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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Corporate Apologist
I want something for druid that makes the rest of their spells more viable. Druid has a ton of cool spells that never see play.


Ohh right, forgot about their laughable Beast idea. That could happen as well.

It's essentially guaranteed.

They said in an interview they intend to add ~1-3 new cards per tribe per expansion pack until they actually work.

This excludes new tribes that obviously get tons of cards (see Mechs for example).
I want something for druid that makes the rest of their spells more viable. Druid has a ton of cool spells that never see play.

Druid spells cost too much. They put a premium of like 2 mana for the option to choose on some of them (I'm looking directly at you, Mark of Nature).
Looks like we should get a new card in an hour or so with the voting. Looks like the Argent Priest dude is going to win. Card art really reminds me of the Tournament Medic so I wonder if it's more healing. I was really hoping for the shrugging Blood Elf though.


Interesting idea I suppose.



eerrr anti patron card? .... I don't know anymore.

I'm trying to figure out what's the point, grinding deck? by wasting 3mana + 2mana hero power?

edit: obligatory good for arena comment here.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Could someone please give me an example how this card would be any good?

Edit: except for the super obvious "trade, return to hand, put out card".
It's pretty odd. I feel like it should be cheaper or have higher stats since the Inspire effect is more detrimental than beneficial.

It's obviously meant to counter Corruption!


If you use your hero power.... does he automatically go to your hand or is it optional?

It's pretty bad if it automatically goes to your hand. This is essentially anti synergy for Inspire decks.

Good for Arena I suppose.

And this card is definitely not anti Patron with that attack value LMAO!
Could someone please give me an example how this card would be any good?

Edit: except for the super obvious "trade, return to hand, put out card".

At 2 attack, it's not going to trade particularly well with anything but 2 drops and it's only going to get worse later in the game. Seems totally pointless. Druids don't even really run Druid of the Flame with the same stats and without the drawback.


If you use your hero power.... does he automatically go to your hand or is it optional?

It's pretty bad if it automatically goes to your hand. This is essentially anti synergy for Inspire decks.

Good for Arena I suppose.

And this card is definitely not anti Patron with that attack value LMAO!

Brewmaster isnt optional, so i suppose this one isnt too.

Awful card overall.


There might be a use for this card in Handlock with Mountain Giant. You can play this card on turn 3, maybe kill a minion then Tap as Handlock to get this back in your hand and play a cheaper Mountain Giant as you get this card back for the discount. That's like the only decent combo I can think of with this card.

Maybe useful for combos with Rogue?

Edit: WAIT A MINUTE! You can use this card with Warsong Commander...

Warsong Commander... play this card, get charge, attack face, hero power, resummon this card! THE COMBOS BOYS!


You can use power overwhelming on it, hit and the get it back for example..... I'm not sure if that's any use when you have imps all over the board though.

Maybe there are some negative effects in the game that it could be good like living bomb.... yeah.

As for anti aggro? has same stats as Druid of the Flame, which is not bad. But you want it to stay on board you must not use hero power, and you can recycle it if you want. A 3 drop it's too late to matter just like Druid of the Flame.
Also, they're doing some sort of tweeting thing for the next set of cards. Both legendary Val'kyrs. Basically just tweet #TGTLegendary. Kind of a cool way to generate more hype.


Corporate Apologist
I guess at 5 HP it should live though most early game stuff. So you whack him into a guy, put him back in your hand, and play him again.


Neutral 2/5 for 3 with some combo potential? I LOVE this card. I'm already thinking about decks with simmetrical sweepers or card that give bonuses whenever you play a creature.

Lategame it can basically heal itself with your hero power too, so it's probably better than a 2/5 for 3.

This is a really good anti-aggro card.


This card is interesting to say the least.

I mean you have combos with Rogue.

You have combo with Questing Adventurer.

Combo with Knife Juggler.

Combo with Warsong Commander.

Combo with Mountain Giant.

