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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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I always die to the tree combo.

Maybe because I don't have Tirion yet.

I just crafted Quartermaster, and I feel underwhelmed. It probably will help me in Patron Warrior matchups, but I think Stormwind Champion was more useful against other ones.

Everyone just keeps killing the 1/1s on every turn, so people always expect that card to show up.

Quartermaster works best in combo with muster for battle. It's hard to get value out of quartermaster without it.


So more of a Turn 7/8? Sometimes I play Muster for Battle on Turn 3.

Muster/coin quartermaster is a pretty huge deal, muster turn 3 is fine on its own as you play 2 copies and its strong against Aggro starts.

Then there's the turn 8 play.
Generally if you turn 3 muster and turn 4 hero power they will do all they can to remove your 1/1s
Patron doesn't really start to get its running start until turn 7/8 against paladin in particular due to the 1/1s, so you will normally be able to get most of these instances off.

If you however can't for whatever reason, sitting on quartermaster until turn 8 is fine but knowing that the warrior will go off on either that turn or the following is something you have to play with in mind.

The card itself is a 2/5 so it's vulnerable to patron on its own and muster/master is 4 cards, that's 4 hits of a frothing for him.
Paladin is just inherently bad against the deck for many reasons this is just one of them, they don't even need patron to go off, they can just use your minions and their own patrons as bodies to buff frothing even if everything goes your way.

Being a deck that spits out bodies is a curse more often than not in this meta.

Azure drake has been gaining a ton of ground in midrange lately, people often removing the second quartermaster for it to deal with patron and strengthen the zoo matchup even more.

A second equality would do fine as well.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You're missing a lot of lines of play without Quartermaster. Champion is a totally different kind of card.


In the process of deciding if it will be worth it to learn and master rogue, there are so few of them that play at a high level and I keep hearing that's due to how difficult the deck can be to perfect your play with, all the way down to the mulligan options.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
In the process of deciding if it will be worth it to learn and master rogue, there are so few of them that play at a high level and I keep hearing that's due to how difficult the deck can be to perfect your play with, all the way down to the mulligan options.
I just played a game where Sprint was one of my last two cards. Fuck Rogue


In the process of deciding if it will be worth it to learn and master rogue, there are so few of them that play at a high level and I keep hearing that's due to how difficult the deck can be to perfect your play with, all the way down to the mulligan options.

Rogue is probably my favorite class, especially for arena. It's a bummer that I can't/don't play it much.
I always die to the tree combo.

Maybe because I don't have Tirion yet.

I just crafted Quartermaster, and I feel underwhelmed. It probably will help me in Patron Warrior matchups, but I think Stormwind Champion was more useful against other ones.

Everyone just keeps killing the 1/1s on every turn, so people always expect that card to show up.

Hm. That makes me wonder.

What if Warriors started adding Stormwind Champions to their Patron decks? 4/4 Patrons would be ridiculous.

Between taunts, healbots, and board clears, druids have a fairly difficult time setting up for a clean combo kill. It happens, but very often it is preventable. And they have no real answer to muster/quartermaster and that can often end the game on the spot.

Against druids, I mainly mulligan for truesilver champion, since that takes care of a lot of early threats and can help you build your board to enter the late game. I still keep good early game stuff, and aldor peacekeeper (because sometimes they innervate out huge bodies worth aldoring), but I find that truesilver champion is something that pushes my hand from mediocre to strong if drawn early.


In the process of deciding if it will be worth it to learn and master rogue, there are so few of them that play at a high level and I keep hearing that's due to how difficult the deck can be to perfect your play with, all the way down to the mulligan options.

Rogue is very fun to play, you can destroy in one turn.... IF you draw what you want. The class is based on combo cards. You pretty much have no chance against aggro decks more often than not, it's very hard to win those.

You can play mill rogue instead, doesn't even use most of the rogue cards other than vanish,sap and now gang up. That's way more consistent to win with. but it's not fun, I hate it...
Rogue is very fun to play, you can destroy in one turn.... IF you draw what you want. The class is based on combo cards. You pretty much have no chance against aggro decks more often than not, it's very hard to win those.

You can play mill rogue instead, doesn't even use most of the rogue cards other than vanish,sap and now gang up. That's way more consistent to win with. but it's not fun, I hate it...

Mill Rogue isn't consistent at all. Not even a little bit. The whole game hinges on whether you can pull Coldlight Oracle and a card to combo it with. Otherwise, you pretty much lose.
Rogue vs aggro is very doable imho. I do have my rogue tech'd differently though. I often run 1 healbot instead of ERF. And I am running 1 dark iron skulker (seriously would love to run 2). I also run zero backstabs, so early game can be more difficult to combo.

