I agree that Firewaker is not going to make the cut in mech mage. The deck has too few spells and the card has no synergy with the deck other than taking spare parts away from Antonidas.I'm kind of luke warm on all 3. The mage card is kind of cool but I think it is difficult to fit non-mech creatures in mech mage even if it does have spare parts. Plus you usually want those spare parts to become fireballs, not arcane missiles. It will make for some good videos of crazy late game spells going off though.
Core Rager also doesn't look amazing. I feel like any situation where you would want to play this thing you would be better off with fel reaver. Core Rager technically can come out a turn earlier but even the faciest of face hunters will have a hard time consistently dumping their hand by turn 4. Not to mention unless you play hunter's mark or can coin a blind draw 1 drop, you actually have to fully dump your hand on turn 3 and then blind draw into Core Rager. The more I think about this card the more I think it sucks.
edit: eh, my opinion of imp gang boss is increasing a little as I stew on it more. If we assume that it will tend to be killed in a single hit, then its still 3/5 of value for 3 mana. So I see it being powerful in arena. But it still doesn't 'feel' strong in current constructed warlock decks. Warlock decks aren't really about cards with good value. Warlock decks are about cheating the rules of the game in different ways and this card doesn't help cheat. Zoo doesn't really want it because it is slow. Demon lock doesn't want too many demons in it because you need your void callers to be pulling down your 9 mana demons. And handlock doesn't want it because it just doesn't really do anything to promote the handlock game plan.
Slow was the wrong word to use for zoo. What I mean is that zoo wants its 3+ mana cards to have an immediate impact on the board. Shattered Sun, Dark Iron, Loatheb, Doomguard, Argus, all have dramatic impacts on the turn played. Harvest golem I think is already not very good and I personally stopped using it in Zoo a long time ago. If people are still using harvest golem then sure this new card might be a minor upgrade but I think most zoo decks would be better off just playing another 1/2 drop instead or teching in like a black knight.Zoo is all about slow cards and value plays, especially ones that leave bodies for them. That's why they run Egg, Implosion, and Spiders; The only fast cards they run are the Doomguard and Flame Imp, and those are value cards meant to control the board from beginning to end. Harvest Golem will probably get cut for the Imp, the 2/4 surviving an attack and the chance for multiple 1/1s beat the harvestG's death rattle.
Do you not use nerubian egg then? I think shattered sun/dwarf buffs are going to become even more important after the expansion with the addition of dragon egg.I feel like Shattered Sun Cleric is not an important card in zoo. I would run both Imp Gang Boss and Harvest Golem. I like it when zoo is super sticky. Means you'll always have a board to trade with.
Course I also prefer Piloted Shredder to Dark Iron Dwarf. I just like the sticky stuff. Makes AoEs super tough.
I don't think Dragon Egg is ever worth the effort unless it synergizes well with some of the yet to be revealed cards.Do you not use nerubian egg then? I think shattered sun/dwarf buffs are going to become even more important after the expansion with the addition of dragon egg.
OT but Nirolak, I feel like you had your avatar before Overwatch was announced. Is this true, are you a Blizzard inside person?!
The whelps are going to be dragons and I bet there's a dragon buff card coming that hasn't been revealed yet.I don't think Dragon Egg is ever worth the effort unless it synergizes well with some of the yet to be revealed cards.
OT but Nirolak, I feel like you had your avatar before Overwatch was announced. Is this true, are you a Blizzard inside person?!
Do you not use nerubian egg then? I think shattered sun/dwarf buffs are going to become even more important after the expansion with the addition of dragon egg.
If you say so.... but that's what an insider would say...I switch to it the day the game was revealed.
I want to use unstable ghoul, but I don't know what to cut. I'm already favored vs face with my current build, so no real need to tech harder for that matchup. Maybe if I was facing more paladins too. This is the list I'm running. I also want to add another shieldmaiden, but again, not sure what to cut.
Oh god Fatigue Mage is so fun at ruining dreams. I played against a Void Terror/Deathrattle Warclock who managed to get a huge Terror that he then facelessed and two Thaddiuses during the game using faceless as well. He got me down to 6hp when he ran out of cards and I was able to keep everything either frozen or behind taunts the whole game. Dude pulled off some sick combos and I just freeze and taunt all day. I could feel the salt coming through the screen, lol.
