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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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I hope it's 2v2.
I've been waiting for it since launch.

I doubt it will ever happen. Not only will it have serious balance issues (you think Mage is a problem in Arena, because that's nothing compared to what 2v2 will be like), but getting the UI to work on mobiles will be a nightmare.
It's not like anyone else can see your profile (yet).

It would discourage themselves, that is the point. For every person who has a 50%+ winrate, there is someone with a < 50% winrate. It would discourage people to know how often they lose.

I think more people are like reynad then they'd care to admit, as well.



They just don't want people to be discouraged by losing and having bad stats on their profile.
Flimsy excuses!

People will be confused by more than 9 deck slots. People will be discouraged by seeing their winrate. People will pay 10€ for a hero skin. Bah.

At least they're consistent in treating their fanbase like idiots.

Still, there are options. The stats don't have to be highly visible to everyone, just make it so I can access them somehow if I want to. That I have to resort to third party solutions means their design failed somewhere along the way.


I am watching someone who has sub 15 viewers play paladin around rank 4 and all he plays against are other Paladins who draw better than he does, must be about 5 games in a row he just lost due to getting outdrawn in the first 4 turns, gross


I am watching someone who has sub 15 viewers play paladin around rank 4 and all he plays against are other Paladins who draw better than he does, must be about 5 games in a row he just lost due to getting outdrawn in the first 4 turns, gross

Welcome to Hearthstone.


Welcome to Hearthstone.

But that many Paladins in a row goes back to my previous responses questioning why the fuck there are that many Paladins right now.

Rng aside.

I don't think I have ever gone that many games in a row playing an unpopular class against the same unpopular class and still lost due to my opponent just outdrawing me at the start.

Lucky me.


Any suggestions for improvements to this Control Warrior deck?


It destroys Face Hunter and Patron Warrior, but I'm not sure about other match-ups where regular Control Warrior (with Alex and Grom) has an advantage. I don't have Alex or Grom. I lost hard to tempo mage a couple of times.


Any suggestions for improvements to this Control Warrior deck?


It destroys Face Hunter and Patron Warrior, but I'm not sure about other match-ups where regular Control Warrior (with Alex and Grom) has an advantage. I don't have Alex or Grom. I lost hard to tempo mage a couple of times.

Alex and grom are pretty huge win conditions and go hand in hand most of the time sadly, don't think I have any experience playing control without them :/

There are some other legendarys you can use in place of moltens etc however, such as rag and ysera.

You will generally have so much armor it will be rare for them to bring much value.
Not sure about the mountains either, but like I said I don't have much experience playing the deck without the normal legendarys so I wouldn't know how they work at the moment.

The second shield slam is a must, it's one of your main removal cards.
Whirlwind isn't very good in a patron meta but it has its use against hunters, people usually only play 1 in the fill slot however, 2 is a little overboard.

I'm assuming a few of these are filler cards for cards you may not have so I'm unsure.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The giants feel like a mistake. Do you have Ragnaros or Baron Geddon? Sneed's even?
I think I want to try control warrior again. Dragon control warrior. Double brawl. Volcanic drakes. Rend. kelthuzad.

I'm not even sure if I have double brawl, so probably will settle for one. I even want to go a little old school and use korkron elites. Maybe it won't be so dragony and rend will be cut.

Something to think about.


Alex and grom are pretty huge win conditions and go hand in hand most of the time sadly, don't think I have any experience playing control without them :/

There are some other legendarys you can use in place of moltens etc however, such as rag and ysera.

You will generally have so much armor it will be rare for them to bring much value.
Not sure about the mountains either, but like I said I don't have much experience playing the deck without the normal legendarys so I wouldn't know how they work at the moment.

The second shield slam is a must, it's one of your main removal cards.
Whirlwind isn't very good in a patron meta but it has its use against hunters, people usually only play 1 in the fill slot however, 2 is a little overboard.

I'm assuming a few of these are filler cards for cards you may not have so I'm unsure.

The giants feel like a mistake. Do you have Ragnaros or Baron Geddon? Sneed's even?

I don't have Ragnaros, Ysera or Geddon. I don't have two Shield Slams, but I could/should probably craft a second one.

The Whirlwinds have been doing some work against Hunters, although I see what you mean about them.

Should you run BGH as Control Warrior? With two Shield Slams and Executes with a billion ways to damage stuff, I'd assume you have enough removal anyway.

Edit: I had a match against Face Hunter where I started getting massive amounts of armour before Moltens were playable, but with ~50 effective health it's not like I needed Molten Giants to win that match anyway. They'd probably go before the Mountain Giants though.


BGH is still a must imo, obviously there's Boom everywhere but it also significantly improves the Handlock and general Control matchups. Against lategame decks four pieces of removal aren't that much in a deck like Control Warrior which, outside of the often unreliable Brawl, always addresses threats individually and doesn't start contesting the board with significant threats until turn 7 (6 if you count Shieldmaiden).

With the cards you're missing I'd either go towards a more midrange or a full-on dragon list. Don't like the giants at all.


BGH is still a must imo, obviously there's Boom everywhere but it also significantly improves the Handlock and general Control matchups. Against lategame decks four pieces of removal aren't that much in a deck like Control Warrior which, outside of the often unreliable Brawl, always addresses threats individually and doesn't start contesting the board with significant threats until turn 7 (6 if you count Shieldmaiden).

With the cards you're missing I'd either go towards a more midrange or a full-on dragon list. Don't like the giants at all.