The main goal against aggro is to get tempo as early as possible and then try to race. Sometimes you'll want to save certain cards for bigger swings, but sometimes you can work with a smaller swing early on that adds up to be actually quite a big swing. So even sapping a 2 mana minion to get tempo, can be worth it. And when a hunter drops highmane and you have sap... it is like an automatic win if you were already ahead.


I have no idea how to beat hunters. I can't make a deck to even slow them down.
You don't slow them down, you just put bigger threats on the board and threaten bigger damage than they can. Just play around Freezing Trap as much as you can.

Or you can just go raw anti-aggro and get like two Chows in your deck, cheap early game removals, heals, taunts and AOE clears. Just don't go overboard with the heals, that's a common mistake against Hunters.

You want to play to win against Hunters, not play to "not lose" against them. That usually means racing them to lethal.


You don't slow them down, you just put bigger threats on the board and threaten bigger damage than they can. Just play around Freezing Trap as much as you can.

Or you can just go raw anti-aggro and get like two Chows in your deck, cheap early game removals, heals, taunts and AOE clears. Just don't go overboard with the heals, that's a common mistake against Hunters.

You want to play to win against Hunters, not play to "not lose" against them. That usually means racing them to lethal.

Yeah I tried making an aggro mech shaman deck to race them but just not getting it done. Then tried a priest deck with two chows, shadow madness, holy nova, wild pyro, etc and I just delay the inevitable.

I know I'm a bottom tier player but it's getting to the point of just auto quitting when I see one.
Yeah I tried making an aggro mech shaman deck to race them but just not getting it done. Then tried a priest deck with two chows, shadow madness, holy nova, wild pyro, etc and I just delay the inevitable.

I know I'm a bottom tier player but it's getting to the point of just auto quitting when I see one.

Post your deck list. Somebody can probably tell you what's wrong. If you have the cards for it, Freeze Mage pretty much wrecks Hunter.


Yeah basically the rogue issue i have is dealing with aggro, so... basically only hunters.
Too bad they are ridiculously popular.

May just start playing around with a triple heal deck (double earthen and healbot)


Anyone know of a premade spreadsheet I can use to track my games and more specifically the deck matchups? Karma mentioned hers on the Angry Chicken podcast but google didn't turn up much of anything the other day


A lot of mech mages on ladder tonight.

edit: Actually just mages.

How does a Paladin play around Oil Rogue? I can never get pass the 23 damage turn as the match is difficult to clear 3/3 minions.


As I said in a later post, I was offered a grand total of 5 minions that had more than 3 attack. I really doubt your arena drafts are that bad on a regular basis. And when I play Mage I usually get at least one poly or fireball or flamestrike or water elemental (not one copy of all four, but one of those four cards) that I can pick. I don't see that as having exceptional luck.

I'd guess that in almost half my Mage drafts, I get offered none of those. My last Mage draft had one Flamecannon, one Mirror Entity, and no other Mage cards.


I don't think I'll ever "get" this game.

It's just so fucking random. I can be up a TON, and then 1 good card drawn = I'm fucked.

Or I never get my anything started due to just my initial cards are shit, everything I draw is shit, and my opponent gets everything they could ever have wanted right in a row.

That's just beyond frustrating. This is the only game I've played where truly 50% of it is all luck based. You won't ever see the skill someone has with their deck if they get completely shit out of luck on initial draws.


Or I never get my anything started due to just my initial cards are shit

Do you know that you can mulligan your initial cards?

When they glow green at the start of the game, you can click on ones you don't want to start with to have them replaced.


OK. Why did it just count my win as a loss in arena (mobile)???

Wtf? I just beat the guy, and it still gave me my last "X"??? Wut?


Here's my Paladin deck.




Do you know that you can mulligan your initial cards?

When they glow green at the start of the game, you can click on ones you don't want to start with to have them replaced.

Yes. I've had mulligans turn into redraws of the same thing, shittier options, etc.

It's great to redraw, but if the game say gives me 4 various spell cards, I redraw 1-4, and get spell cards again, or a card that is 5 or 6 cost that was saved up for later in the game... and my opponent just gets a wrecking ball of good minion combos right out the gate then a comeback is damn near pointless pretty damn quick.


