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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Not working so far.
I was just thinking about Gang Up. I think the biggest issue with the card outside of Mill Decks is that you'll never draw those extra cards(usually). At least that's what I would think the issue would be. Just curious, you you also run a Sprint or two?

I feel like for Gang Up to work in a control based deck, it'd have to be a match between two heavy control decks where it'll go down to fatigue and those extra six cards really matter and they're really large cards like Ragnaros or Yesera, cards that take a whole turn for your opponent to remove.


No sprint (yet), but I have 2x fan of knives, thalnos, 2x azure drake. I'm trying to keep the deck fast because it's Rogue. Sprint is a slow card.

What other class cards do you guys think are objectively good cards but which are pinned to a class which can't really use them? Gallywix was my example; if Gally were, for instance, a Priest or Warrior card, it would be used very frequently, imo. It might need to be nerfed if those classes could get a hold of him.
Yeah, Gallywix is an amazing card. He's a big reason why I've always wanted control Rogue to work.

Hopefully Rogue will get more consistent stuff that is less about comboing in the next expansion.


No sprint (yet), but I have 2x fan of knives, thalnos, 2x azure drake. I'm trying to keep the deck fast because it's Rogue. Sprint is a slow card.

What other class cards do you guys think are objectively good cards but which are pinned to a class which can't really use them? Gallywix was my example; if Gally were, for instance, a Priest or Warrior card, it would be used very frequently, imo. It might need to be nerfed if those classes could get a hold of him.

I feel like Gahz'rilla would be a really great card for almost every single class other than Hunter. Ironically I don't think it would be any good for Druid either (?).
Control rogue did see some popularity a couple months ago. I wouldn't shy away from heavier hitting cards though. Maybe something like...

dr. boom, ragnaros, gallywix, x2 sprint, 2x sap, 2x eviscerate, 1 blade flurry, 1 sword oil, x2 deadly poison, 2x backstab, 2x healbot, 2x si7 agent, 2x pilotted shredder, 2x fan of knives, 2x prep, 2x azure drake, 1x thalnos, 2x gang up.

Could gang up work in a list like that? I don't think it is unreasonable. Can swap gallywix for sylvanas. Maybe cut a sprint for a violet teacher. There is room for experimentation for sure.


I feel like Gahz'rilla would be a really great card for almost every single class other than Hunter. Ironically I don't think it would be any good for Druid either (?).

Yes, any control cards for Hunter and Rogue see little play even if they're good cards on their own, while any aggro cards priest get will never be played no matter how good they are.

Although most priest "aggro" cards aren't actually that good. Would shadowbomber be played by Hunter or Warlock? Maybe. I'd have to think about it.


Alleria's death sound is too horrible, I feel bad for people paying for this thing, uh.


Gahz'rilla instantly wins the game for mage when you pull it out of portal, that's how good it is elsewhere.
So I was reading a weekly tier guide (that I can't find the link for at work) and as expected Patron Warrior was at the top of Tier 1, but I was surprised that Tempo Mage was Tier 3 and only 1 spot above Mech Mage. Do you guys agree.

Given that the only legionaries I've opened in packs are Antonidas, Dr. Doom and Thalnos (though I'm not running Thalnos in the deck) I'm playing Tempo Mage.

I also tried Patron Warrior, but it's too hard for me to pilot, given I still don't know all the cards and archetypes out there. My win rate with it was around 50% at rank 15. I'm doing much better with the mage deck, but I guess tiers don't matter at such low level.

I also tried Face Hunter, but my win rate was even worse. It ran out of steam too fast and never seemed to work, unless I had a godly hand, then it was over on turn 5.

I'm thinking I'll keep playing Tempo Mage for the time being.


Yes, it's similar to Priest or Hunter, in that Rogue is sort of pigeonholed in to a particular approach such that breaking out is nigh impossible.

Unlike Priest and Hunter, though, it's not because of the hero power, it's because of the class cards. Pretty much all my "control" comes from neutral cards, outside Gallywix.

Gallywix is an excellent example of the problem here: he's clearly a fantastic card (honestly, even if he did nothing, a 5/8 for 6 is pretty darn good, but his effect is excellent), but he's slow and controlly for a class that has no slow or controlly archetype.
Exactly, just imagine Gallywix in Druid or, not quite as ridiculous but actually possible, pulled from Esportal.




now guys really this card isn't too much of a joke. Let's say it doesn't have synergy with Auchenai Soulpriest, as it sets the hero's life to max like Alex does, it doesn't heal so for priests to end the game in draw if they felt like it!

Now obviously it's there to ruin face decks as your average vs face game ends before turn 6-7, you're either dead or they concede because they're out of cheap shots and you're far from dead. Now what inclusion of this card does is that it forces the face guy to play those arcane golems as soon as they can instead of holding them for one last blow, because they reduce the window you can draw or even use this card if you have it. This in general should give you more mana to answer all that junk thrown at you. Fair game I say! The problem is that this card would be an auto include everywhere. Still I like the idea of a card functionality to be tied to your mana count, cards that are better to be played late or early, things like that.
A few people were commenting that Thalnos is a good legendary to have around, should it be included in most decks? It's the only legendary I've managed to get so far (using a tracker I've got 292 cards, not including the ones I've dusted that's 58.4 packs and only one legendary!).

Thalnos is amazing opening in rogue and also good in freeze mage. He is like a mini azure drake

Divine favour is some bullshit. Should be like 7 mana.

Much like battle rage nobody played that until a deck that came around and made it good


I saw Battle Rage used a while back in the Enrage Warrior deck. It used to use Rampage as well to do some big combo with Raging Worgen + Warsong.

