any chance of a discount in naxxramas due to the release of BM?
Sneed's into Sneed's is the ultimate insult. Then you throw down Kel.
If Sneed's drops Kel, the Sneed's comes back, right?
any chance of a discount in naxxramas due to the release of BM?
I always recommend Face Hunter to new players. It's even cheaper cost than Midrange Hunter and very effective
Thing is though, if I shouldn't care about rank, are you suggesting I should become one of those people who concedes every other game in order to stay the same rank? Because that seems really weird, and there seems to be a lot of those out there - I run into at least one or two every time I play.
Kel sucksDouble Kel'Thuzad players shouldn't be in rank 18-20.
Double Kel'Thuzad players shouldn't be in rank 18-20.
Kel sucks
Kel sucks
Probably, they really should though. I seriously wouldn't want to start from scratch now between Classic (w/o arena packs), GvG, Naxx and BRM. The smartest move would have been a bundle of both adventures for around 34, which would be the same as a Naxx discount but gets new-ish players to commit to an early real money purchase of BRM.
Seems like a good card with deathrattle minions.
If players matched their boards, this card can easily make the battle one-sided.
Pair it with Sludge Belcher, and you can pretty much win when you know your opponents has no more silences.
Kel's too slow. The odds are if you're playing him on a big board you were going to win anyway.
Shield Slam (with enough armour) or Whirlwind + Execute or Cruel Taskmaster + BGH
Shadow Word: Death
Siphon Soul
Equality + Consecrate (or Equality + Wild Pyro)
Hunter's Mark + Arcane Shot
And most of those are basics or commons. I'll never understand the fetish so many players have for silences. I have a deck for almost all classes and the only silence I run is Keeper of the Grove in Druid. Maybe I'll tech a Hoot Hoot into CW or Handlock depending on the meta.
Kel sucks
This is true. Even for someone like yourself who seems to be a longtime good HS player, but you complain about Face Hunters too much haha
No one can ever complain about face hunters too much!
Playing on my f2p EU account and someone just played assassin's blade on turn 7 followed by hero power......followed by "mistakes were made."
It's not that you shouldn't care, it's that there's no incentive to care because Blizzard's rewards structure is crap. Because there's no rewards for going from 20 to Legend
IMO, you should only craft when you have a deck in mind that you want to build and you are missing key cards to make it work. Dust doesn't have an expiry date. If you're building Tempo Mage (I'm not saying you are
it's just what I'm laddering with so it's what comes to mind), you'll need Azure Drakes, Kirin Tor Mages and Unstable Portals which are all rares. Then you'll need some secrets, in mine I play Counterspell (rare) and Mirror Entity (common). If I didn't have these, I would craft them, because IMO Legendaries are great but they are finishers and if you don't have the rares and epics they don't matter. There's lots of streamers who played with full decks of Legendaries if you want to see the stupidly excessive version of this problem.
Legendaries are a whole other problem. I use Dr Boom, Rag and Loatheb but I was lucky to pull the first two from packs and the first wing of Naxx was free back last summer. They take a long time to save up for, and new players get caught up about them. I think this is both because they have their own music and animations (meaning they stick in your mind more) and because the best Legendaries provide a huge tempo swing meaning they can be used to come from behind and win games you have no right to win. Personally, I would only worry about Legendaries until I had a solid core of cards. If I was a new player, I'd probably craft Dr Boom if I lucked into a gold Legendary though since he works in almost everything. The Naxx and Blackrock cards are tougher since the gold needed is way too much. Honestly, I would always buy adventures with cash but I realise that isn't feasible for people either because they don't have the scratch or they are F2P players.
Kel's too slow. The odds are if you're playing him on a big board you were going to win anyway.