Are some deck build so good, so tight, that you can never get an initial bad draw or redraw of your starter cards? I could SEE a deck being that good, but again I feel too much of this game is just RANDOM. You get lucky or you don't, and then you use skill after the random God has blessed or cursed you.


Yes. I've had mulligans turn into redraws of the same thing, shittier options, etc.

It's great to redraw, but if the game say gives me 4 various spell cards, I redraw 1-4, and get spell cards again, or a card that is 5 or 6 cost that was saved up for later in the game... and my opponent just gets a wrecking ball of good minion combos right out the gate then a comeback is damn near pointless pretty damn quick.


Are some deck build so good, so tight, that you can never get an initial bad draw or redraw of your starter cards? I could SEE a deck being that good, but again I feel too much of this game is just RANDOM. You get lucky or you don't, and then you use skill after the random God has blessed or cursed you.
What's your deck?


Closest thing is Face Hunter. The only way you can get a bad draw is if you draw all Secrets in hand or two copies of Skill Command. Otherwise you will pretty much always have something to play on the board.

Even Midrange Hunter can get a bad hand at start.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
What's your deck look like? Curve is important to try to avoid clunky starts being common, but you might also have too many spells if that's cropping up all the time.

Like mentioned, Face Hunter generally has the most consistent mulligans and stuff like Zoo are high up there as well but even those can have misfires, it's soooo bad when the mulligan turns into you holding both secrets.
Here's my Paladin deck.



Quarter Master probably isn't much good without 2X Muster. Same with Knife Juggler. The only card draw you have is Lay on Hands, and that can't be played until turn 8. Try Either Solemn Vigil or Cult Masters. Are you regularly getting value out of KT? Without Sylvanas or Tirion, I don't see him being all that good. The only really good resurrection target he has is Sky Golem and maybe Belcher. It looks like your turn 3 kind of sucks unless you get your lone copy of Muster. Aldor and BGH are generally better much later, and MCT doesn't usually have a target to steal by then. The only solid two drops you have are the Minibots, KJ is kind of weak if you play him by himself on turn 2 and you don't get any knives out of him before he's removed and you'll want to save Ooze for a Death's Bite, Jaraxxus, or True Silver/Ash Bringer.


Quarter Master probably isn't much good without 2X Muster. Same with Knife Juggler. The only card draw you have is Lay on Hands, and that can't be played until turn 8. Try Either Solemn Vigil or Cult Masters. Are you regularly getting value out of KT? Without Sylvanas or Tirion, I don't see him being all that good. The only really good resurrection target he has is Sky Golem and maybe Belcher.

My card collection is still small, so I've been saving for Tirion.

I took out a muster because I see warriors gaining attack points/minions. Muster For Battle really isn't useful unless I have a quartermaster combo. I'd rather just play one 1/1 minion with hero power.

What cards do you suggest I replace to fit in your suggestions? I don't have a second quartermaster. If I did, should I replace Loatheb?

I get value from KT if I have stuff at Turn 8. Actually, I always get value as long as I have a few minions. Any minion with a deathrattle or Shielded Minibot resurrection is instant value.

I think LifeCoach runs a Paladin variant with KT.


Here's my Paladin deck.



It's really hard to justify some of the choices without the second muster, tirion is big but Judging by your older posts you know that already

Sky golem is good in the deck by I prefer sylvanas in the slot, owl over spellbreker.

I imagine kelthuzad is a replacement for tirion, but he is a good control paladin card, although this deck is pretty far from control paladin, looks pretty midrange,

Mc tech is good sometimes, just depends on what you are running into, I prefer Harrison in my fill spot right now personally.
Loatheb doesn't do much in a slow, minimal to no burst deck like paladin, it would basically allow you to set up a quarter master and that's all, assuming they have no board and your are only playing 1 anyway.

The obvious 1 muster is sketch, it's one if your main anti Aggro and early game cards as well as synergises well with quartermaster and juggler, even if you only meet patron on ladder they can't even go off until turn 7/8 which is more than enough time for you to get muster value.
If it is turn 8 you can full quartermaster combo if you wanted giving you insta 3/3s instead of sitting on the 1/1s, paladin is extremely weak to patron anyway, cutting a muster doesn't help the matchup.

Ooze is good but I prefer Harrison as I listed earlier, if you don't have him ooze is fine and good right now.


It's really hard to justify some of the choices without the second muster, tirion is big but Judging by your older posts you know that already

What card would you replace for a second muster?

I took one out for ooze since I was tired of seeing weapons.

Sky golem is good in the deck by I prefer sylvanas in the slot, owl over spellbreker.

