Hearthstone being on phones has made the game skyrocket in popularity among people I know. It's kinda crazy.
I was running it as a pure tempo deck and if I don't win by the time I start top decking then it's pretty much game over.The problem i have with flamewaker is that it promotes a spell heavy deck which can spend a lot of cards and generate.minimal board presence. Without draw it runs out of steam quite easily.
Hearthstone being on phones has made the game skyrocket in popularity among people I know. It's kinda crazy.
Console ports next?
The amount of roping that would happen would be immense. Imagine placing a Defender of Argus with... trigger buttons? Eww.
Nah. I've played Hearthstone with a controller before and I've seen others do it. You just set up the cursor to work with the left analog stick. It works like Destiny's UI basically and it plays fine. Idk if they'll do a console port but I'm sure that's how the controls would work.
Yeah this is pretty much what I was picturing.
Only thing that might be awkward or unintuitive would be scrolling through your collection and making decks. Although being able to skip pages with bumpers/triggers would probably rectify a lot of that.
If they can manage to have MtG on console I'm quite sure Blizzard could do a fine job with Hearthstone.
:lol at kinguin
Lothar tried to Feign Death with both Feugen and Stalagg on board and... it did nothing :lol
The version of Magic on the 360 was absolutely terrible. It was playable, but the interface was incredibly awkward. And the load times were ridiculous. I wouldn't hold up Magic on consoles as any sort of standard. But I think it could be done reasonably well, but I don't know if it would be worth the effort. Everyone has a smartphone, so pretty much anyone that wants to play Hearthstone can do so. The consoles would just add more versions to support without significantly expanding the potential audience.
Does nothing because nothing died, lol
Sounds like a bigger blunder than artosis execution on his own sylvanas.
Yup that's what I expected, the less reliable your weapons become for keeping the board in check through the early- to midgame the earlier you have to blow your Executes/Shield Slams, leaving you without answers to the actual lategame threats. Doesn't help that BRM didn't bring a single useful card for the Control variant.Been playing some Control Warrior, I think the standard pay-2-win list isn't working anymore because of the minion power creep from GVG and BRM. Warrior removals are simply too weak now with all the deathrattle minions or minions that have battlecries or ongoing effects (cough Emperor).
Yup that's what I expected, the less reliable your weapons become for keeping the board in check through the early- to midgame the earlier you have to blow your Executes/Shield Slams, leaving you without answers to the actual lategame threats. Doesn't help that BRM didn't bring a single useful card for the Control variant.
so what Warrior is good now besides the patron dude??
Classic CW won't become completely worthless overnight but it'll be a lot less consistent, especially since the meta had already become problematic for them beforemade a comeback.
Since OTK Warrior was nerfed in beta there hasn't been a single viable alternative for the class so the fact that Dank Warrior works as well as it does is kind of a miracle. That archetype will see tons of refinement in the coming months for sure, and CW will most likely gravitate further towards midrange which we've already seen a bit with the addition of Shredders in GvG.
Been playing some Control Warrior, I think the standard pay-2-win list isn't working anymore because of the minion power creep from GVG and BRM. Warrior removals are simply too weak now with all the deathrattle minions or minions that have battlecries or ongoing effects (cough Emperor).
Eh, Noxious was playing a divine spirit priest against him, the matches weren't remotely serious.
Is the freeze mage match still hilariously one sided or did Emperor change that a lot too?
You'd have 3 of them by now if you were more focused in your efforts.Golden portraits take so fucking long. D:
Warrior: 339/500
Shaman: 147/500
Rogue: 132/500
Paladin: 81/500
Hunter: 393/500
Druid: 188/500
Warlock: 82/500
Mage: 255/500
Priest: 214/500
You'd have 3 of them by now if you were more focused in your efforts.
But then I'd sit there with 6 500-grinds ahead of me, completely burned out on three classes.
But 6 grinds is better than the 9 you still have.But then I'd sit there with 6 500-grinds ahead of me, completely burned out on three classes.
Personally grinding out gold portraits is the only thing keeping me playing the game. I have 4, with another one at 380. Without self imposed goals like that to work towards I would have burned out by now.not sure I understand... why do you need every single class to be golden anyway, instead of just your favorite ones?
That's outdated now. Rank 3 was .5% last season.
They should release a graphic without anyone rank 17 and below to cut out the casuals/card back hunters.
In my first months I pulled like 3 Millhouses and 2 Gruuls who are all ripping in pepperonisWhenever I get a legendary, it's either Manastorm or Hemet ;P At least give me a golden one! Ah well, 400 dust it is.
You'd have 3 of them by now if you were more focused in your efforts.
Decided to toss Counterspell into my Tempo Mage deck.
Holy shit Counterspell is amazing. I've won so many times just from countering a Brawl, Flamestrike, etc. Seems no one expects it.
Rank 10 right now, highest I've ever been.