Fuck yeah they could.
We take the competitive landscape and fair play very seriously - A fun, fair, and competitive environment is at the very heart of the Hearthstone experience. Those found to be in violation of our Terms of Use are subject to penalties, up to and including disqualification from the Hearthstone World Championship. Specific examples of such violations can include but are not limited to win trading, botting, and account buying or selling.
A list of players that have been disqualified from the Hearthstone World Championship 2015 can be found below.
XzaM -- Wintrading
Alchemixt -- Wintrading
Naiman -- Wintrading
Damnery -- Wintrading
It's standard confirmation bias. Humans tend to remember the things that confirm what they already believe and ignore everything that points to the contrary. The players who believe RNG never goes in their favor will remember all the times is doesn't and forget all the times it does.People seem to only remember the times RNG works against them and not the times it works for them. If they actually took the time to add up every single instance of RNG over thousands of games, they'd probably get results showing a near even split.
I have never seen anyone use it in ranked or casual so I'm gonna go with no.Ugh, managed to salvage a terrible Mage draft (no Fireballs, 'morphs, 'strikes, Water Elementals, and a 2-drop heavy mana curve) to 3-3. Open the pack and out pops a Flame Leviathan. It's a big body sure, but the effect seems worthless and prone to backfire. Has anyone found any worthwhile use for it? I'll still probably keep it because Legendary, but I'm curious what others think.
Just saw this.
Alchemixt said when he got banned that he didn't know he was breaking any rules and didn't have any malicious intent, but refused to disclose what he was banned for. My reaction when I saw this:
Ugh, managed to salvage a terrible Mage draft (no Fireballs, 'morphs, 'strikes, Water Elementals, and a 2-drop heavy mana curve) to 3-3. Open the pack and out pops a Flame Leviathan. It's a big body sure, but the effect seems worthless and prone to backfire. Has anyone found any worthwhile use for it? I'll still probably keep it because Legendary, but I'm curious what others think.
Ugh, managed to salvage a terrible Mage draft (no Fireballs, 'morphs, 'strikes, Water Elementals, and a 2-drop heavy mana curve) to 3-3. Open the pack and out pops a Flame Leviathan. It's a big body sure, but the effect seems worthless and prone to backfire. Has anyone found any worthwhile use for it? I'll still probably keep it because Legendary, but I'm curious what others think.
Are there any pack-offers out there, that are cheaper than in-game? Amazon and the like?
I love his response.
Amazon still sells coins at a discount, up to 10% off in larger amounts.
Also says their 30% coins back when spending $19.99 or more on packs is still going on but I'm not 100% sure if it is or not. I thought it was supposed to end last weekend?
cant find the life coach thing
I hate playing original decks. It makes the sting of getting stomped by some netdecking loser even harder.
You are wasting their time by not conceding. They are showing their annoyance at you.
That is the most retarded thing I ever heard. I guess becuase there is no chat people have to find someway to be a douche when they win.![]()
Just concede. You can solve your own problem.
hey, I could always draw a card or 2 that allows me to win, not my problem if they can't deal with it.
waiting to see if hungry dragon will be a staple in dragodin over twilight..
i really love its golden animation and want to craft a pair
People seem to only remember the times RNG works against them and not the times it works for them. If they actually took the time to add up every single instance of RNG over thousands of games, they'd probably get results showing a near even split.
Or perhaps they could just accept it and become better players like Soka.
It's standard confirmation bias. Humans tend to remember the things that confirm what they already believe and ignore everything that points to the contrary. The players who believe RNG never goes in their favor will remember all the times is doesn't and forget all the times it does.
I want to point out that I completely agree with this, but would add that this isn't just RNG I'm talking about. I'm talking about consciously and specifically thinking "This play is fine as long as this particular card isn't played or this specific set of circumstances don't unfold," and then that proceeds to happen exactly.
For example, playing whirlwind with boombots on the board and thinking "this is fine as long as both bots don't hit for max damage against both of my minions that have taunt," and having them do precisely that.
It's called playing the odds. Pretty standard for card games.![]()
Grim Patron is the best new Warrior card in months. Shit is god like.
I had 4 patrons and he played goblin blastmage. Each hit created another patron. I love this card.
linkWe take the competitive landscape and fair play very seriously - A fun, fair, and competitive environment is at the very heart of the Hearthstone experience. Those found to be in violation of our Terms of Use are subject to penalties, up to and including disqualification from the Hearthstone World Championship. Specific examples of such violations can include but are not limited to win trading, botting, and account buying or selling.
A list of players that have been disqualified from the Hearthstone World Championship 2015 can be found below.
XzaM -- Wintrading
Alchemixt -- Wintrading
Naiman -- Wintrading
Damnery -- Wintrading
Man, Nefarion on heroic is kicking my ass. Not sure what to do
He just keeps spamming flamestrike.
The rule for heroics: When in doubt, roll buff priest.
Lots of bosses lack hard removal or silence, so as long as you get the right mulligans they often waste cards trying to kill your unstoppable force.
I tried doing good ole buff priest. The problem is Nefarian can generate class ability cards and he kept using the priest silence card on my buffed up minions.
I tried doing good ole buff priest. The problem is Nefarian can generate class ability cards and he kept using the priest silence card on my buffed up minions.
Looks like Blizzard is cracking heads for win trading again. But not permanent bans this time. IIRC gwall's ban was permanent before he got it lifted with video evidence that he wasn't win trading.