I had an owl before, but its purpose seems to be only for silencing. It's so useless as a minion on the board due to 1 health. I replaced it with Spellbreaker, so I could actually kill something.
What card would you replace for a second muster?

I took one out for ooze since I was tired of seeing weapons.

Cut 1 zombie chow, add 1 muster. The rest looks okay. Maybe cut blessing of kings. A second quartermaster is probably better.

I've never played this list without tirion. I have played it with most of the other cards.


Cut 1 zombie chow, add 1 muster. The rest looks okay. Maybe cut blessing of kings. A second quartermaster is probably better.

I've never played this list without tirion. I have played it with most of the other cards.

I had Emperor Thaurissan before I put the Blessing of Kings. My thought process is that Thaurissan didn't really add value to the deck as I wasn't using my mana curve efficiently, and I still was playing the same kind of minions without the discount.

Blessing of Kings serves as a buff for either a 2 attack (preferably quartermaster) or a 1/1 minion.

Tirion is that good? In mirror matchups, I save a silence for it. Levi was complaining earlier how much he wasted dust on it.


What card would you replace for a second muster?

I took one out for ooze since I was tired of seeing weapons.

I had an owl before, but its purpose seems to be only for silencing. It's so useless as a minion on the board due to 1 health. I replaced it with Spellbreaker, so I could actually kill something.

Spellbreker in paladin is weak mostly due to the contested 4 slot, paladin runs tons of 4 drop cards. You only play owl for the silence yeah, in most cases that 2/1 silence goes much farther than just hero powering that turn and is even valuable late game for just 2 mana.

I would probably cut loatheb for the second muster, I'm assuming you don't have access to sylvanas or the Harrison just yet so you need the ooze and the golem to fill the slots, once you get those cards, there are those replacements basically.

Tirion is obvious, not having these 3 cards makes your late game a good bit weaker than the average midrange paladin, so I say you focus on your early game by swapping the loatheb out.

The other option is dropping a chow but they are very strong in an early game centric deck like midrange paladin, however as I stated your late game is weak at the moment so it's up in the air.

Everything else I did not mention looks fine , blessing of kings is being used in every top midrange paladin currently as xzirez hit rank 1 with a deck that played it causing people to try it and actually like it since the card has great synergy with mini bot and is some extra burst for a deck that has next to none.

The 1 draw card is extremely common for paladin as well, this is due to the fact that paladin runs many straight value cards that either use their potential effects on the spot or are just sticky, this is the same thing as a hunter build basically.
Few people play argus/acolyte but that is quite rare these days, the equivalent would be seeing cult master/snake trap in midrange hunter, which is also rare for the same reason.

Tirion is next to dr. Boom as one of the 2 most value legendary cards in the game.
He's huge silence bait simply because of how much value he generates you, even dodges bgh.
I think spellbreaker is decent in paladin. Stronger vs control decks than owl. Owl is a bit better vs aggro when mana is a stricter resource, making silence more versatile but a weaker minion.


I think spellbreaker is decent in paladin. Stronger vs control decks than owl. Owl is a bit better vs aggro when mana is a stricter resource, making silence more versatile but a weaker minion.

This is true, but there are only 2 control decks on ladder at all and 1 of them is rare, making handlock the common matchup.

Paladin is already anti control simply due to its base kit, it's basically one of the main reasons you play the deck at all, to counter handlock and have nice matchups vs. control warrior etc. the deck is very weak to hunter and owl improves the matchup as well as the other aggro matchups on ladder, which should be most of your ladder games in general.

You also get to do this without adding another 4 drop to a deck that has more 4 drops than any other.


What's the best option to track your ladder opponents?

I feel like the prominence of face hunter is overstated and want to get some cold hard numbers to substantiate.

Ridiculous that Hearthstone, which is already tracking ask that information, isn't making that info available to the player. Would love to see detailed stat screens for individual games as well as larger laddering sessions.


What's the best option to track your ladder opponents?

I feel like the prominence of face hunter is overstated and want to get some cold hard numbers to substantiate.

Ridiculous that Hearthstone, which is already tracking ask that information, isn't making that info available to the player. Would love to see detailed stat screens for individual games as well as larger laddering sessions.
It'll come to the advanced features section in the near future. 6,99€/$6.99/£4.99 each for win/loss tracking + percentage calculation, game history and replays - have the edge on your opponents for just 19.99€/$19.99/£16.99 with the full stat tracking package! (comes with an exclusive cardback)
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