The Grim Patron Enrage deck used to exist before but Grim Patron was the main piece missing in that deck.
Alleria's death sound is too horrible, I feel bad for people paying for this thing, uh.

Only one of the new heroes I would even consider purchasing is Medivh and that's because I prefer his hero portrait over Jaina's. It's hard to choose Magni over dat golden Garrosh.

Can't wait for the 22nd. Got over 7000 dust, two golden Booms, and a few hundred gold (plus some money) for whatever they announce.


Did a 4 win Arena run opened the pack and got a Epic, Golden Gahz,rilla and ANOTHER Legendary Flame Leviathan. The RNG gods have smiled upon me!


Just had a strange connection issue. Always said it was my turn but my opponent kept on drawing cards and attacking. There was nothing I could do and so I lost.


Haven't played Arena in a couple months after a rough streak, but picked up 12 wins with Shaman first one back. Cool. Got bad rewards, but I did open a 2nd Echo of Medivh so I can finally try one of those gimmick decks if I want.

Somehow after a couple losses being at 5-2, none of the mages I faced after that got a single flamestrike off on me. Minor miracle.

Sitting at 6500 dust, 2100 gold... I'm missing some decent legandaries like Al'Akir, Van Cleef, Vol'Jin, Neptulon and Sneed's but I figure I'll just save at this point in case it's an overpowered expansion.


Whenever I see a mage in Arena use flamestrike on turn 7 on my Spider Tank and 1 hp mech yeti I start to cry because I know they must have 2 more

When they reveal the third one of the match and your deck is out of gas, it is the worst.

If you're ahead of your opponent enough to stay in control it's kind of an awesome feeling to watch them throw Flamestrikes and never catch up.

Special C

What I did with GvG and will do with the new expansion is play only arena the first month. That way I'll build up packs and let the meta shake out before I start throwing dust at stuff. After the first month I'll spent my remaining gold on expansion packs and craft whatever I need once the decks get established.

Edit: Also if you are a good player its easy to win at arena early in an expansion before the updated tier lists start rolling out.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Gang Up would have to go into Control Warrior for it to be playable outside of janky mill decks.

There's a Brawl for you Blizzard. Choose your class, but you get to pick from your entire library of cards.
Gang Up would have to go into Control Warrior for it to be playable outside of janky mill decks.

There's a Brawl for you Blizzard. Choose your class, but you get to pick from your entire library of cards.

People racing to find the most broken combo (Warrior Gahz'rilla, Rogue Mal'ganis, Rogue Antoinidas) would be pretty hilarious.

Argent Tourney is all but confirmed.

Edit: The only thing more cancerous then a mage with three flamestrikes is a Paladin with three fucking Shielded Minibots in his opening hand

Of course I draft Paladin and get 0 minibots, truesilvers or consecrations, no thats cool


This new expansion needs to get here I am so fucking sick of Patron Warrior/Face Hunter.


Play fucking original decks you netdecking assholes, my god.


I need help. I just started playing and I currently have all the classes unlocked but nothing higher than level 15. Most classes are around 8-12. I'm not sure what I should be doing to progress further. I lose roughly 90% of my games (pvp and solo). Should I be crafting cards, picking a class and grinding, or leveling all classes?

I want to get into this game but losing 9/10 matches is pushing toward drop kicking my PC.


I need help. I just started playing and I currently have all the classes unlocked but nothing higher than level 15. Most classes are around 8-12. I'm not sure what I should be doing to progress further. I lose roughly 90% of my games (pvp and solo). Should I be crafting cards, picking a class and grinding, or leveling all classes?

I want to get into this game but losing 9/10 matches is pushing toward drop kicking my PC.



I need help. I just started playing and I currently have all the classes unlocked but nothing higher than level 15. Most classes are around 8-12. I'm not sure what I should be doing to progress further. I lose roughly 90% of my games (pvp and solo). Should I be crafting cards, picking a class and grinding, or leveling all classes?

I want to get into this game but losing 9/10 matches is pushing toward drop kicking my PC.

Buy both expansions, buy 40 packs, watch Trump's tutorials and have some fun.
Buy both expansions, buy 40 packs, watch Trump's tutorials and have some fun.

Sad but true. New players are just so far behind out of the gate that it's hard to even call Hearthstone a free to play game anymore.

At this point I just go with, if you enjoy the game and think you'll sink a lot of hours into it then just invest the cash from the get go. You'll be mostly caught up and end up with a more pleasant experience in the long run.


Sad but true. New players are just so far behind out of the gate that it's hard to even call Hearthstone a free to play game anymore.

At this point I just go with, if you enjoy the game and think you'll sink a lot of hours into it then just invest the cash from the get go. You'll be mostly caught up and end up with a more pleasant experience in the long run.

Unless Blizzard does something about the basic cards offered to new players, it will always be this way. The only time new players even remotely had a chance was before GvG. With the first expansion, a F2P account was still viable.

I agree with Banana, if you enjoy the game enough, spend some money on it. You'll end up tearing your hair out trying to consistently win games in ranked trying to complete dailies and grind gold. One method you can use to prevent yourself from getting too frustrated is just conceding games until you hit Rank 20 and you'll at least have a better chance of winning with basic decks.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
What other class cards do you guys think are objectively good cards but which are pinned to a class which can't really use them? Gallywix was my example; if Gally were, for instance, a Priest or Warrior card, it would be used very frequently, imo. It might need to be nerfed if those classes could get a hold of him.

Soul of the Forest would be pretty good in Paladin.

last pick in druid arena, have 3 swipes,


Dr. Boom. The only legendary that can compare is Tirion.
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