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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Remember that deck I posted earlier?



320 gold, a pack and a golden common.


That Kibler drafting was pretty amazing. Recombobulators and Velen.... oh boy!

I really hope tomorrow's draft challenge is different because I don't want to see more Dr Balanced spam.


That Kibler drafting was pretty amazing. Recombobulators and Velen.... oh boy!

I really hope tomorrow's draft challenge is different because I don't want to see more Dr Balanced spam.
Sounds like the next three games use the same formula and they're thinking of a new challenge for the next tournament. So, same decks as today for the semifinals and finals tomorrow.


Eh that's kinda lame then. Most of the players have very same-y decks as well... everyone has the Ramp Druid, most everyone has a Zoolock variant as well. And everyone has a Dr Balanced.

Would like to see them flip it for the semis with even minions, odd spells. That would give classes like Hunter some use because without their 3 drops they are super duper ass. Even minions would also allow Handlock to be played because then they would be able to run Sunfury/Argus/Giants/Drakes/Sunwalkers with Demonwraths. It would also allow Control Warrior to be playable.


Eh that's kinda lame then. Most of the players have very same-y decks as well... everyone has the Ramp Druid, most everyone has a Zoolock variant as well. And everyone has a Dr Balanced.

Would like to see them flip it for the semis with even minions, odd spells. That would give classes like Hunter some use because without their 3 drops they are super duper ass. Even minions would also allow Handlock to be played because then they would be able to run Sunfury/Argus/Giants/Drakes/Sunwalkers with Demonwraths. It would also allow Control Warrior to be playable.
Might be a cool idea for the finals.

Though I think the idea is to see who of the 8 players did the best drafting, can't have a winner for this challenge if you don't play the tournament through until the end with these rules.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member

I am the luckiest guy ever, he put me down to 2HP and i managed to get my malganis by voidcaller just barely, the sea giant also helped. Also i'm debating wether flame imps are worth it so i changed them into clockwork gnomes but they seem too weak.


I am the luckiest guy ever, he put me down to 2HP and i managed to get my malganis by voidcaller just barely, the sea giant also helped. Also i'm debating wether flame imps are worth it so i changed them into clockwork gnomes but they seem too weak.

I was on the opposite side of this the other day, unlucky for him i held onto a big game hunter.
Okay have they jiggered with the arena drafting rng or something? I've run into several decks where they have multiple epics and legendaries. I played one game where I legitimately forgot I was in Arena because the deck was indistinguishable from Handlock.


Nice finally got a legendary after so fucking long. Vojin still a good priest card to keep?

It is.

I've used the 12 win gold to buy some classic cards. Got Tyrion and a few golden rares, got enough dust for Dr Balanced. What a night. I can actually make a pally deck now!



Randomness of GvG aka why Dr Balanced is balanced.

Completely agree with everything said in this video. It's about time Blizzard starts looking at balance for GvG cards.

I would be 100% OK with Implosion being a flat 3 damage spawn 3 Imps spell. Warlock isn't fucking Shaman and the duality of the rolls makes the RNG even more impactful.



Randomness of GvG aka why Dr Balanced is balanced.

Completely agree with everything said in this video. It's about time Blizzard starts looking at balance for GvG cards.

I would be 100% OK with Implosion being a flat 3 damage spawn 3 Imps spell. Warlock isn't fucking Shaman and the duality of the rolls makes the RNG even more impactful.
Doubt they will, it makes tournaments and videos much more interesting when RNG happens. Believe they had a video about it not too long ago, personally love the Funniest Moments Videos but I actually hate the Concept of RNG.


Doubt they will, it makes tournaments and videos much more interesting when RNG happens. Believe they had a video about it not too long ago, personally love the Funniest Moments Videos but I actually hate the Concept of RNG.
I love me some Funniest Moments as well but most of them involve RNG with bad or underused cards (where RNG belongs).

At this point I see no joy or fun factor from Boom Bots killing Belchers or setting up ridiculous lethal conditions. Whenever I see that I think "oh boy look at that... that Dr Balanced card is really fair and balanced".

