Fake card time:
Yes, I know. The art is Gelbin Mekkatorque, a card that already exists.
Seems insane, it's like Pre-Nerf Tinkmaster but almost guaranteed to be good.
Fake card time:
Yes, I know. The art is Gelbin Mekkatorque, a card that already exists.
Seems insane, it's like Pre-Nerf Tinkmaster but almost guaranteed to be good.
Fake card time:
Yes, I know. The art is Gelbin Mekkatorque, a card that already exists.
What's your deck?
At what turn do your games end?
How did you start from rank 2?.
There was a theory going around that if you take your full turns against a mobile player, chances are the mobile player is going to have to quit at some point.
Yeah that's super Shitty and cheap as hell.
Should say "Transform a random enemy minion..." and then it'd be legit.
Fake card time:
Yes, I know. The art is Gelbin Mekkatorque, a card that already exists.
By the way, how does the game handle Recombobulating a Molten Giant now that it no longer crashes the game?
My Druid deck gets absolutely wrecked by Shaman : Come to think of it I think my Druid has always had Shaman problems. Hit a wall around rank 10 or so and have dropped back to 12...just nasty today.
I'm using a hunter death rattle deck. If my deck is working my games end usually before turn 6 or 7.
So been running this gimmick deck, slightly tweaked version of Senfglas' deck, been doing me really good but decided to swap Slam x2 for Pyromancers. Any ideas for other improvements or if that was a good idea?
Sometimes the end turn button gets dislodged, in that case only its left corner remains clickable. Could also be the somewhat common desync issue (you'll learn to recognize it and restart the game asap) or WotC ddosSometimes I can't press "end turn"? Is this lag? DDoS? Bug?
Thanks for taking one for the team my Booms are readyGot tired of waiting for nerfs so I just finally did my mass enchant for 2330 dust. I wish you could mark certain cards to "keep" when mass DEing.
I'm sure they will annouce some nerfs tommorow.
Got tired of waiting for nerfs so I just finally did my mass enchant for 2330 dust. I wish you could mark certain cards to "keep" when mass DEing.
I'm sure they will annouce some nerfs tommorow.
Hopefully a patch as well for phones.
Sometimes the end turn button gets dislodged, in that case only its left corner remains clickable. Could also be the somewhat common desync issue (you'll learn to recognize it and restart the game asap) or WotC ddos
A patch for what?
android version is amazing on my note 4 but why do I have to do this tutorial even tho I signed in with my account :/
So, you can run out of cards, huh?
So, you can run out of cards, huh?
I'm gonna be a hipster and start playing Face Hunter now that it seems to be dwindle in popularity, just so I can counter all these Imp Gang Boss-locks.
Omg. Up against yet another of these take their whole turn players. 75% of the time they're preist too for some reason. So annoying.
What I find works most of the time is if you also rope your turns. They'll usually knock it off when they realize that you don't care that they are wasting your time. Just remember to squelch their emotes because "ropers" are also the type of player that will try and annoy you with well timed sarcastic emotes.