Running Nefarian against Priests is going to be great.
Getting Thoughtsteal from them, the new dream!
Running Nefarian against Priests is going to be great.
People thought Neptulon was a bad card when it was first unveiled. An 9 mana 8/8 that draws 2 cards sounds pretty good to me. I think the card is going to be better than people give it credit for. I think there are actually very few "shit" spells in the game. Just suboptimal ones. Its not like getting wisp from unstable portal or something.
Getting Thoughtsteal from them, the new dream!
People thought Neptulon was a bad card when it was first unveiled. An 9 mana 8/8 that draws 2 cards sounds pretty good to me. I think the card is going to be better than people give it credit for. I think there are actually very few "shit" spells in the game. Just suboptimal ones. Its not like getting wisp from unstable portal or something.
Plenty of spells are like getting Wisp out of Unstable Portal if you have to wait until turn 10 to play them.
Hell even Moonfire is better than wisp. Name me one spell that's worse than paying 2 mana for a 1/1.
Hell even Moonfire is better than wisp. Name me one spell that's worse than paying 2 mana for a 1/1.
Name me one spell that's worse than paying 2 mana for a 1/1.
Also, people are down on volcanic drake but its fantastic in a Dragon Paladin deck. I think it will be easier to get value out of then people think.
All weapon spells if you don't have a weapon,
Shadowform if you want to use your Hero Power
Tree of Life if you're an aggro deck
Sense Demons if you're not a Warlock,
and Shadow Madness if your opponent never plays another low-cost minion (a strong possibility by turn 10).
Totemic Might.
Hell even Moonfire is better than wisp. Name me one spell that's worse than paying 2 mana for a 1/1.
I'm currently amusing myself by thinking about a fictional meta in which everyone "plays around" Nef by playing as the class they think has the worst spells, all while no one is actually running Nef because they don't think he's good enough value.
I am sitting her imagining a situation where a Mage is up against Warlock and the only thing she has against a Warlock against a Jaraxxus who has lethal is a top dicked Unstable Portal. Unstable Portal is used and it drops a Nefarian. Nefarian is played and it pulls out a Sacrificial Pact...
The salt from this play would result in someone's monitor being tossed out the window...
I am sitting her imagining a situation where a Mage is up against Warlock and the only thing she has against a Warlock against a Jaraxxus who has lethal is a top dicked Unstable Portal. Unstable Portal is used and it drops a Nefarian. Nefarian is played and it pulls out a Sacrificial Pact...
The salt from this play would result in someone's monitor being tossed out the window...
Has anyone tested if Thoughtsteal takes from whats left in the deck or from the deck as if it was full?
What's left. And only what is in the deck, not the hand.
https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/581226168914997249 said:#Blackrock Mountain: A Hearthstone Adventure will be available on April 2! Pre-purchase today! http://t.co/U6hIa6b8TK http://t.co/iykBBs1Og7
Drakonid Crusher sounds like it would be great in a Warrior as a finisher. Him and Charge on Turn 9 for potentially 11 damage that leaves a huge body. Maybe a tad late, but having multiple combos to finish the opponent off is never a bad thing, and its not like you can't just play him turn 6 on an empty board.
April 2nd Confirmed:
Drakonid crusher in warrior? Eh, maybe... not likely a control archetype though. I don't see shieldmaiden being replaced by drakonid. So likely not in control but maybe a more midrange. Even then... shieldmaiden is really good.
twisting nether castersOkay, Noxious is now the worst caster. Dude makes so many completely off the wall comments as serious commentary. Lothar is barely understandable at times so he is also quite bad.
You could probably fit it in the raging worgen deck somewhere.
twisting nether casters
sorry for bad englando
I like Noxious, he doesn't take it seriously. The trump v ropecoach match would have been a lot worse without him ripping in to both players and their slow play (in a friendly ribbing way).
April 2nd Confirmed:
Nice, glad they're starting it early in the month.
It's already gotten weird as hell over the past week or so, with BRM you might as well be playing arenaConstructed for the April season is going to be a silly rollercoaster.
Constructed for the April season is going to be a silly rollercoaster.
Meanwhile, with Naxxramas, we had the Nerubian Egg and Haunted Creeper Zoo that didn't have to face Sludge Belcher. You guys remember that?