what the living fuckshit is going on with EU servers? Haven't been able to log in for 10 hours.
Battle.net, anyone else?
I played a few games an hour ago. Had no problems.
what the living fuckshit is going on with EU servers? Haven't been able to log in for 10 hours.
Battle.net, anyone else?
Not sure what I just witnessed. A Shaman in arena with Angry Chicken, Goldshire Footman and Gnomeregan Infantry.
Turns out all the mages are at 10+ wins.
I'm always sort of relieved to face mages/paladins at the 10+ stage of a run. Going into those matches, I'm at least vaguely aware of what I'll be up against. It's when I'm at 11 wins and fighting a warrior(rogue, shaman, etc.) that I'm most worried. Last time that happened, the warrior wasn't actually fighting back too much early on, but then I promptly lost to turn 7 Boom, turn 8 KT.
So I finally beat General Drakkisath on heroic with a cheesy 29 spell, majordormo executus deck.
How does that work? He can take control of your majordormo?
I just duplicated KT with a shaman and used a lot of taunts for that boss
He plays mindgames, so the only minion he can get from it is M-E. Killed it with Shadow word death, he turned into rag with 8 health, then I killed him with spells just before his minions killed me. (It also resets the mana so there were a few turns where he didn't play anything due to the high mana cost of his creatures).
but he still had his 50 armor,no?
Would be interested in hearing what you think Dragon Paladin should be running instead of Blackwing Technication (other than Muster).
I had room for both in my Dragon Paladin deck. If you're not going to run several dragon synergy cards than there isn't a compelling reason to create a dragon deck. Dragon Consort by itself doesn't cut it.
Anyone on EU server around? I got the spectate a game quest yesterday but nobody on my friend list was online and playing.
I'm Danj#2393.
EDIT: thanks!
I'm looking forward to trying Drakonid Crusher + Charge as a finisher in a bunch of Warrior decks. It won't replace Grom + Alexstrasza, but I don't have either of those.
Consort is the only reason you would make a dragon paladin. Everything else comes into place around it. If BT forces you to play more dragons that otherwise would not be placed instead of better cards, then BT might be making your whole deck worse.
Consort's strength diminishes the fewer dragons you have in your deck though. Instead of a 5/5 that draws an innervate, it becomes a 5/5 that might draw an innervate, or a 5/5 that draws an innervate that you can't use for several turns.
Should work just fine though. It's pretty much the equivalent to Grommash and Taskmaster. My only advice in can think of is to run a Gorehowl if you have one. I think it could help close the damage gap.
Deathlords and AOE, I guess. I made a troll deck with Deathlords and Shadowstep so you could re-summon them at 8 health a couple of weeks ago.What are the counters to mech decks?
And face hunters?
Let's say i want to make a deck that wins against mechs most of the time, even if it loses to everything else. How would it look like?
I kind of wish they had a collectors case like you see in trading card stores with a limited number of cards each day. You could check the case everyday and maybe buy something for money if it pops up on random rotation. It would kind of gate the pay to win community but give you a shot to get some stuff.I haven't spent a dime on HS since I don't gamble.
If they sold specific cards for money I would have bought them for real money.
I haven't spent a dime on HS since I don't gamble.
If they sold specific cards for money I would have bought them for real money.
Here's my revised list, had to play a Mystic in there because of the meta.
Now if only we would get more good value dragons in the 6-8 mana cost, this deck would get even more powerful.
Think of it like you're buying dust in order to craft the cards you want.
You talked about weakening a deck by running sub-optimal Dragon cards and here you are with Alexstrasza in the deck. She's pretty weak if you're running her for healing and mid-range decks are going to be going face enough you can't really use her for damage.
1 euro for 40 dust is not a very good rate.
It's 40 euros for a legendary
They should make a mode where you can put every card in the game in one deck
So you can mix and match all the class specific cards to make ridiculous combos
Like freeze mage but with shaman spells included
Would have to be a casual mode though
Oh yeah, no doubt. I just meant Gorehowl with the Crusher. It'll only deal 11 damage but activates on 15. You could also use Death's Bite but with control Warrior, chances are you'll want to be more liberal with the AoE it has.Gorehowl has been pretty good as a finisher. Alternatives are fun, though.
Oh yeah, no doubt. I just meant Gorehowl with the Crusher. It'll only deal 11 damage but activates on 15. You could also use Death's Bite but with control Warrior, chances are you'll want to be more liberal with the AoE it has.
Rdu only brought aggro decks to this tournament? Hope he gets destroyed and stubs his toe on the way out.
I really wish they'd add a 'ban this class from matchmaking' option, other games do it and it would fix almost everyone's annoyances at the same time. Don't like playing face hunter? Ban. Don't like playing druid? Ban. Such an easy option to include that would make the game instantly better.
Everyone will just ban all the classes except the one that their deck is best against
Noob question: I just started 3 days ago and several of my opponent is golden hero and start dropping multiple secret cards I've never even heard of. Is it even worth my time to play it out or auto-concede.
Noob question: I just started 3 days ago and several of my opponent is golden hero and start dropping multiple secret cards I've never even heard of. Is it even worth my time to play it out or auto-concede.
You'd only get one ban pick.
I just started 2 days ago and I am hooked! I'm feeling my social life fading away already
I am following the OP advices and reading beginners tutorials and whatnot.
My mage is lvl14 and I'm doing well on casual mode so far.
Any advices are welcome![]()
Noob question: I just started 3 days ago and several of my opponent is golden hero and start dropping multiple secret cards I've never even heard of. Is it even worth my time to play it out or auto-concede.
Noob question: I just started 3 days ago and several of my opponent is golden hero and start dropping multiple secret cards I've never even heard of. Is it even worth my time to play it out or auto-concede.
Noob question: I just started 3 days ago and several of my opponent is golden hero and start dropping multiple secret cards I've never even heard of. Is it even worth my time to play it out or auto-concede.