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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Crafting gold cards is never a waste. Especially when it's something that gets lots of use, like Dr Boom or Sludge Belcher.

The only time I crafted a gold card was Piloted Shredder, and it was because I already had one, AND the card gets SERIOUS use, AND it's almost like a two-for-one since the card that pops out is also gold, AND it is only a common. But then I managed to unpack a gold Shredder just today, a couple months after I originally crafted it. Soooo... yeah.

If I was to craft a gold card at this point it would probably be Sludge Belcher. But maybe the next expansion pack comes out with an even better taunt and Sludge Belcher falls out of the meta since the 5 slot is so crowded! If I crafted a gold Boom I would half expect to open one in a pack later. This kind of stuff is also a concern with regular cards, but with gold cards it stings even more since they're so darn expensive.

I think so long term with this stuff it's killing me, lol

My goal is to have a complete collection and I've slowly been catching up to it with the way I've budgeted myself. Maybe I should just start banking arcane dust for the next expansion and see what happens then. At the rate we're going now we'll get another major GvG level expansion around September or so.
First time I went up against anyone who used Fel Reaver. Right after it was played used coin and kill command to kill other card on his board, then deadly shot it. So he lost 9 cards and wasn't able to do anything with the reaver. He conceded after that. :p

I was playing a Rogue deck the other day when I ran across a Mech Shaman that dropped Fel Reaver. I was way ahead on damage, so I just started tossing out every card that I could. I think I burned 18 of his cards in 2 turns before I killed him. He only got to hit me with it once.
Holy shit,nice!!
Right? Ahaha

I got a very similar pack yesterday.
Nice dude it does look very similar. They should have given you gold cards too while they were at it :p


Man I've got like 9.3k dust and I don't want to spend any of it, lol

I feel like I've got most of the key legendaries and everything else is pretty much optional or not even used. Crafting gold cards feels like a bit of a waste, even if I do like shiny things.

I have 33k and I'm going back and forth on what to craft. So far I dusted 2 crappy gold legends for gold Dr Boom and a few commons in my Shaman deck.

Im debating crafting the most used gold legends and then working my way down to epics and rares OR craft the most used common neutrals so most of my decks will be near full gold.

I guess the smartest play is to go for the legends first then down because you'll almost never get them in packs but it sucks spending all that dust for so few cards. I don't need any regular cards so its all gold till the next expansion.


Hey all, I need some advice on how I can improve my Mech Mage deck. It's pretty simple right now and I can tell it needs some juicing up, but I can't figure out what to pop into it. I've got 895 dust (and could probably make a little more if need be) readily available. So I can't craft any 1600 guys or anything like that. So yeah. Could really use some advice, thanks!



Remove the Healbots... you are playing an aggressive deck not a control/late game deck. And put in Dr Balanced plus Antonidas in it instead for the late game steals.

You probably want to invest in double Mad Scientist plus double Mirror Image + Counter Spell as well as a Loatheb to prevent the AOE clears.

Mech Mage is out of fashion right now though. Zoolock, Patron and Druid are too strong on Ladder right now. Even that new Flamewaker Mage is doing work (the damage output of that card is deceptively high). Mech Mage can't compete with that mostly because Zoolock out paces it by putting more minions that are just stickier.

I think Mech Mage needs to adapt or die. Something like a Gazlowe to generate more mechs or maybe even *GASP* Voltron ....


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
TIL Mirror Entity doesn't pop if their board is full. Put down an annoy-o-tron and I assumed if it was mirror, it would copy it and just die. So then I play Dr. Boom next turn after killing his board and it copies it so he has lethal.


remember me
The only time I crafted a gold card was Piloted Shredder, and it was because I already had one, AND the card gets SERIOUS use, AND it's almost like a two-for-one since the card that pops out is also gold, AND it is only a common. But then I managed to unpack a gold Shredder just today, a couple months after I originally crafted it. Soooo... yeah.

