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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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1. It's a build-your-own-deck brawl that doesn't basically just use popular constructed decks.
2. The games are quick.
3. Certain cards that otherwise wouldn't get played can get played.

I e, you can play all the cool legendaries like chromagus and nefarion, and guess what!? Those cards are fun.

Stupid BGH and aggro meta mrgrgrgr
I imagine this brawl kind of sucks for people with not a lot of cards. There are a bunch of two turn kills using Alexstrasza like Alex + Gorehowl or Alex + Pyroblast/Fireball + Hero Power

But also its good games end super fast, easy gold


I didn't want to auto include 2x bgh in every deck this brawl, but when you queue into priests with 2x mind control by t3 every game.....

*shrug* this is why I don't run big dudes to be big dudes on board, I run like alex, rag, and antonidas as big dudes because I can get that value right away and then just lethal my opponent within a couple turns. it's great.


1. It's a build-your-own-deck brawl that doesn't basically just use popular constructed decks.
2. The games are quick.
3. Certain cards that otherwise wouldn't get played can get played.

*shrug* this is why I don't run big dudes to be big dudes on board, I run like alex, rag, and antonidas as big dudes because I can get that value right away and then just lethal my opponent within a couple turns. it's great.

That's fair to a point, but it's fun to use big legendary creatures that don't see immediate value when they come into play.

Oh well, at least I still have my 3x KT 4x tirion with reincarnate shaman I can look back on.


That feel when your arena choices are rogue shaman and warrior.

Madness! People do well with Shaman (I don't ever pick it, though) and Rogue is my favorite Arena class (and it has one of the highest win rates I believe)

Hunter Beast Deck works great in this mode as well.


Madness! People do well with Shaman (I don't ever pick it, though) and Rogue is my favorite Arena class (and it has one of the highest win rates I believe)

Hunter Beast Deck works great in this mode as well.

I might simply be weird, but I do best with Priest Mage and Paladin, in that order. I also do decent with Druid and Hunter to a much lesser extent. The rest I only have terrible experiences with.


The brawl is so bad that my girlfriend may stop playing the game altogether. She's a very new player (2 weeks in) and just wanted to get her pack, but she kept running in to people playing tons of cards she doesn't have even close to access to yet, got her face punched in, it made her incredibly frustrated, and she's quit for now.

I suspect she'll be back eventually, but let this be a lesson for why "playground for very long term players with all the cards" can be very frustrating for new people.


This seems actually more RNG dependent than rag vs nef, going first is probably a huge advantage in every single match up.
Disagree unless you get Alex in hand.

Against Priest, going 1st is usually pretty bad because what's going to happen is that they will just Mind Control your opening big creature. From there you basically just lost the game.

Going 2nd you can generally do pretty well as long as you mulligan for one premium removal. And for Rogue going 2nd is still preferable because of the coin with Gadgetan (they really don't care if you play a big Legendary unless its Alex).

The meta is simply that if you are going turn 1, you mulligan for your best drop (usually Alex) and if you are going 2nd you mulligan for you removal + a slightly smaller creature. So Rogues can do something like Sabotage + Emperor or Sabotage + Gadgetan or they can do Sap + Ragnaros.

Really though the main breaking point of this Brawl is Alexstrasza. I have played games where I have come back from turn 1 Alex (usually BGH into Dr Balanced tempo play) or had my turn 1 Alex come back from but it's just way too easy to get turn 2-3 wins with turn 1 Alex. Any class can do it.

Oh and Arcane Golem and Faceless are really cheesy in this format too. Mostly because classes generally have 5 or less removal so they will first Faceless your big Legendary and then remove it which will result in you being ahead.

This format basically just showed how broken Gadgetan would've been at 5 cost. Even in this format it's super broken and can win you game from the first turn. Not just Rogue but Shaman can abuse it too.

Still this Brawl results in fast game and lots of big Legendaries to get used a lot. I got my fastest 7 win quest with this Brawl using Miracle Rogue.


The brawl is so bad that my girlfriend may stop playing the game altogether. She's a very new player (2 weeks in) and just wanted to get her pack, but she kept running in to people playing tons of cards she doesn't have even close to access to yet, got her face punched in, it made her incredibly frustrated, and she's quit for now.

I suspect she'll be back eventually, but let this be a lesson for why "playground for very long term players with all the cards" can be very frustrating for new people.

My first game of this brawl the guy ragequit and I didn't even get a pack.
Disagree unless you get Alex in hand.

Against Priest, going 1st is usually pretty bad because what's going to happen is that they will just Mind Control your opening big creature. From there you basically just lost the game.