Shield Slam (with enough armour) or Whirlwind + Execute or Cruel Taskmaster + BGH
Shadow Word: Death
Siphon Soul
Equality + Consecrate (or Equality + Wild Pyro)
Hunter's Mark + Arcane Shot
And most of those are basics or commons. I'll never understand the fetish so many players have for silences. I have a deck for almost all classes and the only silence I run is Keeper of the Grove in Druid. Maybe I'll tech a Hoot Hoot into CW or Handlock depending on the meta.
What in gods green earth did you just link? I have no idea what that video said other than magicamy doesn't exist.
Oh. Well, but I thought with the end of the season coming up, trying to get a higher rank was worthwhile, as you seem to get the card that corresponds to your rank at the end of the season? Or are they just not worth having?
Oh. Well, but I thought with the end of the season coming up, trying to get a higher rank was worthwhile, as you seem to get the card that corresponds to your rank at the end of the season? Or are they just not worth having?
Is buying the adventures the most cost-efficient thing I could do if I was prepared to put some money into the game? That's to say, does it give the most bang for the least bucks? Here both Naxxramas and Blackrock are £17.49 ($26.15) each, which seems a bit steep. I could get 15 packs for less than that (£13.99/$20.92), though even that seems a little bit much.
You don't get cards for ranking up, just this month's card back if you hit at least rank 20. The only other reward you get is starting at a higher rank next month.
You get a card back for getting Rank 20 or higher. That's it. You do get a card back for hitting Legend, but it's the same cardback everytime and you're a long ways away from Legend.
Yes. It is so much better to spend real money on the adventure modes than anything else. I have a video I did in the OP where I explain gold, arcane dust, and real money spending. I think it might be worth watching for you.
That's weird, I could swear I got a South Sea Deckhand from last season as I was Rank 20.
And one Owl can be great against Sylvanus, Tirion, Savana Highmane, Twilight Drake, Piloted Sky Golem, Piloted Shredder, Belcher, and any taunts when you're threatening lethal. It also works great to counter Mirror Entity.
how does Owl counter Mirror Entity?
How do you craft golden webspinners?
How do you craft golden webspinners?
Id rather give a mage a 2/1 than a 5/5, ya know?
What do you do when you don't have those cards in your hand?
Go for face?
For example, if you are a mage and you are going first, the chances of you having a mana wyrm (assuming you have 2 in your deck and you are going first i.e. drawing 4 cards total) in your opening hand is 25%. This is calculated this way: (28 / 30) * (27 / 29) * (26 / 28) * (25 / 27), which is actually the odds of NOT drawing a mana wrym, and then subtracting that value from 1 to get the odds of drawing it. I created a javascript object which can calculate this for you (code blow), and here are some of the interesting results:
Chance of having a specific card (2 / 30) on turn 1 going first: 25%
Chance of having a specific card on turn 1 going second: 31%
If you have 8 cards that cost 2 mana, the chance of drawing at least 1 of them by turn 2 is 82% going first or 87% going second.
If you have 2 argent commanders, the chance of drawing 1 of them by turn 6 is 52% going first or 56% going second.
If you have 1 Ysera, the chance of drawing it by turn 9 is about 40%.
I just had a classic control paladin vs control warrior match. 23 turns and a complete blow out by me. When you have BGH for rag, healbot + aldor for alex, humility + kelthuzad + tirion to block gromm... you feel invincible vs control warrior. I mean, I just have too many answers. Dr boom? I could have just aldor'd but I figure since I had BGH for rag already, humility+aldor for both gromm+alex, tirion on deck to be played if necessary... shit was just a blow out in the slowest way possible. Sitting at 82% win rate vs warrior with this paladin deck.
Everyone keeps saying that Control Warrior beats Oil Rogue hands down, but I cannot for the life of me beat this fucking deck. Lost to it 6 times today.
What the fuck
Southsea Deckhand is the name for Rank 21. You probably got enough bonus stars from getting Rank 20 that it rolled you into Rank 21 for the next season. You do not get cards from ranking up.