If I was to craft a gold card at this point it would probably be Sludge Belcher. But maybe the next expansion pack comes out with an even better taunt and Sludge Belcher falls out of the meta since the 5 slot is so crowded! If I crafted a gold Boom I would half expect to open one in a pack later. This kind of stuff is also a concern with regular cards, but with gold cards it stings even more since they're so darn expensive.

I think so long term with this stuff it's killing me, lol

My goal is to have a complete collection and I've slowly been catching up to it with the way I've budgeted myself. Maybe I should just start banking arcane dust for the next expansion and see what happens then. At the rate we're going now we'll get another major GvG level expansion around September or so.

Yeah, Piloted Shredder is another good one. I was lucky and got 2 gold ones from my packs. BGH is another good one in the Dr Boom meta.
Hey all, I need some advice on how I can improve my Mech Mage deck. It's pretty simple right now and I can tell it needs some juicing up, but I can't figure out what to pop into it. I've got 895 dust (and could probably make a little more if need be) readily available. So I can't craft any 1600 guys or anything like that. So yeah. Could really use some advice, thanks!
Secrets maybe? You've got a lot of small creatures to put on the board but what can you really answer when your opponent throws a 6 mana or higher at you? It'll increasingly difficult. You'll be using more cards just to take it down. Recommend using Vaporize and Mirror for starters. Duplicate is great to use for bigger creatures that you wanna put back on the board like legends after they get destroyed. Your opponent for example kills your Dr. Boom & now your Duplicate secret kicks in. Now you've got two copies of it to put back and while keeping him busy on the board until you can finish him with another big creature and/or combo. Like Antinidos + Fireball or Freeze spells.


Secrets maybe? You've got a lot of small creatures to put on the board but what can you really answer when your opponent throws a 6 mana or higher at you? It'll increasingly difficult. You'll be using more cards just to take it down. Recommend using Vaporize and Mirror for starters. Duplicate is great to use for bigger creatures that you wanna put back on the board like legends after they get destroyed. Your opponent for example kills your Dr. Boom & now your Duplicate secret kicks in. Now you've got two copies of it to put back and while keeping him busy on the board until you can finish him with another big creature and/or combo. Like Antinidos + Fireball or Freeze spells.

yeah this is a good point, i find that if the deck i have now hits, i'm winning by turn 7, sometimes even turn 5. but if it gets into late game, i end up getting screwed.

also thank you for the other advice above posters! I'm gonna start tinkering :)


Welp,decided to use my 38k dust and go for all the most played legends. I'm only missing maybe 4 or 5 of them now,mostly the class ones. I had to dust a few gold epics but they were bad cards as well as the non legendary version of these. If I ever buy more packs I'll finish those off and start on the most played epics and rares. I'm not looking for a complete set,just usable stuff.

I also got Tirion as well.


Among other things, I got a £15 battle.net gift card for my birthday today, used it towards buying BRM :) so now I can get Emperor Balanced like everyone else~


Grim Patron mirrors are so hilarious. Both players are too scared to activate the other person's shit. Unstable Ghouls can both lose you and win you the game.


I got voljin from an arena pack today but I could have sworn I already had it. I think blizzard are secretly draining my cards so I have to keep getting more packs :(


I don't understand why people craft gold cards in general. I mean, sure, prestige and all that, but they have no practical use. Why would you waste dust on that? Gold cards have one use, and that is giving you dust. I've disenchanted every single gold card I've ever had as long as I already have the non-gold versions. While they have no meaning to me, I can understand people keeping gold cards they open out of packs, but crafting a purely cosmetic item with valuable dust seems insane.


I don't understand why people craft gold cards in general. I mean, sure, prestige and all that, but they have no practical use. Why would you waste dust on that? Gold cards have one use, and that is giving you dust. I've disenchanted every single gold card I've ever had as long as I already have the non-gold versions. While they have no meaning to me, I can understand people keeping gold cards they open out of packs, but crafting a purely cosmetic item with valuable dust seems insane.
Assume it's for the people that have every card already, or reeeeaaallly love a certain Card.


remember me
If you're good at arena it's easy to amass large quantities of dust, while also having every card. When you're sitting on 10k+ dust and have a full collection, why not splurge on some gold cards? If you're going to win, do it with style.