This is a misconception. Why on earth would going against priest first be worse than going second? They drop a huge bomb, then mind control your bomb, and then they have 2 bombs and one of which gets to go face on their second turn.

If I go first, I drop a bomb and they mind control giving them 1 bomb.

If they don't have mind control, you're better off going first. If they do have mind control, you're still better off going first.

Going first is always going to be better because coin means almost nothing compared to starting with initiative.

I bet a chunk of every game is decided before it even begins just by who goes first.


Got my first 12 win arena run with Hunter the other day. Deck was good but not great, I would say. I did have Dr. Boom but barely used him. Mostly I just out tempoed my opponents early and then used hero power to close out the game. Had a couple close ones where my opponent almost stabilized but I was able to draw into lethal.

Most of the games were romps though. Hunter seems fairly easy to get 12 wins with if you can draft a strong early game.


My 5 win priest quests were never done this fast. I have like 50 wins on this brawl. Rogues are a problem though, too slow for them.

We might never get to play cards like Rend Blackhand and Nefarian this much, Rend is so cool. If only he had same stats as Blackknight, why not? 6 4/5 that destroys a leg if you have a dragon, I would play that some times.


Yeah give us rogues some love :( I hope its not like WoW where Rogue is one of the least played classes and they were left in the dark for some time. Nowadays we are heavily dependent on oil and blade furry to do stuff and whenever I go to websties like icy-veins and Rogues dont have a lot of constructed decks to go far way in ranked (unlike something like a mage). The class is still my favorite, since I love the combo idea (one of the things that made me roll a rogue in WoW back in 2006, loved it). I have no idea how the insire thing will work with us... when they said on livestream that inspire was to help with hero powers I was like "uh-oh..."

Save rogues


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I mulligan for card draw.

My ideal hand in this mode would be Sprint, Coldlight Oracle and Sap. + Gadgetzan Auctioneer if I'm going second.

Or Chromaggus, Sprint and Conceal.

God I'm going to miss this brawl so much. It's simply the best.


lol @ tempo storm saying midrange Druid is again tier one. That deck is so slow and constantly behind in tempo.
It's tier 1 because Handlock and Control Warrior are tier 1 in that list.

Shocked to see Midrange Hunter not in tier 1 (just on the fringe of tier 1 and tier 2). Does well against a lot of decks and has been used so much in tournaments.

Druid has had lackluster in performance in that Archon tournament. Many times teams have come down to Druids vs Druid or Druid as one of the last remaining classes.

I mulligan for card draw.

My ideal hand in this mode would be Sprint, Coldlight Oracle and Sap. + Gadgetzan Auctioneer if I'm going second.

Or Chromaggus, Sprint and Conceal.

God I'm going to miss this brawl so much. It's simply the best.
For me if I am playing a deck that uses Gadgetan then I always want either Gadgetan or Alex in starting hand. After that it depends on going 1st or 2nd. I also like to keep a Conceal with those 2 creatures. Going 2nd against another Rogue means that Sabotage is a must keep.

Alex as your first minion is just too strong. With Rogue if you get Alex plus Stealth then 90% chance the game is going to be over by turn 2.

I have also had a lot of success with Holy Wrath Paladin. Won a game with turn 2 Alex into Holy Wrath face LOL!


I just started playing this game yesterday and it is already consuming me. Can't believe I waited this long.
Welcome to the grind! I started last month thanks to my gf and I'm having tons of fun with it so far. It's too soon to worry about your collection, just play and get a feel for the game. Also, check out the links in the OP, specially reddit's guide and the Trump Teachings video series.


I'm hoping they can make some shaman cards that actually use the overload as a resource or to create some sort of tempo advantage on top of the overload letting you play a more powerful card early.

Lava shock is interesting to remove overload, but imagine cards that cost less, do more damage or create special effects based on overload.

Many of the most powerful cards in the meta right now are the one that can cheat out a powerful effect earlier than would be possible on curve.
Battlecry: Draw a card for each locked mana crystal.
Welcome to the grind! I started last month thanks to my gf and I'm having tons of fun with it so far. It's too soon to worry about your collection, just play and get a feel for the game. Also, check out the links in the OP, specially reddit's guide and the Trump Teachings video series.

Haha my girlfriend was actually the one who got me to try too! Thanks for the tips on the links! I'll check them out over the next couple of days :)


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
There is no better feeling than punching people who prematurely say "Well Played" right in the face.

Silence plus Bloodlust = Screw you.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I'd be curious to hear how many games out of 10-15 in ranked you win as Shaman in (and against what). The class struggles so much in ranked, if you don't get the perfect draws you basically lose.