There are no bonus rewards for ranking up over Rank 20 except for the card back at Legend, and maybe qualifying for Blizzcon if you're at the very, very top. No cards, No gold. No dust. Just bonus stars that may start you up at a higher rank than normal on the next season.
Ohhh, okay, I guess that was it.
I've been watching your video, and while your gold-to-real-money equivalency thing makes a lot of sense, what it doesn't tell me is what if any cards I would gain by buying Naxxramas. If I buy a pack, I know that I will get 5 cards, and I know that some or all of them may not be of any use to me as a Mage, but what's the card situation for the adventures?
Yeah Control Paladin is heavily favored against Control Warrior. You have so many tools to shut down their win conditions. I bet Shieldmaiden may have made it a slightly better matchup than it used to be, though.
Control Paladin isn't particularly strong in the current meta, though. I think Midrange Paladin is in a better spot.
Everyone keeps saying that Control Warrior beats Oil Rogue hands down, but I cannot for the life of me beat this fucking deck. Lost to it 6 times today.
What the fuck
Is buying the adventures the most cost-efficient thing I could do if I was prepared to put some money into the game? That's to say, does it give the most bang for the least bucks? Here both Naxxramas and Blackrock are £17.49 ($26.15) each, which seems a bit steep. I could get 15 packs for less than that (£13.99/$20.92), though even that seems a little bit much.
Yeah Control Paladin is heavily favored against Control Warrior. You have so many tools to shut down their win conditions. I bet Shieldmaiden may have made it a slightly better matchup than it used to be, though.
Control Paladin isn't particularly strong in the current meta, though. I think Midrange Paladin is in a better spot.
You probably aren't armoring up enough. Oil Rogue has a finite amount of damage so armor keeps your head above water until the rogue runs out. Your weapons should be enough to keep the rogue's skimpy board clear and you won't be building up a particularly large board yourself for blade flurry to do that much damage.
Ohhh, okay, I guess that was it.
I've been watching your video, and while your gold-to-real-money equivalency thing makes a lot of sense, what it doesn't tell me is what if any cards I would gain by buying Naxxramas. If I buy a pack, I know that I will get 5 cards, and I know that some or all of them may not be of any use to me as a Mage, but what's the card situation for the adventures?
Control paladin is in a great spot. Way better than midrange imo. Between midrange and control atm, since I play both, my control has a 71% winrate vs 58% - about equal amount of matches played (30-35 each). I also believe Trump hit legend rank 1 with a control pally deck.
I've played the match up a lot from the rogue perspective and I think I have had extra success due to my own changes to the deck which include cutting ERF and adding gallywix, among a few other smaller changes like 1 less fan of knives in favor of autobarber.
You get 30 cards from Naxxramas. 6 of which are legendaries. Getting the cards from Naxxramas is extremely important. There are some cards like Mad Scientist, Haunted Creeper, Sludge Belcher, and Loatheb which are must haves. Naxxramas is the only way you can obtain these cards.
Some of those cards are on the list in that Tempo Mage deck, I hadn't realised that the only way to get them was to buy Naxxramas. I'll sleep on it, then tomorrow morning I'll think about spending real money on Naxxramas and Blackrock (might as well get Blackrock now, it'll be another 30 cards presumably when it comes out next month).
Though I notice on this page which has a bunch of info on Blackrock it says you need to have all 9 heroes "unlocked"... does that mean you have to unlock all the basic cards for all the classes? I've done that for mage but haven't really done that for anything else.
Nope. Armoring every single turn I can. It doesn't make that much of a difference. It's really only +1 armor each turn since Oil Rogue isn't doing anything in the first five rounds besides hero powering and reacting to your board, which CW doesn't have.
"Finite" amount of damage....Eh, sure, but it's still massive. Spell damage added to the spells is what makes it difficult as fuck. +6 damage just from the 2 mana spell is insane.
And as far as keeping armor goes, if I'm using weapons to clear her board, it's gonna deplete the armor anyway lol. Can't win