Gold cards are for those who are already tricked out. Disenchant them (unless they are a high priority Legendary) to get the card you actually need if you still need more cards.

It's really just for show though.


It's very simple, craft golden adventure cards when you start filling out your collection of cards you wanna use in general. You'll never get them in a pack, so it won't be wasted. I have like all the commons from GVG golden now.


I don't understand why people craft gold cards in general. I mean, sure, prestige and all that, but they have no practical use. Why would you waste dust on that? Gold cards have one use, and that is giving you dust. I've disenchanted every single gold card I've ever had as long as I already have the non-gold versions. While they have no meaning to me, I can understand people keeping gold cards they open out of packs, but crafting a purely cosmetic item with valuable dust seems insane.

Because they look awesome. I'd only junk a gold card if it's one I don't like. I even play with sub-par cards (like Betrayal) sometimes because I like the gold art.


Anyone got any tips for the BRM Mage class challenge? Specifically, is there a particular thing to do to trigger the bad guy to play Millhouse Manastorm?

EDIT: never mind, beaten it now. That was super fun though! Got to play with a lot of cards I don't own thanks to Unstable Portal.


Another 100 posts? Another FUCK ALL OF YOU WHO PLAY FACE HUNTER post. I swear it's the only type of deck that makes me tilt.

EDIT: You know what? Fuck it, remove Hunter as a class from the game.


Another 100 posts? Another FUCK ALL OF YOU WHO PLAY FACE HUNTER post. I swear it's the only type of deck that makes me tilt.

EDIT: You know what? Fuck it, remove Hunter as a class from the game.

I'm kinda loving all the face hunters. Faced three tonight with control Warrior and beat them all. They just so mindlessly hit face even when it's a very bad idea if you just read the board and consider what I might have.


I'm kinda loving all the face hunters. Faced three tonight with control Warrior and beat them all. They just so mindlessly hit face even when it's a very bad idea if you just read the board and consider what I might have.

I can have the perfect opener and all the healing in the world and they will topdeck the Owl. Seriously, fuck that class, it's getting to the point that I will auto-concede just to avoid how much bullshit it is. Even Priest and Deathlord does not stop it in most situations.


I can have the perfect opener and all the healing in the world and they will topdeck the Owl. Seriously, fuck that class, it's getting to the point that I will auto-concede just to avoid how much bullshit it is. Even Priest and Deathlord does not stop it in most situations.

It can be worst,

yesterday I had 2 boom bots a healbot and a molten giant taunted and 2 boom bots, opponent was facing lethal in 2 turns and I was at a healthy 18 life. opponent has knife juggler.

Opponent plays bow hit my healbot then plays dr. boom. First juggle hits my boom bot, my boom bot hits his boom bot, his boom bot hits my molten for 4, second boom bot the same thing happens. He hits my face for 3 then lose the game becase I cant find another taunt.

Balanced boom and perfect juggler followed by a 'well, played'. I called it a night after that...
Today I played 9 games. 7 were vs control warrior. I've been playing Ysera priest so it's kind of braindead to win. Still, I've never seen that deck so popular. It doesn't seem particularly good vs the meta spread, specifically the fast mage decks.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
How's the Oil Rogue vs Grim Patron match up?

I think Patron is favored. Rogue has a better chance than they would against control warrior but Oil Rogue has finite damage so they will always suffer because of armor.


I'm on a 10 loss streak with several net decks. Is there an anger management class I can go to? because I literally want to punch everyone in the jaw including myself.



I think Patron is favored. Rogue has a better chance than they would against control warrior but Oil Rogue has finite damage so they will always suffer because of armor.
I don't even know about that, unless it's a more minion-based version with Boom and stuff the Rogue's threats are ridiculously easy to manage with weapons + whirlwind effects while Dank Warrior puts more midgame minions on the board than classic Control, so they can't just play their stuff in peace. And then you get to the combos which Oil Rogue cannot defend against at all, but Dank Warrior can start on turn 6/7 given the opportunity while Control needs at least 9 mana to do something threatening.
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