To be clear, I agree that Shaman is in a rough spot right now. But I don't think this is an inherent problem with overload. There was a time when Shaman was a very good class and easily playable, despite the fact that many of their core cards had overload on them. The problem isn't overload. The problem is card quality post-GvG. Mech Shaman was really not that substantial a buff to the class relative to the buff that other classes got. Crackle was a slight improvement over lightning bolt but people hate that card's design. Vitality Totem wasn't that exciting. Ancestor's Call was gimmicky as shit and was only played in "for funsies" OTK Malygos decks. Dunemaul Shaman just dies too easily and is very difficult to setup. Siltfin Spiritwalker is just a stupid card because you don't kill off all your murlocs in a murloc deck, that's the complete opposite of what you do in a murloc deck. Neptulon was "ok" but not fantastic. The only card in GvG that was really considered independently "really good" for Shaman was Whirling Zap-o-matic.


Power Mace is pretty good too but yeah Shaman definitely got the shaft in cards for GvG.

They tried to push the Murloc archetype before but it seems like now they are trying to push the Totem archetype on Shaman. Don't know if that will pan out or not for Shaman. It's really hard to beat Mech as far as Tribe goes because there are just so many options for them minion wise.
There was a time when Shaman was a very good class and easily playable, despite the fact that many of their core cards had overload on them. The problem isn't overload.

You can't look at it in isolation like that, unless you are proposing to revert every other class back to day one decks.

The balance of everything has changed over time. The value of a card draw is different, so is the value of a mana crystal. As the easiest example, you didn't have the emperor and you certainly didn't have the doctor seven.

The problems of overload didn't kill the class on day 1, but they kill it Hearthstone 2015. Sure you could release stupidly strong cards with overload, but that isn't making overload work, that is just making it irrelevant again.

They should change it, make it optional or just remove it completely... while fixing Arena awards and the day one quest system.


The brawl is so bad that my girlfriend may stop playing the game altogether. She's a very new player (2 weeks in) and just wanted to get her pack, but she kept running in to people playing tons of cards she doesn't have even close to access to yet, got her face punched in, it made her incredibly frustrated, and she's quit for now.

I suspect she'll be back eventually, but let this be a lesson for why "playground for very long term players with all the cards" can be very frustrating for new people.

When she gets discouraged that quickly, maybe the game's not for her in the first place.


New players can win this brawl, you just don't have to play the big drops game others are doing. I could see a warrior deck with all cheap taunts and weapons like arcanite reaper wins easily enough to get the pack. Actually I've seen a couple of face hunter decks and they seem to be able to win some games, You can play wolfrider and two arcane golems in a single turn.

A rogue deck with common card can be really nasty too. Priests decks work too but new players probably don't even have thoughtsteal.

If you're bringing basic mage deck to the brawl, yeah you will get destroyed.


You can crush with a full on aggro Murloc deck. A perfect opener of the Murloc deck can wreck anything in this format. You basically just vomit your entire hand by turn 2 and just go face. I have seen this happen with multiple classes already.

Rogue can do pretty insane damage if you have Gadgetans.

Priest even with a basic deck can do really good. Kripp won with Priest using his F2P account. Priest basically steals all the good stuff from the other guy's deck using Thoughsteals, Mind Control, Mind Vision plus controls their board with Shadow Death. It's very possible that you can Mind Vision an Alex, play it on the same turn and next turn you can Divine Spirit Inner Fire for lethal.

It's difficult but not impossible.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Shaman seems fine to me. Just because they don't show up that often doesn't mean they aren't powerful.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You think Shaman is OP but everybody is just being polite?
No? I think other classes are easier with more available cards that have better crossover between decks. Shaman is still showing up in competitive play. Thinking that the most played classes are the strongest ones overlooks a number of factors.


No? I think other classes are easier with more available cards that have better crossover between decks. Shaman is still showing up in competitive play. Thinking that the most played classes are the strongest ones overlooks a number of factors.
What recent competitive play are you talking about?

If you are talking about the Archon team league... then you should know that each team is forced to pick 6 classes. Every one picks Hunter, Warlock, Mage, Rogue and Warrior. The last slot is the one that shifts around because the remaining classes are kinda bad right now. Normally Druid is the 6th, sometimes Shaman is the 6th.

So at the very best, some of these teams see Shaman as MAYBE the 6th best out of all the classes and most think Druids are better.

Still showing up in competitive play doesn't really much because of there being so many different formats. Priest still shows up, Paladin still shows up as well as does Druid. Thing is that some class has to be low tier and Shaman is most definitely bottom 2 at the moment.

Just look at this deck ranking list:


Shaman has the only two decks in the bottom 5 out of the top 20 decks.
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