Fuckin' smart.Alright figured out how to beat Chromaggus with a different deck.
Malganis + Faceless + Kelthuzad combo. If you get these 3 cards out then you win.
You basically have to get Malganis out early with Void Caller then try to Faceless it and have it survive until KT is available.
Also have a ton of Warlock cards that discard your hand stuff like Soul Fire, the 5/7 charge, Succubus etc. There's a good chance that you discard his cards for free.
got recombobulator from unstable portal which I used to recombobulate an almost dead malygos. It became majordomo and opponent had bgh in hand.
fukkin lawl.
I love that Majordomo continues to fuck up peoples games, even without being in any decks.
maybe majordomo means no more sneeds
Ahhhhh! I'm so excited. After getting Antonidas as my first legendary on my f2p EU account a couple days ago, today I pulled this bad boy from a pack today on my main account! I guess I'll be playing mage for a bit on both my accounts!
It's hella fun playing Dragon Paladin!testing out mage and shaman decks and everything was dragon paladin. lol
It's hella fun playing Dragon Paladin!
It's really disappointing trying to build dragon decks for any class other than Paladin.
I don't know why Blizzard bothered with making a dragon focused expansion and then gave one class a card that makes them the de facto dragon class.
What about the dragon cards makes them limited to paladin?
Dragons as a tribe are somewhat restricted to Paladin. The cards themselves are viable in other decks, obviously, but Paladin has the only dragon with actual dragon synergy.
I am assuming this is what he means anyways.
I thought Naxxramas was well made, but this is even better. Inventive, creative fights that make ample use of the fact that this is not a standard player vs. player situation and that the format can be skewed and tweaked in lots of different ways as a consequence.
I think that's enough for today.