I have some serious Arena salt rage today. I'm so annoyed by the bullshit I lost too last night.
I draft a pretty good Druid. Nothing crazy, but solid minions, good curve, 2 swipes, and even an ancient of lore.
First game is a Mage. turn 3 coin + water elemental, turn 4 elemental, turns 5, 6, & 7 are fireballs. I can't keep a board, I was lucky enough to draw into Druid of Claw, but fire balls destroyed them. I lose, but that guy seems to have an awesome deck.
Second game is a Paladin who is playing pretty badly. Turn 8 he makes some really weird trades and I know it's coming... KT lands and brings back a couple of 2 cost minions, nothing crazy. I don't have removal, but I setup a board that can kill KT almost no matter what. Then he plays Ysera on turn 9. I kill off KT, but I couldn't recover after that. I lose and that guy sucks, but has 2 of the absolute best legendaries for arena, bullshit.
Third game. Mage again. A really good match, I play around the flame strike and we're battling for board control on turn 12 or so. I drop an Ironbark to draw out a removal or to clear his many weaker minions. Then it happens... He required assistance. He played Antonidas+Coin+Polymorph.
I can handle some bad games, but 3 bullshit games in a row broke me. I'm still mad.