Need some advice. I'm mostly a F2P player, (I bought 8 packs once) I saved up all my gold for Naxxramas, played some Arena/Bought classic packs after that with gold, and now saved up all my gold for Blackrock Mountain. (Will run out for the last week but ill just farm that up and play it a bit later)
I'm doing the Naxxramas heroics now, stuck at Thaddius atm. The main problem is I'm missing crucial cards. I only have the adventure legendaries + Grommash Hellscream and Edwin VanCleef. The solution for most heroic bosses are freeze mage, but I only have 1 ice block and no ice barriers, or hell even the most important card for that Alex.
So my questions is, what should I do with my dust, I have 380 dust atm. Should I save it all up and craft neutral legendary cards and wait for that? Or just craft some minor cheap cards for now. I feel like I should wait but I'm not sure.
Right now I see no way for me to beat heroic Thaddius, but I really enjoy doing these.