I figured it out, excellent synergy with Nozdormu. Noz + Inspire meta is here people.
I guess it makes some sense. If you're always playing minions on curve then it won't get recalled to your hand. It'll just suck if you have another Inspire effect you'll want to trigger but don't want to pull this back.


Alright my opinion of the card changed from "probably going to be bad in Constructed but good in Arena" to "at least it has some interesting applications".


Seems like a good arena card Kappa.
edit: I'm actually quite serious, high mana to stats on minions is really important in arena and games are mostly played on value which means you can just hero power to get it back after it's traded against something and play it again later.


A 5 mana combo with the effect of shadow step played on a 2/5.... Not super impressive.

Edit: maybe it's ok in hand lock if you play it turn 3, and hero power mountain giant, but I literally think it's bad in every other situation.


The effect make it useless for priest, they definitely don't want you to heal this. Probably meant for anti aggro by the design team but it has some interesting functions still. Not a bad card to print.

Edit: Actually I'm dumb, you can heal yourself get this back and play it again on turn 5, sure it's not good for buffs but still can be used for anti aggro purposes.

It's definitely useless for hunter though


I don't think it's a card you include in Inspire decks.

I think it's a card that could allow other decks to make use of Large hand gimmicks, like Handlock. A card to make your hand larger for classes that don't have hero power draw.

Mountain Giant & Twilight Drake play very nicely with the card.

A card for large hand decks, but not needed by the deck that currently plays that way is a cool way to open up good cards to other decks.

eerrr anti patron card? .... I don't know anymore.

I'm trying to figure out what's the point, grinding deck? by wasting 3mana + 2mana hero power?

edit: obligatory good for arena comment here.

So it's a neutral, MUCH worse version of Druid of the Flame. Card is garbage tier in constructed

eerrr anti patron card? .... I don't know anymore.

I'm trying to figure out what's the point, grinding deck? by wasting 3mana + 2mana hero power?

edit: obligatory good for arena comment here.

That's value with Paladin. Pay two mana to hero power and summon a


I mean obviously you don't hero power if you have no other play to follow up and this is your only minion on board.

Like you play your 4 drop after this and then on turn 5 you ram this into a minion or face, use hero power and resummon it if you don't have any other 5 drop.
Honestly, this is the kind of card that should come out in the card dump right before release. It's extremely underwhelming that this card was put up for vote only to lead to disappointment


That card is really good for Baron Geddon heroic btw.

e: they are 2% now, maybe we see both legendary cards today... with some tweet bots maybe.
I mean obviously you don't hero power if you have no other play to follow up and this is your only minion on board.

Like you play your 4 drop after this and then on turn 5 you ram this into a minion or face, use hero power and resummon it if you don't have any other 5 drop.

Tempo wise, that's bad. This card needed something like initial lower cost (2 mana), charge, or reduced mana cost after being bounced. As is, it's just bad
The effect on Coliseum Manager is interesting but I don't ever see it being played. It essentially locks away your hero power if you don't want to return him to hand.

Edit: Tweeted out for the legendaries. That's cool that they're doing that.
If there's another card that gets a benefit from Inspire effects that are on the board, think Frostwolf Warlord or Ol' Murk Eye effects, then this could be good.

The biggest thing with most Inspire cards is making it to the late game and actually getting their benefits.


preorders probably added in a patch this week, they should show something 'hype, I need this' asap. Maybe these legs are good.
Expansion will probably hit the third week of August. Gives time for voting and some hype building. They'll probably release all the cards again in a Facebook album the Friday or Monday before release.

Trying to remember how GvG went down.


Early game removals and board clears. Decks like those usually run out of steam after dumping their hands.

Usually by the time they run out of cards I'm at like 8-10 health and I'm up against a hunter with 30 life that just shoots my face for 5 turns in a row.
They'll reveal all of them before release. With GvG they dumped like half the set out onto facebook right before launch.

They will likely do it again, and I have no idea why. What I think they should do is just do the polls for the legendaries seeing as there will likely be about 16 of them or so, and then just release 2-3 other cards ever day. The card dump right before release just seems like a wasted opportunity to me
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