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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Thanks to a golden Neptulon I'm now sitting on like ~2000 dust now in a bit of a dilemma. I don't really have any of the current Legendaries (say Boom, for example) but I'm not sure if I should go ahead and craft or wait until Argent Tournament and see what the metas become, I'm leaning towards waiting atm.

Craft Boom.

It'll only be not worth it if it is nerfed and you'll get your dust back anyway. In the meantime, you'll win more games and make more dust.
Play Mech Hunter.
Summon Dr. Boom & 2 Boom bots.
Next turn > Play Metal Claw > Play Spare part to return Metal Claw and replay him again.
Boom bots are at 5/1 each.
Priest concedes.
*Input doge meme*


Draft Mad Scientist as 7th pick as Hunter, get offered no traps for the following 23 cards.

Oh well, at least I have 3 Highmanes.


Fucking priewts. First he thoughtsteals my warsong and next my patrons. While warsong is up.

I had a priest thoughtsteal my Mind Control Tech twice, play his own MC Tech and also play a brewmaster to get another use off one of the Techs earlier today. And I still could've won if I just would've drawn Truesilver,

That was probably the saltiest I've been in a long long time.


Looking at Hearth Arena after another bad draft, I see I've been offered a grand total of 1 flamestrike and 1 blizzard in my last seven mage drafts.

Karma for choosing OP mage I guess.


Why would there be a meltdown?

1) Priest is going to overheal in many cases and in some cases be at 30 health which means that in many cases the extra Heal will go to waste. And if you are doing a lot of wasteful heals then the card is not worth it to use. Maybe in a Velen/Auchenai deck but in standard Priest deck it's meh.

2) Warlock it doesn't really do much. You still just get one card.

3) Hunter has the worst upgrade. While most classes got their effects doubled, they got a buff from 2 to 3 damage. Not at all worth it to use in Hunter decks.

4) For Warrior it's good because Armor is never technically wasted. However, for this card to be worth it over Shield Maiden you need to get 3 activations of your hero power off.

5) Mage benefits from the hero power quite a bit however any time you kill a minion with 1 health using this new hero power... the bonus is wasted. It's better to just use Fallen Hero as it's faster and you get the 2 damage ping when you actually need it.

6) Rogue is looking like the worst class going into it new expansion IF Inspire is actually a thing. Their hero power is anti synergy with the whole mechanic and thus their improved hero power is actually the worst. Inspire mechanic benefits hero powers that you can spam... having a 2 durability dagger sort of goes against that line of thought.

7) Druid probably got among the better changes because you get both double damage and double armor. Still not quite amazing enough.

8) Shaman's change is interesting because you can choose the totem and you can have duplicates. That still isn't that great because other classes are getting double effects of their hero power. Who cares if you can get one extra taunt out when Paladins can get double Recruits out instead?

9) Double recruits means easier ways to activate Quartermaster but the hero power scales poorly in the late game because there are only 7 minions on the board at the most and you don't want to fill it up with 1/1s.

Gotcha. Meltdown was the wrong choice of words. Was just surprised there wasn't more of a reaction - it's a single card that's changing every hero's staple ability in interesting ways.


Gotcha. Meltdown was the wrong choice of words. Was just surprised there wasn't more of a reaction - it's a single card that's changing every hero's staple ability in interesting ways.

I think we could see a lot of hype if there's some indication that the meta will slow down. That's the question with all of these Hero Power cards, are they too slow?


This game really brings out the worst in me sometimes. I was playing a handlock earlier today with my Ramp Druid deck. The guy won't stop with the emotes all game. It comes down to the wire. I have 5 cards left and I need Force of Nature for the win. I top deck it then proceed to greet the guy for the next 90 seconds. I finish him off right as the rope expires.

I should have just squelched him. :/


OK, fuck this game for a while. I washed out of arena with a godly mage deck to a hunter that coined deadly shot vs my wild pyro on turn 2.

I haven't gotten this salty in a while.


Sometimes I wonder how entertaining Hearthstone would be with the option of open mic.

I miss online shit talk in Hearthstone...


I microwave steaks.
The game told me I got 100 gold today and that I can't earn anymore, never seen that before lol. 91 wins in tavern brawl, good enough I suppose.
Finally did it!


Rewards are decent, the pack was pretty good. Feel like I should have at least been given a golden epic.

2 flamestrikes were the MVP. Had plenty of games come down to empty hands and had to make some really smart trades. After this I can say that Vaporize, Mogu'shan Warden and Fen Creeper are better then I thought they were.

Highlight weas beating a guy with 3 truesilvers, Baron Geddon and Sylvanis by using Antoinidas from Unstable Portal.


Every single time I hear about 10-12-win runs in Arena I hear about how big cards like Flamestrike were critical, or how the legendary they got was key.

