I was playing Demonlock against a Druid earlier when the other guy took board control with his two Piloted Shredders. He killed my Mistress of Pain with the first one and dropped the second one that turn. This left him with a 4/2 Shredder and a 4/3 Shredder and me with the other Mistress of Pain. I hit his 4/2 with Bane of Doom and pulled Malganis, he got an Explosive Sheep. Sweet, this one's in the bag now. So then I hit his other Shredder with the now buffed up Mistress, and out pops a fucking Doomsayer. You've got to be fucking kidding me. God damn thing cost me the game.
The next game I play, I'm crushing a Mage. He just Flamestruck my board, but I knew it was coming, so I held on to a few cards and was ready for it. My Doomguard survived so I hit his face and played a few minions and tapped for another card. He was down to 8 health and then drops Dr. Balance. I'm pretty sure I've got it won at this point since he just used pretty much all of his mana on a card that isn't going to stop me from smashing his face, but then he drops a free Sea Giant that he pulled from Unstable Portal and the taunt spare part. I draw Imposion, which of course hits for only two, meaning I have to sacrifice almost my whole board to kill that fucking giant, and Boom is left free to beat me to death over the next two turns.