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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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needs to show more effort.
I don't see many comments on Solemn Vigil but I actually think its one of the most powerful cards shown today. Paladin has the biggest sweepers with equality and so the odds of getting this to cost 0-1 mana is actually really high

The usual balancing factor of card draw is that it is really slow and you lose tempo. But because Solemn Vigil is a card that you can wait until the right opportunity to play and get your card draw going without the tempo loss.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wasn't there a 6/8 taunt in one of the "leaks"? Confirmed fake I guess.


Ragnaros is never a minion in its hero form, so it's immune to a bunch of weird edge cases where Jaraxxxus can take damage before he becomes your hero. He doesn't attack, so unlike Jaraxxus, who can also attack the same turn you get him, you won't trigger Explosive Trap or equivalents. Being frozen doesn't stop Ragnaros, and he gets way more value out of Ice Block or Mal'ganis than Jaraxxus, since a turn with Ragnaros as your hero is probably better than a turn with Jaraxxus as your hero.

But then he dies to an Avenging Wrath.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I don't see many comments on Solemn Vigil but I actually think its one of the most powerful cards shown today. Paladin has the biggest sweepers with equality and so the odds of getting this to cost 0-1 mana is actually really high

The usual balancing factor of card draw is that it is really slow and you lose tempo. But because Solemn Vigil is a card that you can wait until the right opportunity to play and get your card draw going without the tempo loss.

Acolyte of Pain was always a little weak in Paladin. You had to combo with Aldor or something. Gives Paladin some card draw, and may even bump Lay on Hands in some decks.


So you spend 9 mana to bait out BGH? Seems like if that is your plan you might as well be giving up.
The whole purpose of this card is for it to be removed so that you get the hero power. The high damage on it is actually a plus, sort of like the high damage/low health of the Shredders because you are fine with them dying because you will get massive value if they get to attack.

By the time this card gets played you are probably going to be at low health anyway. Might as well plop it down and if it gets killed you get a crazy, potentially game winning hero ability.

The combo with this is put this down on turn 9 (with a couple of other minions), it gets killed by BGH then you put down your Ragnaros and hero power. It's like having 2 Ragnaros' on board.

Not saying this card is "good" or anything but I think it having high attack works to its advantage unlike other cards with high attacks because of the deathrattle.


Wait considering you can pact Jaraxxus this should technically work on either of these replacement effects too but that'd be ridiculous

No, Rend says "If you're holding a Dragon, destroy a Legendary minion" while Sacrificial Pact says "Destroy a Demon". Heroes are not minions. You can't freeze a hero with the freezing Spare Part, for instance.
It sucks having to wait 2 days for launch now...

I'm not sure which high cost legendary set I want to use in control paladin now. Chromaggus could be a huuuge deal. I sometimes hate how KT requires somewhat specific board states to get value in control vs control match ups. Chromaggus can be easier to play on curve.

Even in rogue it has potential. Lets imagine chrommagus is 1 of like 3 cards in your hand. You play him and next turn a sprint, you're drawing 10 cards that turn lol, 8 from sprint and 2 from your normal card draw, without killing yourself with fatigue.

I like deck thickening mechanics and they've shown to be quite strong in several decks so far. Thoughtsteal, duplicate, etc.. They create a card advantage without making you closer towards fatigue, in essence creating more resources for your deck rather than just using the existing set quicker.


Brehs all mad that Dragon consort is a 5/5 for 5. Y'all seen repair bot?


Really exciteddddd to see what the meta is like week to week.


Brehs all mad that Dragon consort is a 5/5 for 5. Y'all seen repair bot?


Really exciteddddd to see what the meta is like week to week.

There's a really big difference here in that you need to have a mech on the board for that to be good, while you just need to have a dragon somewhere in your hand or deck for Consort to be good.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Brehs all mad that Dragon consort is a 5/5 for 5. Y'all seen repair bot?

The effect of Dragon Consort is way less clunky. It is basically like it draws you an innervate to use on a dragon. Not as situational as repair bot.
Just realized why it feels like there are less cards. Naxx only had one class card which lead to there being more neutral cards.

Wonder how unlocks are going to work week by week.


I feel like I'm going to be embarrassed to main Paladin. I was hoping for a good Paladin card but Dragon Consort seems ridiculously overpowered.The only downside seems like you would have too many 5 drops so you would have to give up loatheb or belchers. The amount of high health minions is a nerf to weapons like truesilver champion though. There will be three drops you can't kill with it (!)

Shaman seems like it's going to be a very good big dude deck as well. And combo Warrior seems like it will be a thing with Grim Patron to replace or complement worgen although I don't know how good axe flinger is as it seems designed to destroy the current aggro which may or may not exist considering all the 3/5 and 2/5 3 cost minions that will run over one and two drops. At the very least knife juggler will be out of meta if people are playing cards like Grim patron and Dragon Egg. On its own Axe Flinger seems like it could be another combo where you rampage and cumulate face damage with whirlwind effects or wild pyro triggers as a plan b in said combo deck.


Also in that stream... Rend Blackhand did A LOT of work.

But then again they were playing mediocre decks and the one time the guy used an aggressive deck, the deck with the Rend Blackhand got worked.

It has potential in a control meta but in an aggressive meta it's shit as prediced.

Also both Hunter cards are absolute trash.
Quick Shot is godlike...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Deathwing gud card. It stays in your hand so you always have Dragon synergy.


Quick shot is pretty damn great.
I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?


I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?