I would suggest checking your deck composition a bit. Each "Trump Teachings" video ends with a good starter deck using basic cards for the classes.
It's going to be hard to trade efficiently with things like Salty Dog or the 1/4 flier. Cogmaster also isn't a great choice unless you have a ton of mechs.
One of the later videos also goes over when it's a good time to go for the face versus when it isn't.
At least watch Video 5 (favorable trading).
It looks like your deck needs to be retuned. Post a screenshot. A better deck will help you hold board better. That 1/4 with windfury isn't helping, for example.
Copy the deck he used as well...there's a few changes you can make to it as you go along, but some of your card choices may really be hampering your ability to keep up with your opponents play.
It works fine. You are probably making other mistakes. Like I said, I see some bad cards in your hand. You should post your deck, and people will give suggestions.
You are using horrible cards which will always trade badly with opponent's ones. No strategy would work with some of those cards.
Look up some good basic decks. A lot of basic cards are very good, but things like Salty Dog? Cogmaster without any mech? Lord of the Arena? Those are unusable even in Arena.
I want to add that you should try not to take all this criticism about your cards as forcing you buy ton of good cards before you can win.
Arcane Missiles
Arcane Intellect
Water Elemental
Acidic Swamp Ooze
Bloodfen Raptor
Novice Engineer
Kobold Geomancer
Razorfen Hunter
Shattered Sun Cleric
Chillwind Yeti
Gnomish Inventor
Sen'jin Shieldmasta
Gurubashi Berserker
Boulderfist Ogre
Stormwind Champion
All those are pretty decent basic cards every player has and is worth considering over some of the cards you have right now. That Force-Tank max shown is the only non-basic card shown that's worth keeping I'd say.
If you're willing to craft some commons I'd also recommend:
Mana Wyrm
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Harvest Golem
Spider Tank
Haha, I know.You're a terrible person.
lol you should stream that
Thanks everyone that replied to my posts, sorry if I am sounding like a whiny noob or something.
I did try the Mage deck recommended in the Trump Teachings Mage episode. As far as I can tell from trying to play with it, there is just not enough ways to defend myself from enemy minions, which no matter how much I try to clear the board, results in my health being zero before the enemy's.
All the "good" Mage decks I have seen seem to require thousands of dust points to put together, so that's not happening any time soon, but I've tried crafting a few cards I liked the look of, with some success - I managed to get to rank 17 now, though I don't know if I can hold on to it.
Here's what I have:
Hi, I just started playing this few days ago and this is my first card game, so I am still learning.
I mostly play as Mage since it was in tutorial, and I got it to rank 19 with basic cards (i copied the deck from a beginners guide)
In the last pack (got it for beating all expert AI) I got epic priest card Golden Mindgames. To me it looks very random and not very useful, but I am a beginner
Should I disenchant it for 400 AD points?
If yes, what should I create for first? I would prefer something for all classes or Mage.
The only legendary card I have is Cairne Bloodhoof.
And only other epic is Doomsayer.
Hi, I just started playing this few days ago and this is my first card game, so I am still learning.
I mostly play as Mage since it was in tutorial, and I got it to rank 19 with basic cards (i copied the deck from a beginners guide)
In the last pack (got it for beating all expert AI) I got epic priest card Golden Mindgames. To me it looks very random and not very useful, but I am a beginner
Should I disenchant it for 400 AD points?
If yes, what should I create for first? I would prefer something for all classes or Mage.
The only legendary card I have is Cairne Bloodhoof.
And only other epic is Doomsayer.
Thanks everyone that replied to my posts, sorry if I am sounding like a whiny noob or something.
I did try the Mage deck recommended in the Trump Teachings Mage episode. As far as I can tell from trying to play with it, there is just not enough ways to defend myself from enemy minions, which no matter how much I try to clear the board, results in my health being zero before the enemy's.
All the "good" Mage decks I have seen seem to require thousands of dust points to put together, so that's not happening any time soon, but I've tried crafting a few cards I liked the look of, with some success - I managed to get to rank 17 now, though I don't know if I can hold on to it.
Here's what I have:
EDIT: you can actually see my most recent games with this deck on Twitch.
