The hero power is 2 mana to do 8 damage to a random enemy. But you only get 8 what Ragnaros as hero can do?
Completely disagree. It's same stats as Kel'Thuzad, but even slower, and Kel'Thuzad is considered too slow.
I also think people are focusing too much on the few useless spells and ignoring the good ones when looking at Nefarian. Especially since Paladin is the likely Dragon class, and will be able to use the weapon spells.
The hero power is 2 mana to do 8 damage to a random enemy. But you only get 8 health.
It's kind of a bummer they only gave Paladin a Dragonnervate. I can understand not giving Druids an option but other classes sort of need something like that as well to make those late game Legendary dragons viable.
It's kind of a bummer they only gave Paladin a Dragonnervate. I can understand not giving Druids an option but other classes sort of need something like that as well to make those late game Legendary dragons viable.
That's why I said I understand Druids not getting a card like that....????
Druids already have Innvervate themselves AND Wild Growth.
They don't need more ramping options...
Priest gettin the shaft with these cards.
Rag hero is not a minion, but would still be a character. So anything that targets characters or enemies can hit it.Can Ice Mage kill Ragnaros with freezing spells?
Alex will increase Rag to 15 health.Just once I would like to see a Majordomo somehow used to counter mirror entity.
Also I wonder what's up with Alexstrasza on a Ragnaros hero.
Neither makes the card good, but do make the card more fun.
Alex will increase Rag to 15 health.
I still don't understand this. Alex doesn't change the maximum health of anything. Does this mean Ragnaros' maximum health is 15 or 30 and you get him at 8 anyway? I don't know how they should solve it with Alexstrasza's card text being what it is, but it's inconsistent any way they do it.
I still don't understand this. Alex doesn't change the maximum health of anything. Does this mean Ragnaros' maximum health is 15 or 30 and you get him at 8 anyway? I don't know how they should solve it with Alexstrasza's card text being what it is, but it's inconsistent any way they do it.
Ragnaros has 30 max HP. When the card transforms your hero to Rag, it also sets your current health to 8. It is basically the exact same as Alex, only it sets it to 8 instead of 15.
Ragnaros has 30 max HP. When the card transforms your hero to Rag, it also sets your current health to 8. It is basically the exact same as Alex, only it sets it to 8 instead of 15.
Ragnaros has 30 max HP. When the card transforms your hero to Rag, it also sets your current health to 8. It is basically the exact same as Alex, only it sets it to 8 instead of 15.
His summon animation is boss as fuckLawd Reekrus. Control decks assemble.
I still don't understand this. Alex doesn't change the maximum health of anything. Does this mean Ragnaros' maximum health is 15 or 30 and you get him at 8 anyway? I don't know how they should solve it with Alexstrasza's card text being what it is, but it's inconsistent any way they do it.
I agree with this.The class challenges will probably be spells, not minions. The minions fit thematically, the spells not as much.
Alexstrasza can in fact change maximum HP. If Jaraxxus has his max HP set 1 by Repentance, Alex can change it to 15. This is because Alex sets HP to 15 rather than deal damage or heal.
See this video:
Looking at all the cards again, seems like Warrior got completely screwed.
The class challenges will probably be spells, not minions. The minions fit thematically, the spells not as much.
I had this happen to me. Utterly stupid.Shaman deck, no legends or anything over a 6 drop to 12 wins, was 11-0 then hit the same mage twice and god damn he wrecked me.
Completely disagree. It's same stats as Kel'Thuzad, but even slower, and Kel'Thuzad is usually considered too slow.
I also think people are focusing too much on the few useless spells and ignoring the good ones when looking at Nefarian. Especially since Paladin is the likely Dragon class, and will be able to use the weapon spells.
The problem with Kel'Thuzad isn't the stats/cost, it's the preconditions for his use. You almost always want to use him when you have a favorable board state to begin with which you can then ressurrect. Playing Kel'thuzad on a near empty board is awkward; playing Chromaggus in the same conditions won't be.
The problem with Kel'Thuzad isn't the stats/cost, it's the preconditions for his use. You almost always want to use him when you have a favorable board state to begin with which you can then ressurrect. Playing Kel'thuzad on a near empty board is awkward; playing Chromaggus in the same conditions won't be.
The problem with Kel'Thuzad isn't the stats/cost, it's the preconditions for his use. You almost always want to use him when you have a favorable board state to begin with which you can then ressurrect. Playing Kel'thuzad on a near empty board is awkward; playing Chromaggus in the same conditions won't be.
Definition of a win more card.
On an empty/almost empty board he is a whole turn faster than KT.Which more or less means he's slow, and Chromaggus is even slower. I was just using his stats/cost for a good comparison, not saying that they're particularly bad.
Point being it's very difficult for Chromaggus to get good value from his ability on the turn you play him, and he's probably going to die before you get to the next turn to use his ability.
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