Neutral / 8 mana / 6 attack / 8 health / Legendary / Whenever you draw a card, put another copy into your hand. / Dragon
Dragon Consort
Paladin / 5 mana / 5 attack / 5 health / Rare / Battlecry: The next Dragon you play costs (2) less. / Dragon
(doesn't have to be the same turn)
Solemn Vigil
Paladin / 5 mana / Draw 2 cards. Costs (1) less for each minion that died this turn.
Emperor Thaurissan
Neutral / 6 mana / 5 attack / 5 health / At the end of your turn, reduce the Cost of cards in your hand by (1).
Fireguard Destroyer
Shaman / 4 mana / 3 attack / 6 health / Battlecry: Gain 1-4 Attack. Overload: (1).