Friendly reminder that poison seeds and soul of the Forrest are two similar looking spells that do very different things. #arenafails
I bet you guys get this all the time, but if I'm a new player who only wants to buy one expansion for now, should it be Nax or Blackrock Mountain?
I bet you guys get this all the time, but if I'm a new player who only wants to buy one expansion for now, should it be Nax or Blackrock Mountain?
I'm 1 and 9 today, including an 0-3 arena. Probably should take a break as I am clearly tilting (I conceded turn 1 in arena out of frustration) but I'm not that smart.
I bet you guys get this all the time, but if I'm a new player who only wants to buy one expansion for now, should it be Nax or Blackrock Mountain?
Lots of cards that will improve any deck. Brm looks to be more specialized so far.
I bet you guys get this all the time, but if I'm a new player who only wants to buy one expansion for now, should it be Nax or Blackrock Mountain?
New to this game. I am playing against someone in my first Arena match. He has like 11 health and I have 24. Can more than likely end it next round. Except the next round will not happen. It's his turn and he is not doing anything. Also no timer appears to hurry him a long. What to do?
quick question, is Piloted Shredder better than Yeti for all decks/classes??
You disconnected. Restart the client. You may reconnect to the game, but if it's been a while you have probably lost.
I would contact blizzard support chat. They can't give you a new arena key but if you explain your situation and ask nicely they may give you a free pack.
$50 for both raids? That seems a bit pricey.
well the last 2 decks i have left to craft are priest and shaman.. the new BRM card tgaht comes out this week for shaman looks nice, might just go with shaman and craft both legendaries.
I wouldn't bother with Neptulon. The Soviet Emperor fills his spot pretty well.
$50 for both raids? That seems a bit pricey.
Granted the base game is free, but I'd agree it IS pricey. It's only gonna get worse as time goes on unless Blizzard figures out a better pricing model.
I'm not even suggesting Blizz give away shit for free. Just make the old raids like $10 a pop when the next new raid after BRM hits.
Blizzard doesn't need to figure anything out if lots of people bought the first two expansions
I don't think we publically know the numbers, but all signs point to excellent results for Blizzard in that regard
A ton of people bought WoW as well. Doesn't mean they didn't change the old content to cost less.
Doesn't WoW just eventually make expansions just a part of the base game at some point?
I suspect Hearthstone may work the same way. Maybe once the next Adventure comes out they'll make Naxx free. And after a couple card pack expansions they'll rejigger packs, like phasing out certain cards and combining expansions into the classic set.
Something I've noticed about the f2p games I've played is that they seem really reluctant to significantly reduce prices over time. I played League of Legends for a long time and it just got more and more expensive (in money or time) for a new player to get caught up. It's honestly surprising to me that the game can still attract many new players (if indeed it is) when the barrier to entry is so high.
I was thinking of getting into LoL, but now that you say that, can you tell me the details of why the game is unfriendly to new players?
This image is clearly shopped.![]()
Surely this is how we deal with Face Hunters boys.
So I finally built a half way decent deck and am rising in rank slightly (up to 16 when I was stuck at 2ish for a long time) and I keep encountering a *really* annoying kind of player and I'm wondering if this is some kind of cheap strategy that people are using? Basically I keep getting (this has happened to me 3 times in the past 10 or so matches I've played) players who will take the absolute full amount of time to play their turn. As in they will let the end of turn timer run out even when they clearly are completely done. It's pretty clear that they're using a strategy of taking forever in hopes that I'll just give up and concede. I'm wondering if this is a widespread issue that people have run in to or if I am just having terrible luck?
It's super annoying and super cheap.
edit - and i should mention i usually take my full turn in about 30 seconds.
LoL like most MOBAs has obtuse mechanics that you can't just learn from playing the tutorial or watching a few videos. Many characters and items means there's a wealth of information you have to seep through to fundamentally understand the game. And LoL is among the EASIER MOBAs around. Also each game is fairly long and lots of variables in the game means you have to invest a ton of time to get decent at the game.. Team game means that newcomers are berated for sucking and dragging the team down.