Man, I never seem to get any epics, legendaries or key cards in my drafts. I get garbage and wash out, 4 wins tops. Sucks.


Every single time I hear about 10-12-win runs in Arena I hear about how big cards like Flamestrike were critical, or how the legendary they got was key.

Man, I never seem to get any epics, legendaries or key cards in my drafts. I get garbage and wash out, 4 wins tops. Sucks.

Generally it isn't the epics and legends. Glancing through the decklists for my 12 win runs from the last 3 months, 5 of 6 Paladin decks had no very impressive epics or legendaries. There was a single Piloted Sky Golem in there. The remaining deck had a Lay on Hands. 5 of them just have a ton of 4-mana Paladin cards. 1 has a bunch of dragons and dragon synergy. A Warlock deck had Cairne and a Pit Lord. Warlock is mostly about Imp Gang Bosses and Voidcallers with demons, plus healing and a lot of low drops. A Priest deck had a Lightbomb and a Faceless. Priest is mostly about low drops and a lot of buff cards with efficient removal. A Hunter deck had a Steamwheedle Sniper. Hunter is about face.

The really important cards for typical 12 win decks are generally commons and for lots of classes there are actually a whole bunch of them that are very valuable.
Every single time I hear about 10-12-win runs in Arena I hear about how big cards like Flamestrike were critical, or how the legendary they got was key.

Man, I never seem to get any epics, legendaries or key cards in my drafts. I get garbage and wash out, 4 wins tops. Sucks.

Flamestrikes and legend cards are overrated, even in arena. I just don't post most of my runs, even my 12 wins.


Finally did it!

Rewards are decent, the pack was pretty good. Feel like I should have at least been given a golden epic.

2 flamestrikes were the MVP. Had plenty of games come down to empty hands and had to make some really smart trades. After this I can say that Vaporize, Mogu'shan Warden and Fen Creeper are better then I thought they were.

Highlight weas beating a guy with 3 truesilvers, Baron Geddon and Sylvanis by using Antoinidas from Unstable Portal.
If anything it's the smaller, efficient minions that get me those high wins.

My one Paladin deck that went 12 wins had 3 Shielded Minibots in it. Another one had two Muster for Battles and a Knife Juggler. I had a Warlock deck that went the distance because it had a bunch of Imp Gangs and Void Callers.

It's usually the fast, tempo decks that go all the way for me.

Back in the day I got a 12 win Mage deck with Antonidas but that was the only time a Legendary carried me that hard. Another time I got 11 wins with Priest where Rag carried like half of the game almost single handedly. Other than Legendaries haven't been too impactful for me. I have had quite a few Legendary decks go 3 or lower wins.

Flamestrike used to carry me hard but not much anymore. Many games are decided before turn 7 now. Having two is great but having more is a liability. Frostbolts and Fireballs have been more useful as of late.

It's all about having a well balanced deck that curves earlier and you having something to play every turn.
Good old ladder grind... almost 50% hunter across 20 games (last 7 days playing on rogue).

But, at least it isn't all face hunter. And while people might argue face hunter/midrange... almost the same thing, I find them to be very different match ups. And I love to burn them midrange hunters by sapping their highmanes. But against face hunter, I love to sap their mad scientists which throws off their ability to recharge their secret + bow by an additional turn each as well.


Face Hunter and Midrange Hunters are different enough.

The problem is when you are up against a Hybrid Hunter. They start with an aggressive opener like Leper Gnomes, Abusives, Worgen Infiltrators. You think to yourself that it's Face Hunter so you burn some key removals.

Then in the mid game the Shredders and Highmanes get dropped down and you are in a world of hurt.


Agh, I think today was my most frustrating day since I started playing. I just couldn't make any fight work, had atrocious mulligans and the RNG just wasn't on my side. Not even the Tavern Brawl was working for me. I really need to do some serious deck-building, but I feel like my collection is still so limited.. I've focused so much on buying the adventures the ~10 classic packs I've opened since I started playing just haven't been enough to really build a collection. I wonder if I should just spend all the gold I have (around ~500) on packs and hope for the best..

Had to stop playing or I would've ended up smashing my PC. Maybe tomorrow will be better :'(
If anything it's the smaller, efficient minions that get me those high wins.

My one Paladin deck that went 12 wins had 3 Shielded Minibots in it. Another one had two Muster for Battles and a Knife Juggler. I had a Warlock deck that went the distance because it had a bunch of Imp Gangs and Void Callers.

It's usually the fast, tempo decks that go all the way for me.