Having a blast with my new legendary:
So far ive only lost to a druid combo and a misplay against another lock where I was off by 1 point. Math is normally my strong suite and I had a better play available had I not gone for the face with poor addition. Implosion gods be damned!
That's pretty good for someone just starting out playing with a deck that's honestly not so great. But your play can still use some work.Thanks everyone that replied to my posts, sorry if I am sounding like a whiny noob or something.
I did try the Mage deck recommended in the Trump Teachings Mage episode. As far as I can tell from trying to play with it, there is just not enough ways to defend myself from enemy minions, which no matter how much I try to clear the board, results in my health being zero before the enemy's.
All the "good" Mage decks I have seen seem to require thousands of dust points to put together, so that's not happening any time soon, but I've tried crafting a few cards I liked the look of, with some success - I managed to get to rank 17 now, though I don't know if I can hold on to it.
Here's what I have:
EDIT: you can actually see my most recent games with this deck on Twitch.
Has this been in the client forever and I just didn't notice?
When you hover over your gold, it will tell you how many wins you are at out of 3 and how much you have earned towards the 100g daily limit.
Screenshot? I don't see this.
EDIT: you can actually see my most recent games with this deck on Twitch.
I tried to screenshot it, but it didn't get picked up for whatever reason (different layer I guess?). I can't make a snip because I have to be hovering over it.
I'll try again.
If you're in windowed, make sure you have focus on the hs client.
EDIT: Okay, I'm dumb. It's part of Hearthstone Deck Tracker. It's getting the information from the client, so I really wish it was just natively displayed. I'll take a picture.
Pretty handy.
Thanks everyone that replied to my posts, sorry if I am sounding like a whiny noob or something.
I did try the Mage deck recommended in the Trump Teachings Mage episode. As far as I can tell from trying to play with it, there is just not enough ways to defend myself from enemy minions, which no matter how much I try to clear the board, results in my health being zero before the enemy's.
All the "good" Mage decks I have seen seem to require thousands of dust points to put together, so that's not happening any time soon, but I've tried crafting a few cards I liked the look of, with some success - I managed to get to rank 17 now, though I don't know if I can hold on to it.
Here's what I have:
EDIT: you can actually see my most recent games with this deck on Twitch.
Does anyone wanna play with randomly generated decks? my id is guitarshred #1250
You can do that?
Yeah, you just create a new deck but don't put any cards into it, back out and say yes when it asks you about filling in the rest of the deck. Voila, randomly generated deck.
My entry into xanathus' card competition:
I liked the idea of a mostly defensive card similar to Ancient Watcher only I wanted to make it slightly less awkward to play. Figured I'd make it a dragon since we know there will be more of those and we don't have any 6 mana cost dragons yet. Statwise, it is reconfigured Boulderfist with Taunt. Of course, the Taunt comes with a drawback so I think it is fairly balanced. No idea if this would see any play or not. Maybe in a Ramp Druid deck?
For Xanthus's contest: I decided to make two!
I made a Blackwing Drake to be kind of an alternate Azure Drake, for classes that can't utilize spellpower very well. It.... might be OP? I'm unsure how often the enrage effect would come into play. It would stick the card into BGH range, which is an interesting side effect.
Vaelastrasz was meant to fit the theme of his WoW encounter. He basically has Ysera's Nightmare as a battlecry. I wasn't sure how powerful Nightmare would actually be if it was a card by itself, 2 or 3 mana I guess, so I'm not particularly confident with the stats. I think he's strong, if maybe a tad bit clunky.
Here's a fake Warlock card for once since I think the joke of making slightly too good Hunter cards is running dry:
I know it's another midrange Warlock card with a crippling drawback (and we already have like six of those), but I couldn't resist thinking about the drawback of revealing to your opponent how many Dragon cards currently are in your hand. Is that even a drawback?
Is the display on the left hand side of Trump Teachings 4 some kind of mod that you can get, or is it just an overlay he's created for the Youtube video?
esportsAfter Europes dominant performance in the first China vs. Europe season, NetEase CEO Ding Lei was not happy with the performance of the Chinese players, and so he vowed to bring the best out of them for season two. And he might have found just the right motivation: a Ferrari. Having felt that the 52,000 prize pool and honor of representing China wasnt enough, CEO Ding decided to throw in a brand new luxury sports car should there be a Chinese winner.