize removing mechs to avoid giving them blastmage value early on. That is where things tend to snowball. Aldor peacekeeper the blastmage if possible, or truesilver champion face smash.
Now you have an idea of what good cards to keep in your mulligan or to search for. Also to note, it is far better to go first in this match up imo. Dropping zombie chow before they can buff up a gnome dude to 3/2 can slow them down a ton.
Mid game really depends on what happens in the early game. If you're ahead on board and they are low on resources, you've likely won. But even then their late game can still beat you so you need to push for damage when possible. Keep an aldor for dr. boom or bgh if you have that and if possible holding onto equality consecration can stop them from getting a win off of stealthed antonidas, this is where watching their spare part count comes in handy.
If you're behind on board mid game but still in the game because you've managed to slow them down alot and your hp total is... acceptable, then mind control tech almost always gets value. Heck, MCT often gets value in the early game as well against mech mage. MCT is more of a tech card in paladin imo, but it isn't bad vs most match ups, except for face hunter where it is terrible.