Dragon Control looks like the way to go. Looks like Ysera and Alex are still in most lists (no shit) but at least Nefarian is free.
Patron is absolutely disgusting. He need to be 4/3 jesus.

I think they should change it to where it summons a Patron with the same amount of health as the one that spawned it. So, if you play Grim Patron, Cruel Taskmaster, you end up with a 5/2 and a 3/2. Play Whirlwind and you wind up with a 5/1, 3/1, 3/1, and 3/1. It keeps them from multiplying out of control. It could be abused with something like Rampage, though.

Edit: ^^^^ What he said.


I think they should change it to where it summons a Patron with the same amount of health as the one that spawned it. So, if you play Grim Patron, Cruel Taskmaster, you end up with a 5/2 and a 3/2. Play Whirlwind and you wind up with a 5/1, 3/1, 3/1, and 3/1. It keeps them from multiplying out of control. It could be abused with something like Rampage, though.

Edit: ^^^^ What he said.

4/3 would nerf patron warrior while making the card more interesting for other archetypes like mage (patron in arena is really good for mage). That nerf u and the other guy propose just make the card strictly worse, which i'm not a fan of.

Knowing Blizzard they'll just add 1 mana to a combo piece and say "WOW NOW IT'S BALANCED"


That's a huge nerf if you put it out of Warsong range. Will probably make that card too crappy to make a deck around.

And it's too early to be talking about Patron nerfs when Dr Balance and Mad Scientist exist.
That's a huge nerf if you put it out of Warsong range. Will probably make that card too crappy to make a deck around.

And it's too early to be talking about Patron nerfs when Dr Balance and Mad Scientist exist.

This right here. I only see patron against warriors. I see mad scientist and Dr everywhere.


Yes. I've had mulligans turn into redraws of the same thing, shittier options, etc.

It's great to redraw, but if the game say gives me 4 various spell cards, I redraw 1-4, and get spell cards again, or a card that is 5 or 6 cost that was saved up for later in the game... and my opponent just gets a wrecking ball of good minion combos right out the gate then a comeback is damn near pointless pretty damn quick.


Are some deck build so good, so tight, that you can never get an initial bad draw or redraw of your starter cards? I could SEE a deck being that good, but again I feel too much of this game is just RANDOM. You get lucky or you don't, and then you use skill after the random God has blessed or cursed you.
From the things your saying it sounds like your deck is the problem. You probably have a bad mana curve or you depend on too many combos. Can you list what your deck is? If not try building your deck using these guidelines:
  • At least 6 minions that are good with no combos & cost 2 or less. More cheap minions can be good, but include more card draw the lower your mana curve drops. (Acidic swamp ooze, River croc)
  • A maximum of 8 spells, 6 is better. They should focus on removal of minions or card draw. (Fireball, Shadow word Death, Eviscerate, Lightning Bolt)
  • Only 6 minions that cost more than 6+ mana. These minions should be good on their own. (Boulderfist Ogre, Stormwind Champion)


Post your deck list. Somebody can probably tell you what's wrong. If you have the cards for it, Freeze Mage pretty much wrecks Hunter.

Don't have the cards for a freeze mage unfortunately. My mech deck is just the standard one except I replaced the two fel reavers with mech yeti since I don't have the reavers.
Dr. Boom nerf idea,

whenever this minion takes damage summon a boom bot!

Dear god. Patron Warrior + Dr. Boom would be ridiculous. All those Whirlwinds going off and setting off the newly produced Boom Bots. Dr. Boom needs less health and the bots need reduced damage on deathrattle. I think either 2 flat damage on deathrattle or 0-3 so that the text on Dr. Boom is more accurate.

4/3 would nerf patron warrior while making the card more interesting for other archetypes like mage (patron in arena is really good for mage). That nerf u and the other guy propose just make the card strictly worse, which i'm not a fan of.

Knowing Blizzard they'll just add 1 mana to a combo piece and say "WOW NOW IT'S BALANCED"

Grim Patron doesn't get played by any class but Warrior, and making it a 4/3 would make it pretty much unplayable there too. The problem isn't that they can charge, it's that you can produce so damn many of them. By changing the health of the new Patrons, you can curb that a bit. It becomes more difficult to produce a full board of them and it makes it easier for the other player to board wipe them.


Ugh. Getting my only 7+ attack minion BGHd in arena feels so bad.


1-3 with a godly mage deck. I just got countered by every turn, like getting my enemy to 15 health only to get my crusher mindcontrolled, my opponents getting insane tempo plays etc

At least the game took mercy on me and gave me Sneeds from the pack.


Ugh. Getting my only 7+ attack minion BGHd in arena feels so bad.

There was a recent arena run on Trump's youtube where he went Warlock, picked up a Mountain Giant, (in an overall pretty mediocre deck) and actually went for the turn 4 Mountain Giant Handlock play and... opponent had BGH.

I would have conceded on the spot.


There are way too many Drakonid Crushers and Force Tanks in Arena to not have BGH in your deck. It almost always hits something these days in Arena.


Maybe so, but it's an epic and so you can't expect your enemy to have it.
Oh no I am not saying you can play around it. I am saying if you get a choice of BGH then you should usually pick it unless you already have enough big body removals. Lately BGH has not let me down in Arena.


It has to be tournament mode. We know they're adding a tournament mode because of that weird deck selection screen the mobile version can show you through a bug. If they're teasing multi-player stuff and it's not 2 vs 2, then it's tournaments.


They already confirmed it's not 2v2...

But could it be 1v1v1v1? 4 player free for all? LMAO!

Also what would be in a tournament mode?
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