LOL at that toy Ferrari on the commentator's table.
Is the first wing free in Blackrock like it was in Naxx?
It doesn't matter, other people submitted multiple entries and I did not make a rule against it. I simply took the best entry from each person.Hey, thanks for making me the winner of that contest. I'm half-considering disqualifying myself because I made so many cards during the contest, but I guess my first serious entry won?
So I watched all the Trump Teachings videos and switched to his Mage deck (the basic one at the start, not the one with legendaries and fancy cards at the end, as I don't have those). Managed to get up to rank 15 so far.
Despite everything Mage Deck still OP.
No the basic one, with only basic unlockable cards, not a fancy one with mechs or legendaries or what-all.
EDIT: didn't manage to hold on to Rank 15 for long, had a BSOD during a match which got counted as a loss![]()
Recombolute a healbot into a hellreaver.
Basic Mage deck still OP.
Basic Mage is the best deck compared to all of the other Basic decks, that's all.
This is bullshit, man. Bull fucking shit.
What the hell are you supposed to do when people just randomly pull shit like that out of their arses? I'm back down to Rank 18 already!
You take the loss, take solace in the fact that he won't pull off his awful 4-card combo for the next 10 games and move on. You likely made mistakes on previous turns so think of your plays and what you could have done differently, even if it ultimately wouldn't have changed the outcome of this particular match. At your stage you can still learn a lot from every single game with the right mindset.This is bullshit, man. Bull fucking shit.
What the hell are you supposed to do when people just randomly pull shit like that out of their arses? I'm back down to Rank 18 already!
This is bullshit, man. Bull fucking shit.
What the hell are you supposed to do when people just randomly pull shit like that out of their arses? I'm back down to Rank 18 already!
That said simply venting here is not unheard of either.
This is bullshit, man. Bull fucking shit.
What the hell are you supposed to do when people just randomly pull shit like that out of their arses? I'm back down to Rank 18 already!
Dude you're taking the game a little too seriously considering you just started
It happens
So I watched all the Trump Teachings videos and switched to his Mage deck (the basic one at the start, not the one with legendaries and fancy cards at the end, as I don't have those). Managed to get up to rank 15 so far.
If you've gotten to Rank 15, that's pretty good for somebody who's new at the game.
Have Polymorph, hope to draw Polymorph, or regret you used your Polymorph too early.
This is bullshit, man. Bull fucking shit.
What the hell are you supposed to do when people just randomly pull shit like that out of their arses? I'm back down to Rank 18 already!
Yeah no, false alarm, I am back down to Rank 18 again after a string of losses.
I just got to 100 gold again and bought a classic pack, am I allowed to use any of these or have I got to stick with this basic mage deck? I mean sure the basic mage deck works ok some of the time, but it's kinda boring isn't it?
Yeah no he did all that in one turn. It wasn't a threat before that turn, I was already thinking about how to get rid of it.
Yeah no, false alarm, I am back down to Rank 18 again after a string of losses.
I just got to 100 gold again and bought a classic pack, am I allowed to use any of these or have I got to stick with this basic mage deck? I mean sure the basic mage deck works ok some of the time, but it's kinda boring isn't it?
You don't really have to stick with mage. There are other decks you can build on a budget or just from basic decks that are just as good if not better than a basic-only mage deck.
When you make changes to any deck you have to question if they will change the flow of the deck. Making one change at a time and seeing if you would've prefered the card you swapped rather than the new card is a good way to see what changes are happening within your deck. For example dropping some taunts for early game power might feel good some games but then you realize your deck relies on board control and small eventual damage to win. Losing those taunt creatures would leave your board more vulnerable and let your opponent dictate the trades more effectively.I like mage, but because the basic deck is built only on unlockable cards, it doesn't have any of the newer or more fun cards. Like Unstable Portal for example, I got one of those the other day and it seemed pretty cool - sure, it doesn't always come up with uber-badass legendaries but more often than not what it does come up with is useful.
I like mage, but because the basic deck is built only on unlockable cards, it doesn't have any of the newer or more fun cards. Like Unstable Portal for example, I got one of those the other day and it seemed pretty cool - sure, it doesn't always come up with uber-badass legendaries but more often than not what it does come up with is useful.
I have 140 dust now, are there any cards I should consider crafting?
Also, it's a shame there's no way to quickly create a duplicate of an existing deck you have, so you can keep the original deck and have a copy to mess around with.
I'm going to recommend two paths to you.
