some people do, some people don't
I'm just being a hypocrite. Acquired the S6 this morning and already started my first arena.
some people do, some people don't
I'm just being a hypocrite. Acquired the S6 this morning and already started my first arena.
You'll have a long road ahead of you if you're not spending money but it still will be fun. Afaik legendaries are on average 1 in 40 packs (or was it 1 in 20?) so don't feel too bad about not getting onr yet.Hows the game running on an s6? Whats the battery drain like?
Just played 2 hours worth of games and my s4 just died lol -_-.
I have over 100 wins in Play mode now, with 25 in ranked with my mage. Not that great, ranked 19 now.
Bought some decks for about 11 euros and didnt get one fricking legendary.
My mate who just downloaded the game played against the cpu and got a legendary in his free deck. The one that summons 4 random murlock cards in your hand -_-.
MMaRsu#2459 is my battletag, could use some gaffers to practice against![]()
You'll have a long road ahead of you if you're not spending money but it still will be fun. Afaik legendaries are on average 1 in 40 packs (or was it 1 in 20?) so don't feel too bad about not getting onr yet.
You'll have a miserable time against Droods and Paladorks though, not a good time for CW unless you keep running into waves of Face HuntersAnyone have some insight as to what's going on in the meta around rank 5? I ran up to rank 4 easily as Midrange Hunter but hit a wall the last half week. Seems like I win most matches against non-Face Hunter, but generally lose 90% of my matches vs. Face Hunter so I'm just not progressing.
Trying Control Warrior now which seems to wreck Face Hunter most of the time. Gonna see if that can get me up a few ranks.
It's absolutely marvelous. Running very smoothly - no stutter at all.Hows the game running on an s6? Whats the battery drain like?
You'll have a miserable time against Droods and Paladorks though, not a good time for CW unless you keep running into waves of Face Hunters
So probably a dumb question, but with new phone players and Grim Patron decks everywhere, could Nozdormu start so see play because the animations take so goddamn long?
Something I've noticed about the f2p games I've played is that they seem really reluctant to significantly reduce prices over time. I played League of Legends for a long time and it just got more and more expensive (in money or time) for a new player to get caught up. It's honestly surprising to me that the game can still attract many new players (if indeed it is) when the barrier to entry is so high.
Any good arena guides (written) for more advanced tactics? I'm averaging between 3-4 wins in arena now and would like to hit the 6-7 win territory. I feel like the games I lose are not winnable but I'm pretty sure that's not the case for all of them
Any good arena guides (written) for more advanced tactics? I'm averaging between 3-4 wins in arena now and would like to hit the 6-7 win territory. I feel like the games I lose are not winnable but I'm pretty sure that's not the case for all of them
Any good arena guides (written) for more advanced tactics? I'm averaging between 3-4 wins in arena now and would like to hit the 6-7 win territory. I feel like the games I lose are not winnable but I'm pretty sure that's not the case for all of them
Nope, when coaching friends we use Skype screen sharing for the draftI'd be happy to do co-op arena runs with people of any skill-level, either to teach or be taught. I currently average just above 6 wins, so I have some idea of what I'm doing.
Would have to be at my computer when doing it, but add worakl#2366 on any server and just PM me when I'm online to see if I'm available.
You still can't spectate during drafts right?
First off, that anti-mobile thing is fucked up. I was playing a match waiting for a irl job to start, someone did that to me. 10 minute match took 20 minutes.
Yup, five of them I believe. They're kind of a crutch right now and I play them the exact same way every time. Copy at 5, destroy at 7, armor asap or before lose, counter spell at 4. But their so mana efficient compared to what cards I have right now since I'm not buying card packs. 3 mana to do any one of these things : 8 armor, insta-kill enemy minion, copy enemy minion, negate enemy spell. Obviously, I'm not gonna double up any of them but from 5 mana on their nothing but benefit as far as I play.
How do you draft your cards? I feel like card selection is a huge part of success in winning at Hearthstone. Someone above mentioned how higher ranks in Hearthstone just generally have better cards.
Have you checked out that site that helps you go through your whole draft?
Is there a decklist for beating this week's heroics ?
I usually browse reddit to find them, but it's a mess finding good decks for the current heroics.
Do you get extra gold for beating the Heroics?
Nah, just a cardback.
The Naxx one was shit, the Blackrock one is pretty decent though.
The cardback for this season is the best ever. Will prolly never change it.
This is possibly the least value play I've ever seen in hearthstone.
He coined into shadowflame and traded his abusive sergeant and other voidwalker into the harvest golem anyway.
The cardback for this season is the best ever. Will prolly never change it.
The cardback for this season is the best ever. Will prolly never change it.
Is there a decklist for beating this week's heroics ?
I usually browse reddit to find them, but it's a mess finding good decks for the current heroics.
Is it worth crafting a second big game hunter or is typically 1 enough?
Is it worth crafting a second big game hunter or is typically 1 enough?
Today's pack:
Could be worse, I suppose.
For the heroics I used Hobgobladin, same deck as non-heroic (no spells, just huge dudes) with Sylvanas turn 1 to confuse the AI and KT in hand for when he played something I could steal, and Molten Echo Mage.Is there a decklist for beating this week's heroics ?
I usually browse reddit to find them, but it's a mess finding good decks for the current heroics.