Back in the day I got a 12 win Mage deck with Antonidas but that was the only time a Legendary carried me that hard. Another time I got 11 wins with Priest where Rag carried like half of the game almost single handedly. Other than Legendaries haven't been too impactful for me. I have had quite a few Legendary decks go 3 or lower wins.

Flamestrike used to carry me hard but not much anymore. Many games are decided before turn 7 now. Having two is great but having more is a liability. Frostbolts and Fireballs have been more useful as of late.

It's all about having a well balanced deck that curves earlier and you having something to play every turn.

Yep curve is the key. Flamestrike will make a poorly (or unluckily) constructed deck get wins, but you don't necessarily need it.

This is the true value of heartharena. When it tells you that you need a 3 drop, you probably really do.


Took about a month off of playing Hearthstone as I was getting too frustrated and burned out on the game.

Going to start earning some gold now for The Grand Tournament and work on some golden heroes.

Hopefully TGT comes out sooner, rather than later, in the month, but there are plenty of things to stay busy with in the meantime.


With how many card reveals they have planned on the site (and the pace we're getting them so far) release will be about mid to late August.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
9) Double recruits means easier ways to activate Quartermaster but the hero power scales poorly in the late game because there are only 7 minions on the board at the most and you don't want to fill it up with 1/1s.

Having a full board while your opponent plays nothing sounds like a good problem to have to me. Double recruits sounds like one of the better ones out of Justicar to me. Mages, Druids, and Rogues won't be able to answer hero power for hero power each turn so the tokens could snowball out of control. Plus it gives quartermaster more consistency. If you run double quartermaster it is almost like every token has taunt.


Corporate Apologist
You can also play double Silver Hand Regent and then get 4 dude per hero power. With that many dudes, how can you lose!

I'm not sure Justicar will make it into many decks though, unless Blizzard give more deck thinners to help draw her. She isn't a win condition or a major threat, and she has a high mana cost. If you can't get her consistently, I don't see why you would bother to include her in a deck.


Having a full board while your opponent plays nothing sounds like a good problem to have to me. Double recruits sounds like one of the better ones out of Justicar to me. Mages, Druids, and Rogues won't be able to answer hero power for hero power each turn so the tokens could snowball out of control. Plus it gives quartermaster more consistency. If you run double quartermaster it is almost like every token has taunt.
Maybe, I am just imagining some situations where the Recruits kinda clutter up your board and your hero power ends up getting wasted at times. I see this hero power being exceptional in mid game but not as good late game. Obviously unusable in early game as well.


With how many card reveals they have planned on the site (and the pace we're getting them so far) release will be about mid to late August.

I expect a significant influx of new cards next week when Gamescom kicks off. Blizzard had pre-made decks at Blizzcon for their GvG announcement and I could see something similar happening here. There might even be site exclusive reveals coming up (IGN have an interview tomorrow with Ben Thompson).
The site only has room for 5 more cards and I heard someone say that the voting reveals were Monday, Wednesday, Friday. No idea if that's true but if it is then I'd expect a release during the second week of August probably.


Ashodin said:
People are super jaded who play this game.

Only Yoshichan and I are super hyped.
Yoshi is hyped for everything though.

I think the main thing is that people have been a bit disappointed by GvG (90% of neutral Legendaries being useless) and BRM (Dragon theme failed). They are also fed the fuck up of Hunters and Zoolock run a train on their fun decks as well.
Made a good hand lock deck. Don't hate me bros.
I know it can be a pain to punish you while going for face but the deck has a lot of plays that are fun in it.

Dusted a gold legendary (Druid 9/7 card), 2 more legendaries & a few epics to craft Sylvannis and Ragnaros. The dusted cards didn't really help at all honestly.
Ever since I updated most of my other decks with them they've greatly improved than before.
People underestimate how long games take. I play mainly priest and games that take less than 10 turns are rare. Even when playing vs face hunters, I can hold out for long. Eventually they nibble me to death if I can't get out the power minions and I run out of steam.

I believe turn 6 - 8 justicar will be a viable play for me, as long as I'm not horribly losing the game, but at that point only a board clear would be able to save me. I guess time will tell if that's true.
People underestimate how long games take. I play mainly priest and games that take less than 10 turns are rare. Even when playing vs face hunters, I can hold out for long. Eventually they nibble me to death if I can't get out the power minions and I run out of steam.

I believe turn 6 - 8 justicar will be a viable play for me, as long as I'm not horribly losing the game, but at that point only a board clear would be able to save me. I guess time will tell if that's true.

It'll be viable, the point is if the game is going that long pretty much anything is viable for a Priest. You could also run some inner fire magic and it'll work.

Games don't really last that long when you actually win most of the time.
I enjoyed this brawl for all the gold...but fuck me I got sick of playing against Priest.

I bet next week is something like . "All minions do 0 or 1 attack and no spells"
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