DOTAs has even more obscure stuff that only people who played the game for a long time know about. Stuff like denying, creep pulling/stacking is hard to explain to newcomers at a fundamental level.
There are some general things that have been around since the game launched (you have to do a lot of grinding to get super-important persistent bonuses for characters on your account), but what makes it harder for a new player now than it used to be is just that they've added lots of new characters over the several years the game's been out and they don't cut the prices of old characters nearly fast enough to compensate. The number of characters has more than doubled since launch, new characters tend to be priced high, and cuts to old characters' prices are infrequent and often not that significant. As time has gone on, a new player has had to grind for longer and longer to get to a point where they have a sizable enough roster of decent characters to be competitive.
I brought it up because people are talking about how now a new Hearthstone player needs the Naxx cards and now the BRM cards, and the random card pool has expanded massively with GvG, and at no point has it gotten significantly easier for a new player to get any of the very old content. Like, I thought it was frustrating when I started a few months after launch and people had all these legendaries, but it wasn't that long before I had a reasonable enough collection to try out most styles of play. Other than Control Warrior I could put together an okay version of just about any competitive deck. I don't think it really works that way anymore, although Hearthstone is nice insofar as if you want to just play one specific deck you need at most 30 new cards. But I suspect that even the average rarity of cards in lots of deck types has gone up (counting Adventure cards' rarity as a function of what wing they're in, I guess). I feel like it'd take a much longer time to get to a point where you'd have enough of the old stuff to be almost entirely concerned with saving up for a new Adventure or for the important cards in a new set.
So I finally built a half way decent deck and am rising in rank slightly (up to 16 when I was stuck at 2ish for a long time) and I keep encountering a *really* annoying kind of player and I'm wondering if this is some kind of cheap strategy that people are using? Basically I keep getting (this has happened to me 3 times in the past 10 or so matches I've played) players who will take the absolute full amount of time to play their turn. As in they will let the end of turn timer run out even when they clearly are completely done. It's pretty clear that they're using a strategy of taking forever in hopes that I'll just give up and concede. I'm wondering if this is a widespread issue that people have run in to or if I am just having terrible luck?
It's super annoying and super cheap.
edit - and i should mention i usually take my full turn in about 30 seconds.
How does anyone deal with all the Mage Secret cards? I'm only Rank 20 so people playing around the cards is rare but they're absolutely suffocating. I drew my Velvet Teacher and then 4 more spell cards and just went HAM on this poor Hunter. Froze his entire field (5 minions), copied his 7 Mana Monster, turned his copy into a Sheep, Counterspelled his field wipe, all in two turns. I've only played one other person with Secrets but this has to be infuriating. Mage is fun, they've counter for everything. Then again, Secrets are easy to play around. Attack with low mana minions first, summon trash minions to proc, use the coin for magic clearing, ect ect.
First off, that anti-mobile thing is fucked up. I was playing a match waiting for a irl job to start, someone did that to me. 10 minute match took 20 minutes.There was a theory going around that if you take your full turns against a mobile player, chances are the mobile player is going to have to quit at some point.
There's like five of them. I don't think any popular decks run more than two different secrets. It's usually really obvious which ones they are.
First off, that anti-mobile thing is fucked up. I was playing a match waiting for a irl job to start, someone did that to me. 10 minute match took 20 minutes.
Shouldn't you be working at work?
So probably a dumb question, but with new phone players and Grim Patron decks everywhere, could Nozdormu start so see play because the animations take so goddamn long?
How does anyone deal with all the Mage Secret cards? I'm only Rank 20 so people playing around the cards is rare but they're absolutely suffocating. I drew my Velvet Teacher and then 4 more spell cards and just went HAM on this poor Hunter. Froze his entire field (5 minions), copied his 7 Mana Monster, turned his copy into a Sheep, Counterspelled his field wipe, all in two turns. I've only played one other person with Secrets but this has to be infuriating. Mage is fun, they've counter for everything. Then again, Secrets are easy to play around. Attack with low mana minions first, summon trash minions to proc, use the coin for magic clearing, ect ect.