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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Paladin did way more work that I expected.

I expected Druid and Warlock to be the best in this.

Also after theory crafting in my spare time I realized that a Tempo based Oil Rogue would've been pretty good too as long as you figured out a way to get card draws in your deck.

Here's my Challengestone Rogue Deck:

2x Backstab
2x Preparation
2x Eviscerate
2x Blade Flurry
2x Barber
2x Novice Engineer
1x Bloodmage Thalnos
1x Earthen Farseer
1x Acolyte
2x SI7 Agent
2x Sap
2x Tinker's Sharp Oil
2x Sabotage
2x Violet Teacher
1x Antique Healbot
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Emperor Thaurissan
1x Dr Balanced

In the spirit of Challengestone... post YOUR deck for Challengestone 1!


I was playing all versions of Warrior even without him.

Dank Warrior really doesn't need him actually, although he fits well into the newer iterations like Kolento's. Were you playing the hyper slow control version with Ysera and stuff then?


Ok,so this just happened...

Yeah I think I'm done till the next expansion. I had a bunch of extra money from selling a couple pairs of J's so decided to use them on packs and take advantage of the Amazon deal (its over). It avg to around .76 a pack which is pretty awesome but I'm already having a tiny bit of buyers remorse.


Really enjoying this deck so far.


The goal is to provide a particular counter to a particular type of deck. It has an extremely high win rates against any type of combo or rush deck, and gets beat hard by almost everything else. It is a hard counter to Oil Rogues, Face Hunters, Freeze Mages, and typically beats mech mages and shamans.

In particular, it fatigues them and/or forces them in to gimpy top deck mode. It punishes Oil Rogue, for instance, for rushing through their deck so fast. The same is true of Freeze Mage; you simply cannot push enough damage through. Any deck that has limited damage potential that it needs to push through a short time period fails horribly.

I'm expirementing with the Patron, here, not for its typical purposes (obviously), but as another way to gunk up the board. Just put 2-4 patrons out there and force them to deal with it, so they have less resources left to attack me. It's sort of like Piloted Shredder in that regard; it's just hard to deal with.


Ok,so this just happened...
Yeah I think I'm done till the next expansion. I had a bunch of extra money from selling a couple pairs of J's so decided to use them on packs and take advantage of the Amazon deal (its over). It avg to around .76 a pack which is pretty awesome but I'm already having a tiny bit of buyers remorse.

So, what were the highlights? And how much dust did you end up with?


So, what were the highlights? And how much dust did you end up with?

So far I've opened the GvG and got 6 legendaries,the best being a gold Mogor. Honestly I have all the cards I need,I just want usable gold commons,rares and dust. Dust count is currently 17095 with 260 classic packs left. I also have a few junk gold epics that'll probably get dusted for usable commons.

Is there a list somewhere with the most played commons and rares for each class?


I just played a paladin deck that had literally zero card draw. Nothing but heals. It beat my Warrior fatigue deck, mostly because I have actual draw (I noticed he wasn't drawing about halfway through so I "only" drew 3 bonus cards through the game). It beat my very particular deck, but I cannot possibly imagine a deck that has 0 card draw of any kind does well.


Hrm, I have issues continuing to play this game after a daily is done. Are most other players who play frequently just more into the competitive side of it? I feel it stagnates, but I'm sure I'm not alone.

I guess my f2p account keeps me coming back because I have to use cards I don't normally use, and it makes the games /winning more satisfying
The odds of getting a pack with all cards Rare or above must be really, really low. Never mind two Legendaries, a golden Rare and an Epic. Nice get.


Hrm, I have issues continuing to play this game after a daily is done. Are most other players who play frequently just more into the competitive side of it? I feel it stagnates, but I'm sure I'm not alone.

I guess my f2p account keeps me coming back because I have to use cards I don't normally use, and it makes the games /winning more satisfying
These days I only play a lot/do legend when there's a deck I really enjoy that also does well in the current meta.
I'm 5/2 in arena, 3 minions on board, at 14 HP vs druid with no minions.

Do I drop Belcher?

He can't have Force Savage in Arena, can he? How likely is that? If I drop Belcher and he MCTs my Belcher or Sylvanas I could lose since no silence.

I drop it at the last minute and then next turn he Force/Savages and concedes. Whew!

He had emptied his hand two turns ago so he drew the two cards back to back. Dude must have been salty.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Man first time hearing Reynad talk... such a fucking douche.

edit: HS around for 20 years, hahahahahahahaha.

As much as i don't like Reynad i don't think him saying that hearthstone could be around 10+ years is particulary crazy, Dota has been going strong for that amount of time and you could argue Hearthstone has more mainstream appeal.


Hearthstone gets like 2 expansions per year (an Adventure mode and then a full expansion), if they continue that trend then the game is continue going to prosper. It just keeps growing.

Speaking of, I wonder what the next major expansion is going to be centered around.


Finally done opening all my packs. Ended up with 36k dust. The only real Legend I need is Ysera,after that I need to decide what cards are worth getting gold versions of.
Hearthstone gets like 2 expansions per year (an Adventure mode and then a full expansion), if they continue that trend then the game is continue going to prosper. It just keeps growing.

Speaking of, I wonder what the next major expansion is going to be centered around.

Not with the power creep it wont, Soon games will end at turn 2.


So, I think I hit my own personal sweetspot for the Chinese Dragon Warrior.


It might just be that it fits the meta, but Kodos instead of Belchers rarely feels like a drawback. It improves both the Warrior matchup (Acolytes and Armorsmiths), and most of all it gets you out of autolose territory where Zoo started to go for me. If you Kodo a Imp Gang Boss, it's pretty much over.

I also love having added the second Brawl, since I can be so much more liberal in how I use it. People also seem to assume everyone only run a single copy, so after that first one they just flood, which makes the second one pretty much game ending.

Face Hunter is a bit of a toss-up, but that's mostly depending on if I can get a Shieldmaiden out on turn 6 or 7.


Doing my daily on EU, 2 different hunters in a row opened with Warbot.

Not sure what kind of decks they were, as I beat them too quickly to see if they run combo.

I watched the second game, and you just have that one away.

Turn 5, you had this:

You made the right trades, but the right play is to drop Harvest Golem, but you played Thought Steal. That later lead to this turn 7.

This is the exact play where you lost the game. The right play is to bump the Mech Warper with the Harvest Golem, Pain his Harvest Golem, then board clear and heal with Holy Nova. Instead, you Pained the Mech Warper and left him with the rest of his stuff.


First time I went up against anyone who used Fel Reaver. Right after it was played used coin and kill command to kill other card on his board, then deadly shot it. So he lost 9 cards and wasn't able to do anything with the reaver. He conceded after that. :p


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Man I've got like 9.3k dust and I don't want to spend any of it, lol

I feel like I've got most of the key legendaries and everything else is pretty much optional or not even used. Crafting gold cards feels like a bit of a waste, even if I do like shiny things.
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