It's not like Blizzard hasn't done so in the past or is not interested in the integrity of the tournament scene. They heavily nerfed Pagle and Tinkmaster specifically for this reason. Now I don't want Dr Balanced to get Tinkmaster'd, I think that nerf was too severe.

And Kripp isn't asking to remove the RNG completely but rather to reduce the huge RNG swings. Like Bots hitting face for 1 damage vs Bots hitting a minion for 4 damage is a huge difference in RNG and can swing games dramatically.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Crackle is still bullshit too.

Seriously can we nerf Mad Scientist already?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Imp-losion always should've given you less Imps for more damage, and vice versa. But I guess it's too messy to write that on the card.

Yeah, it's always so weird to me that it didn't just do this. 4 damage, 2 imps, 2 damage for 4 imps. The best result gives you SUCH a huge benefit, and in zoo even a little 1/1 piece of shit has great synergy with argus/power overwhelming.

I guess this variant would also be messy with spell damage though.

Edit: oh yeah, I see Kripp mention this stuff in that video.


Just bought 200 packs with the Amazon 30% deal,lets see how this goes...

Edit: Ok,good start. First pack was 3 golden commons, a rare and an epic. Not bad!!

Edit 2: 20 packs in and got 4 Epics and 4 Legends! Nothing super great, (Velen and Jaraxus being the only 2 I don't have) but still lucky!
What do people think about having 29+3 card decks? The idea is you pick your last card from those three after you have seen the match up.

The idea is to make specialised/tech cards more viable and to encourage greater deck diversity.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Just bought 200 packs with the Amazon 30% deal,lets see how this goes...

Edit: Ok,good start. First pack was 3 golden commons, a rare and an epic. Not bad!!

Edit 2: 20 packs in and got 4 Epics and 4 Legends! Nothing super great, (Velen and Jaraxus being the only 2 I don't have) but still lucky!

Holy fuck that amount of cash being thrown at Hearth in one go!


What do people think about having 29+3 card decks? The idea is you pick your last card from those three after you have seen the match up.

The idea is to make specialised/tech cards more viable and to encourage greater deck diversity.
Cool then I can play two Kezan Mystic going against Hunters and Mage only to never draw them on time!

It would be interesting that's for sure but I am not sure if one card would be enough. If you can sub in 3 cards then that would be pretty impactful.

It would buff Demonwrath (against aggro and non Warlock decks) and Hellfire (2x against Patron) dramatically though.



I bet the salt was real on the receiving end.
In that case it was his fault for playing the Jaraxxus as the Nefarian was played beforehand. You had to know that there was a decent chance of him getting a Pact from it (1 out of 16 twice).

Now if he played Jaraxxus first, the other guy top dicks a Nefarian and THEN gets a Pact to play on the SAME turn (as it costs 0 mana) then that would've been real salt.


Is there a deck that uses hardly any dust and no BRM cards that will let me win 15 games in casual mode in a hurry? I need another 50 gold if I want to do an arena run today, but it's gonna take forever to make that.


15 games is a lot, there's no way you can win that many in a hurry. Face hunter's your best bet though.

Yeah I miscounted, I only need 12 11 10 9 8 (after a break for breakfast and whatnot) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 now. Trying a basic hunter deck.

EDIT: That worked really well, thanks for the suggestion! All set for a fresh arena run this afternoon now.
Love when Boombots hit 4 and 4 against you, yep totally fair Card.

Is it just me, or is Dr. Balanced the first non-class legendary to be out-and-out better stats-wise than a common/rare version? Like War Golem is flat-out waaaaay worse than Dr. Boom, with very few situations having it be superior (ie. against patron warrior.) But then you would just use something else against a Warrior, certainly not War Golem.

I dunno, just seems a really weird outlier to me.

If you play a Patron onto a empty board, Commanding Shout and a Bouncing Blade do you get an infinite loop?

It would stop the first time a Patron dies.


Bouncing Blade also won't do more than 80 damage. There's an arbitrary cap like that.

I think Mistress of Pain will also only trigger off itself 33 times.


If they're keeping the same challenge for all of the Challengestone tournament... doesn't that completely remove the deckbuilding aspect from today's stream?
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