Any Tips for winning Arena? I heard people use a Arena Card Checker online or whatever it is. 6 wins is my highest and average is like 2-3 I'm definitely not a bad player get to Rank 5 when I can be fucked doing the grind. Arena just seems to obsoletely ruin me.
-Use a tool like HearthArena to assist your draft. Don't trust it 100% but they help if you have a tough decision to make.
-Try to aim for a deck that has five-six each of on-curve 2-drops, 3-drops, and 4-drops. Having a nice set of about 4-5 large drops also helps.
-Take board clears at almost any available opportunity. You should only think about NOT picking a board clear when you have 2 already.
-Try and keep up early tempo. If you can play on curve and avoid hero powering until about turn 5 you should be in pretty good shape.
-Make favorable trades when you can in the early game. However, sometimes going to face near the end of the game is not wrong, because it is helpful to threaten lethal and can protect better against board clears.
-Using life as a resource is less good in arena than it is in constructed, because you can't build your deck around it. If a Rogue drafts too many deadly poisons or tinkers or assassin blade's or whatever they may be in trouble.
-If you are very far behind on board or cards, it's better to go YOLO for your opponent's face and hope you draw the damage you need rather than trying to clear your opponent's board. If you opponent is very far ahead you will not deplete their resources. Play to win, don't play to lose slower.
-If you draft Fel Reaver and drop it early, send it right the fuck to your opponent's face at every available opportunity. Silence taunts if you can. This card can straight up win you games and many opponents will go full derp trying to burn your cards rather than killing it.