Omg. Up against yet another of these take their whole turn players. 75% of the time they're preist too for some reason. So annoying.
Wait mobile accounts are different even if you in with your battlenet account? I'm playing the mobile one and I finished the tutorial and don't have my decks or collection :/
Ah great idea thanks!
Also, maybe it's because of my having played games like Magic since they first came out, but I'm generally able to take my entire turn in less than 30 seconds, usually less than 10, knowing exactly what im gonna do as soon as the turn starts and most players take well over a minute to figure it out. It's frustrating and I wish it went quicker :/
No, it's shared. Maybe you're playing on the wrong region.
What I find works most of the time is if you also rope your turns. They'll usually knock it off when they realize that you don't care that they are wasting your time. Just remember to squelch their emotes because "ropers" are also the type of player that will try and annoy you with well timed sarcastic emotes.
They should make the hunter hero power usable on minions but only do 1 damage to the face![]()
Omg. Up against yet another of these take their whole turn players. 75% of the time they're preist too for some reason. So annoying.
That's already the Mage Power. They aren't gonna reuse it.
what's wrong with taking your whole turn? obviously you shouldn't be roping every time but 90 seconds really isn't very much sometimes,sometimes you have a few different moves and have to mentally plot out how all of them are likely to end up multiple turns into the future to pick the best one
although I only play arena maybe it's different in constructed?
Your turn should end immediately if you have no more plays available.
Whoever decided to put 2x Dread Corsairs into GET IN HERE warrior is a saint. I have way better success with it now after putting them in.
When I'm facing a face hunter I know who is going to lose, I'm going to use my whole turn
Really? I swapped them out for Dragon Egg and Grom. Corsairs seem to die from anything.
When I'm facing a face hunter I know who is going to lose, I'm going to use my whole turn
What qualifies a deck as a "face hunter" and what is wrong with it?
What qualifies a deck as a "face hunter" and what is wrong with it?
Demonlocks gonna get nuts.
That's not that bad of a hand. Wild Growth means that Piloted Shredder comes out early and with the Swipe he should've held out until he got some big creature.Just watched Silentstorm get the most awful hand against Amaz in the WCA. His opening hand after mulligan was Wild Growth, Swipe, Innervate, Savage Roar. He proceeded to draw into a Piloted Shredder and then another Innervate, and then another Swipe.
Looks like another 4-3 run.
I keep getting bad cards in my draft.
Never get a minion that's above 4/5 health.
You should be fine as long as you don't have to face any mages.
That's not that bad of a hand. Wild Growth means that Piloted Shredder comes out early and with the Swipe he should've held out until he got some big creature.
It's pretty bad when that's the only minion you drew in the first five turns and your opponent has his own Shredder.
But you said that the first card he drew after the Mulligan was a Shredder... which means that he had something to play on board by turn 3 (assuming he played the Wild Growth on Turn 2).
And his Shredder should've come out first with the Wild Growth play. I feel like I am missing something here because that is not that bad of a draw (especially getting the Shredder right after the follow up to Wild Growth).
Grim Patron decks should really be including Dragon Egg.
Seriously guys. This card can do a surprising amount of work.
I hope so. More value for unleash the hounds.
Is it really much better than their current offerings for AOE? Seems just like a slightly cheaper consecration that only hits minions, and hellfire hit for 3 so its definitely not a straight upgrade even if you're running an all demon deck plus hellfire hit face so could be counted on as burn if not board clears.
It does look good, but the damage difference is what may end up being why it might not be ran, perhaps over hellfire at least. I guess it still has that nerubian egg synergy though.
I'm thinking trades my man. A lot of demons have good health values, so the trading for value plays should be pretty dope. I'd say even pack Bloodmage Thalnos for real fun.
But if you're trading minions and playing this card, wouldn't hellfire or even shadowflame be better?
I'm thinking it's great for
A) killing stealthed dudes
B) killing fresh tokens
C) softening the board for trades
D) softening the board for Mortal Coil or Darkbomb trades
I mean there's a lot of interesting uses without the Hellfire drawback. Now, Hellfire is neat because you can set up a pop of your own Voidcaller, but I think people want to save their Imp tokens.
I think it works with implosion so we'll probably see it in demonlock-zoo decks... to some extent. Maybe more of a 1 of. At least that is what I would probably limit it to.
So I guess Hearthstone is impossible to get back to if you never bought any cards (when I used to play in "vanilla" all my gold was for arena runs), everyone I meet is full of legendaries and shit, even in casual. And don't tell me Legendaries don't win games
I mean it's fine and I guess expectes, im not bitching about it but I wonder what new players will think when all they get are matched against these decks
I would stick to arenas again but when j can do dailies with my shit decks because I can't win games that's kinda hard![]()