Dr Balanced to remain an auto include in every deck.No card changes for the upcoming patch.
Dr Balanced to remain an auto include in every deck.No card changes for the upcoming patch.
It's purposely a Deathrattle plus 9 attack to be a BGH bait.
Wasn't there a 6/8 taunt in one of the "leaks"? Confirmed fake I guess.
I don't see many comments on Solemn Vigil but I actually think its one of the most powerful cards shown today. Paladin has the biggest sweepers with equality and so the odds of getting this to cost 0-1 mana is actually really high
The usual balancing factor of card draw is that it is really slow and you lose tempo. But because Solemn Vigil is a card that you can wait until the right opportunity to play and get your card draw going without the tempo loss.
None of the leaks proved to be legit this time.
Also, are you sure you're not thinking of the fake dragon card I created?
The whole purpose of this card is for it to be removed so that you get the hero power. The high damage on it is actually a plus, sort of like the high damage/low health of the Shredders because you are fine with them dying because you will get massive value if they get to attack.So you spend 9 mana to bait out BGH? Seems like if that is your plan you might as well be giving up.
So does steamwheedle sniper + Rag hero power work?
It was a 6/8 taunt neutral that was a Flame Walker.
Wait considering you can pact Jaraxxus this should technically work on either of these replacement effects too but that'd be ridiculousThe real question is, if you replace yourself with Ragnaros, can you get instant-killed by Rend Blackhand?
Wait considering you can pact Jaraxxus this should technically work on either of these replacement effects too but that'd be ridiculous
So does steamwheedle sniper + Rag hero power work?
It wouldn't surprise me if they've added in this interaction as a special case, but as of right now the card is hard coded only to change the Hunter hero power.
Brehs all mad that Dragon consort is a 5/5 for 5. Y'all seen repair bot?
Really exciteddddd to see what the meta is like week to week.
Brehs all mad that Dragon consort is a 5/5 for 5. Y'all seen repair bot?
Quick Shot is godlike...Also both Hunter cards are absolute trash.
That Fireguard Destroyer is insane. Also both Hunter cards are absolute trash.
That Fireguard Destroyer is insane. Also both Hunter cards are absolute trash.
I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?Quick shot is pretty damn great.
I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?
Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked.
I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?
I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?
I would probably replace a Web Spinner for it as it gives you a way to deal with a coined out Mech Warper. Maybe even an Eaglehorn for it (definitely would not run two Eaglehorns now).I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?
I mean it's alright. I think most times it's just gonna be Frostbolt without the freeze. Later in the game it won't be great, and if you're topdecking it you're probably fucked. Also what would you replace in midgame Hunter for it?
is grim patron good or bad?
Just like how Warlock uses Darkbomb to control the board in the early game... Quick Shot is used to control the early game as Midrange Hunter. Especially against Mechwarper, Zombie Chow, Cleric, Whirling Zappomatic, Flametongue Totem, Mana tide totem or that new Priest dragon.Yea guys I was talking more in terms of midrange which is more fun to me than face Hunter which I don't really play. I agree with the value in that deck.
Too early to tell. Seems like something you put into Aggro Warrior and nothing else. So it depends on how good aggro warrior becomes.
is grim patron good or bad?
I feel like Revenge would be good if it hit everyone, including heroes. At least then it marks itself somewhat stronger than Whirlwind. Then you're also getting that damage for something like aggro Warrior or whatever. Just seems to weird to add one mana for a card that's only better when losing that also could clear your board as well. If Warrior also got one of those, Reduced Cost on Death cards, then I could see it being used.In what situations would you ever want the 3 damage effect from Revenge? Against zoo decks?