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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Man, neutral 2 drops are so crappy.

There's like, Knife Juggler and Mad Scientist. Everything else is so lackluster. I guess there's Nerubian Egg but...eh.

Maybe it's just because everything else looks so bad compared to them that it feels that way. Knife Juggler and Mad Scientist are pretty broken.

Wild Pyromancer. Loot Hoarder. Haunted Creeper. Ironbeak owl.


Wild Pyromancer. Loot Hoarder. Haunted Creeper. Ironbeak owl.
Sunfury Protector, Annoyotron, Unstable Ghoul, Mech Warper, Explosive Sheep, Youthful Brewmaster, Ancient Watcher, Doomsayer, Recombobulator, Bloodmage Thalnos, Acidid Swamp Ooze...

The 2 drop slot is the most diverse and interesting slot in the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The real challenge there is seeing how long you can keep him going without losing or crushing his spirit before Pacting at the last second.


Hm, you mean the "making it worse" part? I was referring to arena packs becoming random once TGT hits, we don't know if they're gonna change anything else about the reward system. My guess is they'll add another daily at best.
Ah I get it, totally misread what you meant.


Sunfury Protector, Annoyotron, Unstable Ghoul, Mech Warper, Explosive Sheep, Youthful Brewmaster, Ancient Watcher, Doomsayer, Recombobulator, Bloodmage Thalnos, Acidid Swamp Ooze...

The 2 drop slot is the most diverse and interesting slot in the game.

Dire wolf Alpha, echoing ooze, a bunch of different murlocs, and of course, Lorewalker cho.


well that was satisfying

run into a priest at 7 wins in arena and don't curve out very well

they play turn 2 lightwell and my eyes go wide as i'm sitting there with a coin and kodo in my hand

turn 3 dark cultist,turn 4 velens on the lightwell

coin out the kodo


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Yeah Eric Dodd probably isn't the best person on their team to give announcements and presentations. It was a little cringey.


I don't get why they don't make Brode their mascot, should be a no-brainer really. People love him.

Maybe they're afraid his shtick gets old but that doesn't stop people from playing ladder either.
Not sure exactly why but my Master of Disguise + Kel'Thuzad deck is actually doing okay. Granted I'm just trying it out in casual but I haven't lost yet...

Probably because most decks don't really run a full board removal outside of Equality + Consecrate and Brawl. Killing an 8 HP minion without being able to target it can be hard.


Kripp's review of pretty much all of the Grand Tournament cards so far:

"IF the meta slows down... then this card MIGHT be cool..." or "IF there's a hero ability meta... then this card MIGHT work.."

Sounds about right. Basically exactly what was said about a bunch of BRM Dragon cards.
Kripp's review of pretty much all of the Grand Tournament cards so far:

"IF the meta slows down... then this card MIGHT be cool..." or "IF there's a hero ability meta... then this card MIGHT work.."

Sounds about right. Basically exactly what was said about a bunch of BRM Dragon cards.

Then they showed quickshot and it was like nope.jpg


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Not sure exactly why but my Master of Disguise + Kel'Thuzad deck is actually doing okay. Granted I'm just trying it out in casual but I haven't lost yet...

If you're going to run Master of Disguise, run Questing Adventurer. That shit is hilarious.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Kripp's review of pretty much all of the Grand Tournament cards so far:

"IF the meta slows down... then this card MIGHT be cool..." or "IF there's a hero ability meta... then this card MIGHT work.."

Sounds about right. Basically exactly what was said about a bunch of BRM Dragon cards.

If I remember it right Trump's review seemed fairly similar. Like "Oh in arena this card might be cool where the game's a little slower, etc. etc."


remember me
Fuck patron. No deck makes me feel so bad about not playing around 5 card combos. This deck makes dr boom and mad scientist seem balanced. 25+ damage from the hand with no board is OK? Really?

And it would be ok if it was hard to pull off, but it's not! It's the most consistent deck in the game.


Kripp's review of pretty much all of the Grand Tournament cards so far:

"IF the meta slows down... then this card MIGHT be cool..." or "IF there's a hero ability meta... then this card MIGHT work.."

Sounds about right. Basically exactly what was said about a bunch of BRM Dragon cards.

