Really hoping the Priest class cards from BM are not garbage
Drakonid crusher in warrior? Eh, maybe... not likely a control archetype though. I don't see shieldmaiden being replaced by drakonid. So likely not in control but maybe a more midrange. Even then... shieldmaiden is really good.
Hard to tell,most other MC bosses aren't that intersting.They showed a card with Lord Victor Nefarius on it. So I think we will get both human and dragon Nef.
The real question is, which legendary will we get from Molten Core? Majordomo?
Could probably go back to running two shield blocks to make up for taking out the Shieldmaidens. Even if you don't get off the effect, a 6/6 for 6 isn't bad at all.
At the very least, Crusher is a great arena card.
But compare a 6/6 for 6 to any six drop that actually gets ran in a deck. Common ones in the meta right now are Sylvanus, Black Knight, Shieldmaiden, Savannah, Fire Elemental, and Cabal. Everyone one of these cards either does something the turn it enters or is sticky.
A 6/6 for 6 in constructed might very well be bad.
Why are a bunch of HS players hanging out in a house together, doing jigsaw puzzles and eating pizza? That's a porno premise, not a Twitch stream.
Any tips for Warlock, Warrior and Paladin class challenges in Naxxramas? Done all the others but can't seem to do those.
I wonder how viable it is to just craft the cards I want from blackrock, as opposed to paying for the wings. I don't have a ton of interest in the single-player content.
Got my first legendary, this one in golden.
Keep or make another one? , what's the most useful neutral legendary having mostly basic decks? .
Seeing as that's your first legendary and that it's golden, I'd disenchant it and make Dr. Boom.
I hope that dr boom gets nerfed into oblivion so never have to hear this again
Goddamnit. Game is broken, literally. It's been annoying me by freezing up with relative frequency on trying to go in matches for forever (Like, the wheel would freeze and cause instant loss when it finally loaded, yet everything else runs smoothly and fine). But now, it's giving me a "Couldn't switch to requested monitor resolution" and turns into a tiny, broken box whenever I try to load. I changed literally nothing and yet earlier today it was working (although freezing up a good bit), and now this. I already tried "scan and repair" in the battlenet application.
Any help? Would "Reset-In Game Options" break anything like my collection, or just the base settings? Haven't tried that yet due to that concern. Bleh.
Asked the support.They will probably not only help you,but also give you tons free stuff."Risked" it and reset in-game options, which fixed the big problem. Though any tips for that lag stuff would be greatly appreciated still.
Should really put a PTSD warning on there man.
Forsen played that last game fucking awfully, so lucky with the topdick Iceblock.
Trump pointed out the UTH + Volcanic Drake combo in his review. I wonder if Dragon-Hunter can be a thing.
Probably not.
Twister Nether at 10 health against 6 minions.I for one welcome the upcoming twisting nether meta.
Holy shit, I forgot how much I hate arena. Bullshit 3 games in a row.
4 games. Yeah, i'm done with arena until the next packs expansion. At least I only blew 300 gold, and still have plenty for blackrock.
I guess Blizzard will be showing off the rest of the cards in BRM during a stream on Monday at 10:00 AM PDT.
I opened Nozdormu in a pack and I didn't even dust him.
I'm at that point I guess, lol
Thanks for the link!I guess Blizzard will be showing off the rest of the cards in BRM during a stream on Monday at 10:00 AM PDT.
Maybe Blizzard should consider best of 3 matches for ladder before determining a winner.
I always feel like if my cards play out a certain way against another person, I can win.
Leave the single games to casual.