I've done better with my Druid deck, but mech mages are a pimple on the ass of Hearthstone.
I need BGH and Defender of Argus in order to keep moving up.
Still no legendaries from packs.
I need BGH and Defender of Argus in order to keep moving up.
Still no legendaries from packs.
Maybe make hero power 50% likely to hit hero. Otherwise, it attacks a minion for one damage only.
Or just put the RNG in hitting the hero 1 or 2 damage.
Why don't you just craft Defender??
I ended up crafting those two cards because I wouldn't get them from packs after I had drawn like four or five legendaries. Defender of Argus is only 100 dust.
Low dust. Don't want to sacrifice what I have now.
anyone got any general tips for using coin effectively? starting to get a little concerned as my sample size since I started tracking my arena stats gets bigger that I might not be using it very effectively(37-18 going first and 20-24 going second now)
Didn't they just get Shrinkmeister? It's a pretty good 2 drop.
They need a 4 drop the most. Their current Lightspawn sucks because of all the silences out there.
Shrinkmeister is not a 2 drop. Or rather, it isn't a 2 drop on curve. It is extremely rare to actually drop a shrinkmeister on turn 2, as its whole purpose is to manipulate enemy health for cabal shadowpriest / shadoword pain purposes.
They have things to drop on 4 (Auchenai + Circle of healing, piloted shredder), but really nothing that works on turn 2 for them.
Not that this makes it any better a play on curve, but people underestimate Shrinkmeister's ability to set yourself up for very favorable trades. If you have a 3/2 on board and your opponent has a 3/3 or a 2/3 or something, you can use Shrinkmeister to set yourself up for a free kill. It's especially powerful if you can use it to reduce 2 damage from two of your own minions instead of one. That makes Shrinkmeister exceptionally good in arena, even if you don't have something like Cabal or Pain.
I was thinking about making a mill warrior with this in it. Maybe some mechs.It may not be an amazing card, but it sure does give me an AMAZING feeling when that mine draws at the perfect time.
anyone got any general tips for using coin effectively? starting to get a little concerned as my sample size since I started tracking my arena stats gets bigger that I might not be using it very effectively(37-18 going first and 20-24 going second now)
Playing midrange hunter (snake trap) and am stuck around rank 13 for some shitty reason all I play are Paladins and priests over and over and over again
I'm finding it extremely difficult to deal with muster quartermaster etc. as midrange.. The shielded minibot openers every single time also just destroy me, might just be a bad night, I just started climbing today even though the season ends in 3 days
I also get zoo players but I'm about 90% on them so that's fine
I have played some games with face hunter as well but with only getting matched against Paladins and priests that was short lived
Playing midrange hunter (snake trap) and am stuck around rank 13 for some shitty reason all I play are Paladins and priests over and over and over again
I'm finding it extremely difficult to deal with muster quartermaster etc. as midrange.. The shielded minibot openers every single time also just destroy me, might just be a bad night, I just started climbing today even though the season ends in 3 days
I also get zoo players but I'm about 90% on them so that's fine
I have played some games with face hunter as well but with only getting matched against Paladins and priests that was short lived
Playing midrange hunter (snake trap) and am stuck around rank 13 for some shitty reason all I play are Paladins and priests over and over and over again
I'm finding it extremely difficult to deal with muster quartermaster etc. as midrange.. The shielded minibot openers every single time also just destroy me, might just be a bad night, I just started climbing today even though the season ends in 3 days
I also get zoo players but I'm about 90% on them so that's fine
I have played some games with face hunter as well but with only getting matched against Paladins and priests that was short lived
I agree that I have been overtrading in the matchup.Webspinner, haunted creeper, and knife juggler juggles should be able to take care of minibot's shields at a better value than most deck's openers. After that it's just like most other 2 health early minions, with ideally a mad scientist taking it out.
For the 8 mana combo, I guess you'd ideally have enough board presence from Highmane and Boom that he can't afford the slow play of that combo for fear of you ignoring it and just killing him over the next one or two turns. Loatheb can also be timed to counter that 8 mana combo instead of just using him as a 5 drop, since muster is a spell.
Otherwise I don't think there's really anything special about playing against it. Just fear every Recruit as a possible future 3/3, fear the turn when he gets 8 mana, and otherwise play normal.
EDIT: If you're good against zoo but bad against palidan, it could be a sign of you overtrading. With Zoo you can win by making him run out of cards to play, but with Paladin, you really have to focus on attacking his health resource, since you'll never win the card resource battle.
Such awful Handlock play from Amaz![]()
Playing Freeze Mage, first Match Paladin with Kezan, 2nd Match Paladin with Kezan, 3rd Match FACE HUNTER WITH KEZAN. WTF!!!!
This Paladin-play from Forsen.![]()
It amazes me at how bad at decision making some of these pros are.
I think that's mostly just Forsen.
I noticed something strange - if your oponnent has a weapon, and you have Misdirection which makes one of the opponent's minions attack him, that minion suffers damage from the weapon.
It's a unique interaction they probably added to make Misdirection more useful but didn't bother mentioning in the card's text.
The burden of knowledge is real
Basically, your weapon is out on your turn, but not on your enemy's turn. There's the animation that happens at the end of each turn that shows that.
"you guys watching won't understand how that sap has cost him the game"
*continues to win game*
Who was that fucking idiot commentator? Was Savjz or Firebat, think the latter.