I like his point about inspire cards amplifying the effect of hero powers in a way that isn't really the same with any other mechanic atm. Using your hero power when you have 3 minions with inspire triggers vs just one could be big.

Then again, you can't do any of that if you're dead, so the speed of the format is a fair point.


I really like Kripps daily videos. Even when he was out travelling a while back he prepared and pre-recorded a couple beforehand so there wouldn't be a lull. That's dedication.
Probably because most decks don't really run a full board removal outside of Equality + Consecrate and Brawl. Killing an 8 HP minion without being able to target it can be hard.

Yeah I just wasn't sure the rest of the deck could actually get me to that point but so far so good. I guess it helps that Rogue is really good at playing the tempo game.

If you're going to run Master of Disguise, run Questing Adventurer. That shit is hilarious.

I might have to try that, although I imagine the deck makeup is very different to the one I'm running now.


Yeah if you have a whole deck of Inspire cards and you manage to get 2-3 out at one time... that's when the Hero power gains multiplicative value. So it's an interesting dynamic on that end. That's why many of the Inspire abilities aren't super strong... that along with the fact that you can use those abilities multiple times potentially.

All of this fringes on the meta slowing down. That hasn't been the case, the meta has only gotten faster.

And before someone starts with the "BUT HANDLOCK AND FREEZE MAGE ARE SLOW DECKS THAT STILL GET USED!" Handlock and Freeze Mage are still faster now than they were way back in the day. Freeze Mage has Mad Scientist to thin out the decks and Emperor Thaurissan to reduce cost of cards to make their cards playable faster and more efficiently. Handlock now has Darkbomb to deal with early game quicker and also had Emperor Thaurissan to speed up their game play. Handlock also stated to do the thinkable and actually CUT Jaraxxus from their deck to keep up with the relatively faster meta. 15 health is very dangerous to be at these days because of Freeze Mage burst, Grommash combo, Grim Patron combo, Druid combo and other nasty Constructed shenanigans. And of course Jaraxxus is just a bit too slow despite being damn near broken value wise.


Even if meta slows down, these cards won't get play when you have much more efficient, value guaranteed cards.

Hero power meta? yeah...unless Blizzard enforce it by significant changes it's not going to happen. It's not about nerfing a card or two here. I don't really see an insane card in this set that could enable hero power meta either. I'm sure there are other cards like Trueheart, it's interesting but it's no where good enough so far. I don't think it's reasonable to expect some huge stat/function gap between it and the cards we haven't seen yet, they are probably similar.


I dunno, it could slow down if they release another sludge belcher like card. I could see control warrior hero powering for 4 to be pretty good.

All depends on the rest of the cards. Who knows what the next cards will be. 1 card can be huge, just look at grim patron, there's a reason the deck is not named frothing emperor warrior.
For inspire to be a thing we need to see some cards that are strong enough that we'd stop curving out to hit our hero button instead. Nothing has been shown that is as strong as the top minions on curve.


Blizzard was so preoccupied wondering if people could play their new cards that the didn't stop to think if they should!

...Or at least that's what the legacy of Naxx and GvG brought. Their dragon gambit didn't plan out, and now they're moving on to Inspire/Hero Power. Let's say their scheme works: Hero Powers become the dominant playing style! Eh, then what? Try to make another expansion with the means to dig itself out of the deeper hole they dug? I mean, perhaps that's preferable to another 6-12 months of the same decks.

That's why the most interesting cards are indeed the ones that don't try to fit the mold--they exist as good (or bad) cards on their own. And I have a feeling the ones everybody wants will have nothing to do with Inspire. Though, they could still influence your Hero Power usage, just in a different method of triggering.

Incidentally, I wonder if we'll see any more "When you Summon" activations.


you can have a flamewaker, apprentice and mana wyrm on board and cast 1-0 spells as many as you have, value through the roof.

you can have a lowly squire, fallen hero and whatever inspire on board, you use your hero power. OK that's it? errr Maiden, Coldarra Drake?? hahaha. what turn?

the whole thing looks like a joke.


I am pretty sure there's going to be a card like:

Inspire: Deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies.

