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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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I wonder what cards have to be offered that you end picking watcher...its not like you actively draft owls in arena so you draft this highly, maybe 1 but they are not that great...

A lot of neutral rares just really, really suck, so sometimes you have to pick the best of an awful bunch. If you have 2 activators for an Ancient Watcher it's probably a better pick than trash like Secretkeeper (non Secret class/deck), Angry Chicken, Alarm-o-bot, Coldlight Seer/Oracle, Lightwarden (non-healing classes/decks), Dragon Egg etc. Especially if your deck is on the slower side.


Druid opponent played double Ancient of War in arena... after innervated Ironbark and topped it off with a Lumberer... this game.



12-1 B O Y S



Pack was 40 dust.


Got a Sea Giant for my EU account. I dusted my other two epics (they were bad, Far Sight and Hungry Crab), so on EU I have two legendaries and 1 epic. It's a nice test of my deckbuilding to try and make decks that can win enough to finish my dailies. I do have a really nice mech mage I was able to make really cheaply (a custom variant with no secrets, but 2x flamestrike and sylvanas/antonidas at the top end).


My EU packs were shit but it's cool because I have almost no Classic cards thanks to me only playing arena on that account. Which reminds me, it is seriously so dumb that Blizzard is still giving out only GvG packs in arena.


Bah, the 2 packs only helped out in dust for my EU F2P account =(
Still 1200 more gold to unlock 2 more wings of BRM and then back to ginding classic/gvg packs.

Wow, actually just realized it wasn't totally garbage. There was a frothing there that helps me complete the Pile On deck


I'm scared of my computer overheating while playing arena and losing a match. This time the deck is really decent and I feel that I can get pretty far.


I hate the internet because it shows me all those one in a million "two legendaries in a pack" occurrences.

For real. It makes it seem like it's really common when it is exceedingly rare.

On a related note, thought this Reddit post was interesting:


What are the chances of getting AT LEAST 1 legendary out of:

# of packs Chance
1 4.90%
2 9.56%
3 13.99%
4 18.20%
5 22.22%
6 26.03%
7 29.66%
8 33.10%
9 36.38%
10 39.50%
14 50.52%
20 63.40%
25 71.53%
30 77.85%
35 82.78%
40 86.60%
50 91.89%
70 97.03%
100 99.34%
138 99.99%

If you want to count any other amount, use this:
n = number of packs
Chance = ( 1 - 0.951ⁿ ) * 100%

So to be nearly guaranteed at least 1 legendary, you need to buy over 100 packs.


So i've started running Malorne in druid and he's been doing great. Either eating a BGH which makes my dr Balanced safer or eating a silence as well which makes Sylvanas safer as well.

Do Better

Start new arena run = first game against Ragnaros and Sylvannas

I have two legends in my next arena deck too, Antonidas and Foe Reaper. There are many sub par cards in it as well though, and I suck with Mage now. I don't know how it happened, but it's true.


Damn those legendary stats are depressing.

I must have opened 30 packs by now (is there a way to check?) without getting a single legendary which puts me in an unlucky 12.15%.
I assumed I must be due one soon but now I know that I may have to wait another 70 packs!
Ok guys need your help i can choose between Stalagg,Millhouse and Gazlowe in arena i have a tinkertown that can create a spare part and a blessing of wisdom im leaning towards Gazlowe here,Stalagg is just too fragile and Millhouse can backfire so hard.


Ok guys need your help i can choose between Stalagg,Millhouse and Gazlowe in arena i have a tinkertown that can create a spare part and a blessing of wisdom im leaning towards Gazlowe here,Stalagg is just too fragile and Millhouse can backfire so hard.
It's a pretty easy Gazlowe because the stats on the Stalagg are bad and Millhouse can lose you the game.
I would go with stalagg. The stat distribution might not be great, but it does trade with a boulderfist ogre for less mana. Plus gazlowe is super weak for 6 mana. We're talking 9 stats iirc vs 11. If you have a bunch of 1 cost spells already, then sure maybe gazlowe. Plus in arena you aren't afraid of bgh so much.
It's a pretty easy Gazlowe because the stats on the Stalagg are bad and Millhouse can lose you the game.

Yeah thought just wanted to double check. Ye Millhouse was just a definite no, you only do that if you want to yolo.

True Mobius im really torn because both really are not that good imo. I do have argent protector and a blessing of kings, there might not be bgh but there are plenty of spells that deal 4 dmg for low cost.


I agree with Mobius, Stalagg is a Salty Dog which is pretty bad but not as awful as a 6cc 3/6 with an effect you can activate twice at best (Tinkertown is unreliable)and not that amazing to begin with. Picking Gaz isn't the end of the world but yeah, I'd take a Yeti over either any day of the week
I agree with Mobius, Stalagg is a Salty Dog which is pretty bad but not as awful as a 6cc 3/6 with an effect you can activate twice at best (Tinkertown is unreliable)and not that amazing to begin with. Picking Gaz isn't the end of the world but yeah, I'd take a Yeti over either any day of the week

i just drafted 2 blessing of might so i think i made the right decision with Gazlowe. Ill find out tomorrow i guess.



3/6 is better than a 7/4 even if it costs 1 more mana. 7/4 dies to Flamestrike, dies to Truesilver Champion, dies to 3/2 plus hero power. A 3/6 stays on the board and is able to pick off some smaller minions at least.

I mean of course a Yeti is better than both but with that draft I think Gazlowe is fine.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Salty Dog is a bad card but I don't think its worse than a 6 mana 3/6. I would trade 4 attack and 1 less mana for 2hp, absolutely. It is actually a significant threat if you are already ahead.
The problems Priest can have dealing with weakling creatures since it was no ping can be hilarious. At six wins in Arena and I start off Z. Chow -> Coin -> Z. Chow. Priest drop a 2-drop. I use Backstab to kill his 2-drop but don't have one of my own to follow up with. I keep removing his minions until I can get my 4- and 5-drops into play. The two Chows lived till turn 9 when I won with Tinker's Oil - the Priest obviously had no SW:ps to remove them. If Priest doesn't get the board, or pull off a good board clear with Auchenai/Circle, Holy Nova, or Lightbomb (or Pyro I guess), it can lose so hard to the weakest minions.

Of course if Priest ever gets control the game is usually over thanks to the easy card advantage from the hero power.


The only deck I've ever played Gazlowe in is a variant of Mech Priest (with Gazlowe replacing Antonidas of the Mech Mage variant to make use of the spare parts). Needless to say, it is a much weaker version of the deck in terms of finishing off opponents. >_>

Gazlowe costing 6 with his stats is a joke.
I would go with stalagg. The stat distribution might not be great, but it does trade with a boulderfist ogre for less mana. Plus gazlowe is super weak for 6 mana. We're talking 9 stats iirc vs 11. If you have a bunch of 1 cost spells already, then sure maybe gazlowe. Plus in arena you aren't afraid of bgh so much.

The other thing is people will use a silence on stalagg before killing it 9 times out of 10.

Because people are stupid.
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