Judging that this card is auto include in any warlock deck I guess its better than alright:



The only downside I see to Fireguard Destroyer is that if it gets 4 health it dies to BGH. the value of that card is off the charts. Only 1 overload too. That's crazy.
So I think these cards represent the core of a paladin dragon deck. And by that I mean, I am starting all my decks with these cards: http://www.hearthhead.com/deckbuilder#cMRm7zam7zbU7MrI7zfV7MuQ7zya7zgT7MvG7zvt8M

I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?

Dark bomb is just a frostbolt without a freeze and pretty much staple. Same thing with arcane shot (not being staple). But those cards never replace themselves, making quick shot pretty freaking insane in face hunter. Basically its like a charge minion that replaces itself when you play it at the right time, which won't be hard.
I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?

Midrange Hunter? It's an auto include in face hunter, which is about 95% of hunters on ladder


I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?
I would probably replace a Web Spinner for it as it gives you a way to deal with a coined out Mech Warper. Maybe even an Eaglehorn for it (definitely would not run two Eaglehorns now).

Hunter has no good option at 2 mana cost to deal with a 3 health minion... this card fills that hole for them.

EVEN if it was a 2 mana deal 3 damage card I would run it just like Darkbomb in Warlock decks but the added bonus of it drawing you a card if it's your only card makes it an auto include Face Hunter decks as far as I am concerned.


I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?

I mean that's just the ticket - topdecking it would cause you to be anything but fucked. This card's entire purpose is to be topdecked on an empty hand. Hunter in general lacks draw, and this card seems almost purpose built to further enable face hunters whom are often topdecking by turn 5/6. And even if it's frostbolt without the freeze so be it, 3 damage on turn 2 allows you to clear most scary turn 2 plays if you have no 2 drop response.


Yea guys I was talking more in terms of midrange which is more fun to me than face Hunter which I don't really play. I agree with the value in that deck.


I mean literally less than a week until:


Who isn't excited for that.


Yea guys I was talking more in terms of midrange which is more fun to me than face Hunter which I don't really play. I agree with the value in that deck.
Just like how Warlock uses Darkbomb to control the board in the early game... Quick Shot is used to control the early game as Midrange Hunter. Especially against Mechwarper, Zombie Chow, Cleric, Whirling Zappomatic, Flametongue Totem, Mana tide totem or that new Priest dragon.

The closest thing that Hunter has to something like that right now is Glaivezooka which would require a Web Spinner on board.

I am face palming just thinking about it myself...

Top dick Quickshot deal 3 damage, top dick Quickshot total 6 damage, top dick Arcane Golem 10 damage plus 12 damage.

Yeah this card is going to be silly in Face Hunter decks.


Unconfirmed Member
Overall, I don't think there's as much power creep as people are saying:

Emperor Tharlsasan - A ton of instant value if you have even a few cards in your hand, alright stats, and a possibility for it to snowball out of control? That's insane for any control or even mid-range deck.

Dragon Consort (Paladin) - I feel like this is the one card that makes a case for constructing a dragon based deck. Good stats + a free innervate is really good

Hungry Dragon - RNG drawback seems pretty unlikely, and has such good stats otherwise.

Quick Shot (Hunter) - Darkbomb is good, and don't see why it would be any worse in a hunter deck. A lot more 3 health targets than 2 health targets out there.

Resurrect (Priest) - Free minion for 2 mana is pretty good. The random 1 mana resurrect backfires aren't really that devastating either.

Fireguard Destroyer (Shaman) - You can't ignore the overload, but it's still pretty good to get an average 5/6 for 4+1 mana

Imp Gang Boss (Warlock)/Dragon Egg - If zoos make a comeback, these cards would work quite well with it.

Demonwrath (Warlock)- Not insanely better than a hellfire in a demon deck, but probably good enough to be worth a replacement.

Maybe good:
Flamewaker (Mage) - Depends on how much the 2 random damage helps with mage's tempo

Lava Shock (Shaman) - Depends on if removing overload is too situational or not

Nefarian - Depends on how likely it is to get really good spells or really bad spells

Druid of the Flame (Druid) - There's not many good 3 drops, with the biggest competition being Shade of Nax, which might be worth replacing with a 2/5 for help with aggro decks.

Blackwing Technician - 3 mana 3-5 is even better than mech's tinkertown 4-4, if you run a Paladin dragon deck, but I'm worried it might not be easy to get the buff early game with a deck that probably has a lot fewer dragons than mech mage has mechs, especially if you're probably mulliganing the dragons


Too early to tell. Seems like something you put into Aggro Warrior and nothing else. So it depends on how good aggro warrior becomes.

the 5 mana cost really hinders it. if you put it in the game as is right now it would be great but it seems like it won't trade too well with the new cards to get value and pretty much requires some kind of combo so we will have to see what people come up with. it will be a good option for priest as well with wild pyro + circle just not a single turn combo. I think priest is positioned well to buff its health and keep it alive to fill the board with it but who knows how good that will be when people are playing turn 4 5/6 dragons.
is grim patron good or bad?

Looked good on stream since it made something like 10 Patrons with charge thanks to Commander. However, it was a very good situation for that warrior. I highly doubt it's something that will happen consistently, but I could be wrong.

In what situations would you ever want the 3 damage effect from Revenge? Against zoo decks?
I feel like Revenge would be good if it hit everyone, including heroes. At least then it marks itself somewhat stronger than Whirlwind. Then you're also getting that damage for something like aggro Warrior or whatever. Just seems to weird to add one mana for a card that's only better when losing that also could clear your board as well. If Warrior also got one of those, Reduced Cost on Death cards, then I could see it being used.
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