Imagine if it's like a 2 drop. Fallen Hero turn 2, coin that 2 drop plus hero power which now hits for 2 damage.

That's solid value and tempo right there. Though knowing Blizzard it will only be one damage and it will cost 3 or more mana with mediocre stats...


Any good ideas to kill face hunters with rogue deck? They just destroy me with dem wolf riders, leper gnomes and the frikin naxx scientist


Any good ideas to kill face hunters with rogue deck? They just destroy me with dem wolf riders, leper gnomes and the frikin naxx scientist

Rogue no idea. You could put in kezan mystic as a tech card.

Patron warrior is pretty good vs hunter.

Mad scientist is still hilariously broken, I've continued to keep stats on the card.

If my opponent plays mad scientist by turn 4, my record is 5-12

If my opponent doesn't play mad scientist by turn 4, my record is 10-1



Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I'm the cards on the right. The last image is my Turn 6 hand. I had an Equality/Consecrate in my hand the entire time.
So I messed up and lost on Turn 3, didn't I?
I'm thinking I should have Coined into a Spellbreaker on the Imp Gang Boss on Turn 4, then Equality/Consecrated on Turn 6. Though, that means the Voidcaller would've summoned his other Imp Gang Boss (that I didn't know about at the time). But then I could've Blessing of Kings'd that.


It wasn't a meltdown, it was more like "ehhhhhhhhh"

People are super jaded who play this game.

Only Yoshichan and I are super hyped.

I think druid and warrior may find play for this. 4 armor for 2 mana is sick, and warrior has the cards to make the game go that late. Same with druid, I see tree of life fatigue/mil druid running this with cards like naturalize. 2 armor and 2 attack per turn could add up if you reset the health of everything with tree of life.

I think the shamen one is terrible, makes me sad.


Any good ideas to kill face hunters with rogue deck? They just destroy me with dem wolf riders, leper gnomes and the frikin naxx scientist

I've been playing Oil Rogue and I try to use spells in situations I would usually use my weapon to preserve health. I've also been considering a second Healbot.


If only Poisoned Blade also worked like Bolvar. Maybe there will be a neutral legendary that will allow inspire effects to be triggered on cards in your hand.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Thanks to a golden Neptulon I'm now sitting on like ~2000 dust now in a bit of a dilemma. I don't really have any of the current Legendaries (say Boom, for example) but I'm not sure if I should go ahead and craft or wait until Argent Tournament and see what the metas become, I'm leaning towards waiting atm.


Oh holy shit. Thanks for that!

Where was the meltdown part of the thread when this was all revealed?
Why would there be a meltdown?

1) Priest is going to overheal in many cases and in some cases be at 30 health which means that in many cases the extra Heal will go to waste. And if you are doing a lot of wasteful heals then the card is not worth it to use. Maybe in a Velen/Auchenai deck but in standard Priest deck it's meh.

2) Warlock it doesn't really do much. You still just get one card.

3) Hunter has the worst upgrade. While most classes got their effects doubled, they got a buff from 2 to 3 damage. Not at all worth it to use in Hunter decks.

4) For Warrior it's good because Armor is never technically wasted. However, for this card to be worth it over Shield Maiden you need to get 3 activations of your hero power off.

5) Mage benefits from the hero power quite a bit however any time you kill a minion with 1 health using this new hero power... the bonus is wasted. It's better to just use Fallen Hero as it's faster and you get the 2 damage ping when you actually need it.

6) Rogue is looking like the worst class going into it new expansion IF Inspire is actually a thing. Their hero power is anti synergy with the whole mechanic and thus their improved hero power is actually the worst. Inspire mechanic benefits hero powers that you can spam... having a 2 durability dagger sort of goes against that line of thought.

7) Druid probably got among the better changes because you get both double damage and double armor. Still not quite amazing enough.

8) Shaman's change is interesting because you can choose the totem and you can have duplicates. That still isn't that great because other classes are getting double effects of their hero power. Who cares if you can get one extra taunt out when Paladins can get double Recruits out instead?

9) Double recruits means easier ways to activate Quartermaster but the hero power scales poorly in the late game because there are only 7 minions on the board at the most and you don't want to fill it up with 1/1s.
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