First game trying out dragon pally...what a disgusting hand.
At one point during this game thanks to a turn 7 ysera and the emperor, I was able to loatheb, dragon consort, and emerald drake for 9 mana total.
My decklist I threw together right now is this:
It still feels a little clunky. I have too many one offs but I found it really hard to actually cut staples like sludge belchers, though either way I think the 5s need trimmed.

At one point during this game thanks to a turn 7 ysera and the emperor, I was able to loatheb, dragon consort, and emerald drake for 9 mana total.
My decklist I threw together right now is this:

It still feels a little clunky. I have too many one offs but I found it really hard to actually cut staples like sludge belchers, though either way I think the 5s need trimmed.