Yall don't watch Kripparrian? He's the only one I really know and a really nice guy with a non-nerdy voice
(sorry but I just can't stand watching people with a really nerdy voice that seem like they are awkward in the real world)
Dragons Breath sucks.
At least you can suicide your own minions to add to the total tally.Yeah, you need to kill 4 minions to make it slightly better than Frostbolt. Blackwing Corruptor on the other hand is pretty damn good. He's essentially a Fire Ele for dragon decks and on turn 5 potentially even more clutch.
Yeah Dragon Breast seems like an Arena only card at best. Not sure what they were thinking.
I think Dragon's Breath is a Mage Arena nerf. It has crap conditions to make it valuable and doesn't stack up against Fireball in any way. It's a crappy Mage common and that means Mages have a slightly lower chance to pick their great commons.Yeah Dragon Breast seems like an Arena only card at best. Not sure what they were thinking.
And another CW with Cairne, I just don't get it
So this is pretty much an auto-include in ANY dragon deck right? It's a cheaper fire elemental with better(edit: same) stat allocation. The card is pretty boring, but I am pretty sure it's going to be a staple in dragon decks.
Isn't Cairne perfect for control? (and any other minion that summons a minion on death)
Kripparian streams at really awkward hours for US. Also he gets really salty in arena sometimes.
I think Dragon's Breath is a Mage Arena nerf. It has crap conditions to make it valuable and doesn't stack up against Fireball in any way. It's a crappy Mage common and that means Mages have a slightly lower chance to pick their great commons.
Cairne is beyond awful with Belcher and Sylvanas and Loatheb being midgame drops found in almost every non-aggro deck, Belcher and Loatheb even come out a turn ahead of him. He's unplayably slow versus aggro and Priests will steal him as soon as they have access to 8 mana which is gg right there. I don't see a single upside in running him today.Isn't Cairne perfect for control? (and any other minion that summons a minion on death)
Dragon Breath just requires too much. The kills have to be done on your turn, so you have to have minions that survived your opponents turn or another spell to cast, then 3 kills is what it requires before it is a value spell. As a come from behind card you are better off with just about any other spell.I don't think it is that crappy in arena though. It's about on par with Flamecannon IMO. Flamecannon is probably better in the early game when you are guaranteed a kill on a 2 or 3 drop while Dragon's Breath is better late game when you can initiate a few trades and then get a targetable Flamecannon or a Soufire-without-the-discard out of it. It also combos very well with Flamestrike.
I'll be interested in how it gets rated by the good arena players but I'd say it will be maybe one tier below Flamecannon/Frostbolt on most lists. Certainly well above the real crappy Mage commons like Arcane Explosion and Ice Lance.
Dragon Breath just requires too much. The kills have to be done on your turn, so you have to have minions that survived your opponents turn or another spell to cast, then 3 kills is what it requires before it is a value spell. As a come from behind card you are better off with just about any other spell.
Flame cannon (2) - It can hit stealthed minions. You can manipulate the board to make it hit what you want usually. It can be played early. It can help you recover when you're behind.
Frostbolt (2) - 3 damage and freeze. The freeze allows stalling in late game or addition damage across turns with hero power. No conditions.
Fireball (4) - 6 damage can take out some of the biggest threats in the game and has no conditions for play. It's literally one of the best cards in the game.
I think Ice Lance is a better card to compare it to. It's very situational, but complete value in the right situation. Ice Lance can be built around in a deck though and Dragon Breath has to be played into on the board. They are both situational, which means they aren't good in arena.
Man, Dragon's Breath is a bummer of a card. I really wanted something more interesting for mage. That flamewalker looks like the bee's knees, but this spell is just underwhelming in all cases. It seems like the exact definition of a "win more" card. Flamestrike combo obviously.
But if I'm picking it for that, meh. In arena you aren't going to want to get this over Flamestrike or Flamecannon or (probably) Frostbolt unless you already have loads of those others. A strike out even in arena. Bummer.
That's how Arcane Golem looks when you summon it. It's its Battlecry giving you a mana crystal. Your client was just out of sync with the game, showing you the minion attacking before it had had time to show the opponent drawing it. This happens all the time with the spectator client because that has worse sync problems.
I read this and it seems like a pretty crazy usage of the spell, so maybe there are ways to squeeze the value out of it.Yeah, I'm not arguing that it is better than Frostbolt or Fireball, which are two of the best cards in the game in arena. I'm just disagreeing with it being a crappy Mage common intended to nerf Mages in arena. I think it is a perfectly reasonable pick in arena, about on par with Flamecannon, since the condition required to make it good is something you are doing a lot of in arena anyway.
If you make a minion trade, DB is 4 damage for 3 mana, which is okay. The real appeal is to be able to kill one extra minion after your flamestrike on turn 7, as has been said. That's the only way it can be truly better than frostbolt. It lets you kill Dr Boom the same turn you flamestrike his bots, potentially.
Ok friends, I decided to jump in and give it a shot, since I like card games and don't feel like the hassle of keeping up with Magic is worth the money. What is the general advice of getting into this?
Should I unlock all of the basic decks and cards first before adventuring into the card packs? Do I need to buy card packs? What decks, if any, should I concentrate my efforts on? Thanks!
Ok friends, I decided to jump in and give it a shot, since I like card games and don't feel like the hassle of keeping up with Magic is worth the money. What is the general advice of getting into this?
Should I unlock all of the basic decks and cards first before adventuring into the card packs? Do I need to buy card packs? What decks, if any, should I concentrate my efforts on? Thanks!
Ok friends, I decided to jump in and give it a shot, since I like card games and don't feel like the hassle of keeping up with Magic is worth the money. What is the general advice of getting into this?
Should I unlock all of the basic decks and cards first before adventuring into the card packs? Do I need to buy card packs? What decks, if any, should I concentrate my efforts on? Thanks!
Ok friends, I decided to jump in and give it a shot, since I like card games and don't feel like the hassle of keeping up with Magic is worth the money. What is the general advice of getting into this?
Should I unlock all of the basic decks and cards first before adventuring into the card packs? Do I need to buy card packs? What decks, if any, should I concentrate my efforts on? Thanks!
Man is it a mindfuck when you play a tempo mage thinking it's going to be the same netdecked list as the last 15 tempo mages when suddenly they've added a 2nd counterspell and it completely wrecks you.
First thing you should do is getting each class to level 10 to unlock the full basic card set (and doing the AI-related 'hidden quests' in the process). You don't need to buy packs with real money to compete, daily quest gold alone gets you a pack every two days on average, and getting gud at arena always helps. There's also a video on how to spend your gold/dust/money in the OP among other useful resources.
And welcome.
YupThere's a quest for the full expert set?
Is that like...every card pre-naxx/gvg?
Working hard so I can grab those sweet 100 gold next year