what's the name of this face icon??
I think that's PogChamp.
Edit: Orange forgot Deadly Poison is a spell. Everything's a spell except weapons and minions. People keep forgetting that.
what's the name of this face icon??
I think Kripp's newest video on the award system is spot on.
Like he says, the arena reward system is pretty fucked.
Also I really think you should be able to buy dust at a reasonable exchange rate. I'd imagine it's terrible for a new player to scrounge up the 1600 dust for Boom or Sylvanis without getting lucky with some goldens.
I took my EU account's Level 1 Shaman onto the ranked ladder, it's hilarious. It's mostly people doing dumb stuff liking coining out Fire Elemantal on turn 1 (dead to rockbiter for, cost me one mana to remove two of his cards and deny him Fire Elemental value) but there's also dudes at level 19 with full demonlocks including Dr. Boom, Jaraxxus, KT, and Malganis.
I can see where new and F2P players are coming from, there's no reason someone with a couple rares and a bunch of basic cards and an account that is less than a week old should ever be matched up against a 5,000 dust deck.
I definitely agree that only getting G&G packs from Arena is bad for new players. I think it was a huge advantage for me to fill out most of the normal set (commons and rares anyway) during the Naxx era when packs frequently gave me useful cards. G&G packs quickly became 90% dust due to the high number of common duplicates, and it seems (may very well just be my perception) that a higher proportion of G&G rares are extremely niche/bad cards than normal rares.
I think it's probably necessary to make the rewards system more generous in the coming months or there's going to be a dropoff in player retention - the ramp up to where the established players are is getting longer with every expansion, but the incline is just as steep.
And for Legendaries, a big problem is that if a new player invests their first 1600 dust in a Boom or Sylvanas then he or she gives up any chance of getting the good rares/epics which are necessary to make effective decks, so it pushes players towards cheap aggro decks that require 0-1 Legendaries. So what should feel like a big achievement for new players - crafting beastly cards - doesn't.
I think that's PogChamp
Yes, here's some data: http://twitchemotes.com/emote/88ohhh that's pogchamp, haha thx
Yes, here's some data: http://twitchemotes.com/emote/88
Is there anything worse than a Paladin arena draft with 0 Consecrates and 0 Truesilvers? Shit is painful.
Is stopping card draw one of those effects Blizzard won't do because it falls under "messing with the other player's hand"? I made this fake card:
Then I realised you can probably come up with a scenario where you know your opponent is 95% likely to topdeck a Fireball or Frostbolt and want to stop that from happening for at least one turn, and this card would be the only (?) way to do so in the game. Frostbolt and Fireball are probably bad examples because the mage could still get Ysera Awakens or Nightmare which are sometimes better than Fireball or Frostbolt, but let's say there was a 2-mana version that made players draw a random chicken card or some jokey variant on the same effect.
I guess they're careful with adding completely new types of effects to the game overall. "If you're holding a dragon" and "destroy a legendary minion" are minor variations on things we already had. Was Gnomish Experimenter a completely new type of effect? No one uses it, though. That's another problem, completely new types of effects are probably really hard to balance.
Is stopping card draw one of those effects Blizzard won't do because it falls under "messing with the other player's hand"? I made this fake card:
Then I realised you can probably come up with a scenario where you know your opponent is 95% likely to topdeck a Fireball or Frostbolt and want to stop that from happening for at least one turn, and this card would be the only (?) way to do so in the game. Frostbolt and Fireball are probably bad examples because the mage could still get Ysera Awakens or Nightmare which are sometimes better than Fireball or Frostbolt, but let's say there was a 2-mana version that made players draw a random chicken card or some jokey variant on the same effect.
I guess they're careful with adding completely new types of effects to the game overall. "If you're holding a dragon" and "destroy a legendary minion" are minor variations on things we already had. Was Gnomish Experimenter a completely new type of effect? No one uses it, though. That's another problem, completely new types of effects are probably really hard to balance.
who is Merithra in warcraft lore??
Not gonna lie... killing Legendaries with Rend Blackhand feels damn good!
He won me a game when I was able to kill the enemy's Kelthuzad with it today.
I honestly think it is a must include in Dragon Paladin deck.I think Rend has a place, honestly. It's a great card that swings tempo.
This deck is so damned filthy (also got lucky with a deathlord draw)
Your opponent has 0 health?
Mage gets turn 3 Emperor off of Unstable Portal.
Oh my god Lifecoach with the Mechwarrior
I could practically hear him scream when the Druid combo came down
Is stopping card draw one of those effects Blizzard won't do because it falls under "messing with the other player's hand"? I made this fake card:
Then I realised you can probably come up with a scenario where you know your opponent is 95% likely to topdeck a Fireball or Frostbolt and want to stop that from happening for at least one turn, and this card would be the only (?) way to do so in the game. Frostbolt and Fireball are probably bad examples because the mage could still get Ysera Awakens or Nightmare which are sometimes better than Fireball or Frostbolt, but let's say there was a 2-mana version that made players draw a random chicken card or some jokey variant on the same effect.
I guess they're careful with adding completely new types of effects to the game overall. "If you're holding a dragon" and "destroy a legendary minion" are minor variations on things we already had. Was Gnomish Experimenter a completely new type of effect? No one uses it, though. That's another problem, completely new types of effects are probably really hard to balance.
Hmm been trying a mana wraith, akunbar(sp) weblord rogue mill, can't work the kinks so far, its pretty fun but maybe it'll do without the weblord since it fucks me out more often than not.
Most fun deck is Patron/Gimmick/Dank WarriorOk, I finally got around to getting this in my tablet and signed in and stuff. I quit before the first expansion; I assume first things I should do to get caught up is to buy the two expansion thingies?
Also what's a fun/competitive deck I can make these days assuming tons of dust!
Most fun deck is Patron/Gimmick/Dank Warrior
This one: www.hearthpwn.com/decks/224656-senfglas-1-legend-grim-patron-warriorIs that one deck or 3? Also are Mages any good now.
Honestly using an overlay like that is about as close to cheating as you can get. Not saying you're not allowed to, it's not my place to do that, but it doesn't seem entirely fair either.
Writing down which cards your opponent played and which cards you've left in your deck isnt remotely close to cheating. You could just as well memorize it yourself or write it down manually. They dont give you any actual advantage whatsover, therefore i dont really see an issue in people using those.
Of course it gives you an advantage otherwise people wouldn't use it. You see people on streams and tournaments all the time trying to remember if they used such and such card. Saying that, I don't care if anyone uses it, I wouldn't call it cheating.
Hey, I didn't say it was actual cheating, but isn't it pretty damn close? Using a 3rd party program to give you an advantage over others would get you banned in plenty of other games. You know most of your opponents don't use this and many of them can't because they're playing on a different device than PC. And yes it is an advantage as you don't have to memorize anymore. The next step would be that the overlay automatically shows what is likely to be played by your opponent based on the meta and cards he has already played. I'm not saying he's not allowed to, just that it doesn't seem entirely fair to do so.
Nothing beats totally wrecking a freeze mage
Seriously fuck those guys
turn 1 He plays nothing, you Manawyrm, coin, Manawyrm.
turn 2 He plays whatever, gets pinged to death in combo with manawyrm.
turn 3 he plays deathlord, response flamecannon, sacrifice one manawyrm, get ragnaros gg
Something like that?