1.) If you're going to keep caring a lot about your rank, even when you're new at the game, then stick with the basic deck and have a "goal deck" that you are working towards. Something that's proven to be good and relatively cheap, like mech mage, warlock zoo, or midrange hunter. You can lookup decks on Hearthpwn, link is in the OP. Switch to a deck like that once you have all the key cards.
I like mage, but because the basic deck is built only on unlockable cards, it doesn't have any of the newer or more fun cards. Like Unstable Portal for example, I got one of those the other day and it seemed pretty cool - sure, it doesn't always come up with uber-badass legendaries but more often than not what it does come up with is useful.
Are there any ways in Canada of finding discounted packs? Seems the amazon deal is US only.
I'm going to recommend two paths to you.
1.) If you're going to keep caring a lot about your rank, even when you're new at the game, then stick with the basic deck and have a "goal deck" that you are working towards. Something that's proven to be good and relatively cheap, like mech mage, warlock zoo, or midrange hunter. You can lookup decks on Hearthpwn, link is in the OP. Switch to a deck like that once you have all the key cards.
2.) What I would prefer you do is to not care too much about your rank, and use this time while you are building up your card base to experiment with certain cards and learn why certain cards are good and bad. Take the basic deck and occasionally swap out certain minions in certain slots to swap them with copies of other minions you THINK are good, and see if they serve you any better. Try to do this in sets of two. You should have 2 copies of most of your minions in each deck. Generally any minions at 5 or less mana you should be running two of, unless it is a "tech card" that performs a very specific purpose (big game hunter for example) or is a legendary. Having 2 copies of each minion is a good way to establish consistency You should also build basic decks of the other classes and experiment with them as well.
Also, try watching streamers on Twitch. See the plays they make and try to compare them to plays you would make. And then realize they're probably making a better play then you would if they disagree, and think about why that is (if they don't already tell you).
When you make changes to any deck you have to question if they will change the flow of the deck. Making one change at a time and seeing if you would've prefered the card you swapped rather than the new card is a good way to see what changes are happening within your deck. For example dropping some taunts for early game power might feel good some games but then you realize your deck relies on board control and small eventual damage to win. Losing those taunt creatures would leave your board more vulnerable and let your opponent dictate the trades more effectively.
Making a new deck though and seeing what works and doesn't is a good way to get and idea of what you want to do with the deck and then change cards accordingly.
Also, I'm also brand new and if you wanted to add me and play some games sometime I bet that would be great for both of us.
You can throw unstable portal in and you'll probably be fine. The basic deck is mostly just a combination of the best basic cards and not really because they belong there for any special reason so you won't be breaking your deck by changing a few cards around.
You can't expect to play a deck full of "fun" cards that may or may not be good, and then rage when you lose. I'm not saying you should only play optimal netdecks, that would be silly. But like Oggi said, you are still at the stage where every game you're learning something new and deckbuilding is part of that learning. I don't expect to win any game I play on ladder with Randuin Wrynn or Archmage of the Entire Frickin' Universe. I will admit it's very funny when I do win though.
Like others have said, you really should stop putting one of everything in your deck. In a game with as much RNG as Hearthstone, winning is about minimizing the impact of that RNG and that includes your draws.
But to be fair, some games like your one with the super-buffed Sunwalker are just unwinnable. There will be games where the other guy has a perfect curve, he'll draw all his answers, he will always get favourable trades or he'll luck into lethal. Shit happens. Even the best only win like 60% of the time. Sometimes they are unlucky and can turn it around, I saw Kibler play a game last night where he used both Thoughtsteals and drew Deadly Poison and Blade Flurry TWICE. Other things went his way and he went on to win.
Also, I'd really advise against crafting commons and rares. Maybe a few rares are worth crafting like Azure Drake. With daily quests you should be opening a pack a day, so your commons will mount up over time. I would also dust EVERYTHING gold while your collection is small since you can trade them in for a card of the same rarity.
And don't play Face Hunter. You'll win games but you'll learn nothing.
Yeah I have calmed down a bit now, I was just raging because that bullshit 28 attack thing came right after a string of losses.
Thing is though, if I shouldn't care about rank, are you suggesting I should become one of those people who concedes every other game in order to stay the same rank? Because that seems really weird, and there seems to be a lot of those out there - I run into at least one or two every time I play.
I'm Danj#2393 if anyone wants to add me on
Is there anything I can craft then? Or is crafting just not worthwhile?
Face Druid.
That's a first.
Face Druid.
That's a first.
There's others?
Talk about lucky losses... mech mage got a grom off his unstable portal and managed to win based off that.
7 mana pyroblast OP
My piloted Sky golem spawned a piloted shredder.
There's an Xzibit joke in here somewhere.