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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Oh, spells random too... interesting. Cause on EU my rogue got a sprint and then a prep later on lol. I won that match when I got a sap off that combo. But both my opponents got highmanes so it was pretty balanced RNG-wise. And all my beasts were shit on EU.

My first match on NA, I played maged to knock out a mage quest, and I got arcane explosion and then a pyroblast. That match I dominated because RNG gods were gracious enough to give me 2x king krush (my opponent only got one).


nIce brawl,but don't play it as rogue.
I only did it because of dailies,but even after a long time I couldn't get enough wins.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
LOL i played hunter in the new tavern brawl and got king crush in my reward pack, somehow i think that's hilarious.



Last "climb to legend" video with Day9 is a real heartbreaker. ;_;

There are only two explanations - he plays better with the camera off, or has someone else playing/coaching.

He gained like 10 ranks off camera and always lost them on camera, including the final two days, where he went to 3 off-camera, lost until 7 on camera, then miraculously came back to 1(!) off-camera - and ended at 2.
nIce brawl,but don't play it as rogue.
I only did it because of dailies,but even after a long time I couldn't get enough wins.

Huh? The mode is great for rogue because you're gonna get early board control via hero power. I won with rogue despite having some terrible RNG on my webspinner spawns and my opponent got great ones, like highmane. Maybe you're just doing it wrong.
hey guys I'm currently having big framerate drops during matches in hearthstone on PC. especially during animation phases and when players play cards. framerate drops extremely for 2 seconds and than goes back up. anyone having problems like that or a solution?

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Last "climb to legend" video with Day9 is a real heartbreaker. ;_;

There are only two explanations - he plays better with the camera off, or has someone else playing/coaching.

He gained like 10 ranks off camera and always lost them on camera, including the final two days, where he went to 3 off-camera, lost until 7 on camera, then miraculously came back to 1(!) off-camera - and ended at 2.

I watched that stream live too, it was so sad specially since it mirrored my own ladder experience so damn much. I bet playing with an audience puts an extra stress on your mind so that's probably why he climbed faster on his own.


Brawl really sucks so far. I thought it'd be a cool mode but the first week was only one where I ended up playing any more matches than the one win I needed for a pack. This week is especially bad but thankfully I won my first match so don't have to touch it again. If they could incentive it just a tiny bit (Packs for wins 10, 30, 50, etc.) or something it'd have a bit more juice but now it's really just the same as having an extra daily every 5 days.


Was about to lose 3rd brawl because rng rng but managed a comeback with King Krush when he decided to trade most of his board into my gazhrilla instead of going face


Played and won three games so far, was kind of fun especially after last week's unbelievable trainwreck. Whoever came up with Banana Brawl must not have played a single ladder game in their life.


So many negative people. >.> The first week was awesome. Really fun and different, playing as Nefarian and Rag, while using odd overpowered cards and hero powers. The second week had potential with constructing ur own deck, but the bananas werent too exciting. Another downside was they didn't unlock all the cards for people to make a deck from, so it wasn't that fun for new players, since deck making was severly limited for such a casual mode. This week was kinda boring though. Way too kuch RNG to make it enjoyable imo. The first two Brawls were solid though with room for improvement.

Won 3 games in the new Brawl. Got one OP run. Got King Mukla to play on turn 3, played another two Webspinners and Divine Spirit on turn 4 and had the 0 mana silence Priest card to negate the bananas lol. Also got two Tigers and a King Krush to finish it off.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Equality and Holy Wrath are in the Brawl Paladin deck.

Even in a "for shits and giggles" mode, Blizzard hates Paladin.


Ice lance my 14-8 hyen one turn, then topdeck polymorph it at 18-10 the next. No fun allowed.

Anyway, I haven't played any of the brawls much yet and won't on this one, but it doesn't effect my view of the mode at all. These things will be every week for years (well, I assume they will repeat eventually), it's going to be up and down. Back when Naxx came out I specifically remember people asking the ability to play the webspinner challenge against friends, which this is just with some class spells to add variety. Maybe that isn't actually particularly fun but it was worth trying. And who says brawl is supposed to be the new place you spend 90% of your hearthstone time? It's to add some variety.

I got golden Cho off the pack last week, no such luck this week but I did get a second murloc warleader, I now have all the murloc's except the Shaman one. I may eventually have to actually play a game with them. The packs from this and the observe quest have been nice since I need so few cards that I'm already in save mode for the next expansion, 1500 gold and 6300 dust. Still nice to get to open a pack once in a while. I know that's not forever on brawl though.


The best concept IMO is the one where they let you make a deck on your own but there are some restricts/extra mechanics in play that make certain cards better than they usually are (or certain playstyles are better than they are on constructed).

The problems with the banana brawl in particular were:

*It wasn't enough of a change to the format to make it exciting.

*The mechanics punished people for playing control and rewarded people for playing aggro. There was no balance in deck types you could play, you got too much value from playing shitty annoying minions. And people hate playing against that so the Banana brawl basically was the worst of Ladder concentrated together.

*The end result was a meta that was too similar to the worst types of decks and play seen in Constructed. Basically defeated the whole point of having the Tavern Brawl to begin with.

*Only one deck slot. What a massive failure that is.

This is on top of the failure that is Tavern Brawl. The 1 win to get pack makes it so that there's no point in playing after you get the pack. There's no long term goal to work towards in Tavern Brawl. In Ladder you can at least rank up, in Casual mode you can try out decks and in Arena mode you can try to get 12 wins.
Cannot fucking believe they did Webspinner brawl before Unstable Portal brawl

This is just whoever gets Gahz'rilla first wins, especially as Warrior or Mage

Thank God I asspulled a Malorne


This is the least fun brawl so far. I've played 4 games and lost all of them to King Krush. Once I grind another 40 more games (1 win, 39 lost to King Krush) I'm done with it.

Everyone also does nothing but go face the entire time. Why even play this game?


this is the worst brawl yet. games take too long to conclude too, makes me not want to play it anymore after getting the pack.

Make it with unstable portals next time, that's more fun at least...
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