Did my daily quests this evening and had enough coin to purchase two packs. Grabbed two classic and the first one was mostly crap, but the second contained a golden Cenarius!
Now, I don't really like playing Druid so I dusted that bad boy and picked up a Dr. Balanced. While I am quite excited to have one of the strongest Legendaries currently in the game, I can't help but feel a bit dirty...
Add me! Levi#1147
North America.
Love to spectate and be spectated.
Dude, you messed up. Golden Cenarius is holding a shimmering rainbow. Best golden minion in the game. (Best golden card in the game is golden unstable portal).
Actually, does the new legendary double up on special cards that aren't drawn from your deck (Ysera cards, spare parts, Cho/Gallywix, etc)?
I'm assuming not because then any bounce that spawns a card in your hand (freezing trap, sap) would give you double of that minion.
Actually, does the new legendary double up on special cards that aren't drawn from your deck (Ysera cards, spare parts, Cho/Gallywix, etc)?
I'm assuming not because then any bounce that spawns a card in your hand (freezing trap, sap) would give you double of that minion.
Does anyone know where Trump ended the season? I was watching him stream and he got to legendary 15, but was afraid he'd decay before the season ended. He didn't want to lose tourney points, so he kept playing. Started losing and go down to like 115 when I stopped watching.
Also, reposting my battletag for the new page:
I am the 20%.
Feels good man.
That's kind of shocking that rank 13 is so high to be honest. But I guess if you postulate that the vast majority of people haven't been playing since beta/dropped much (if any) cash on the game, it kind of makes sense. Especially if a lot of people don't play ranked or play it very casually.
New text though with that percentage thing, must've come out with the patch today. I'd guess Legend is slightly less than the top 1% (but I don't know what it would say on the text there - it might cap at X% rather than go into specific detail.)
I'm top 2%. WowThe last time they shared stats: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en...de-chat-youre-better-than-you-think-9-18-2014
They should provide us with rank 1-19 stats since rank 20 is made up of people playing for the card back with no intention of climbing the ladder.
Eclipze#1871 on NA servers.
Trying to theorycraft that Dragon Paladin deck that people are talking about, for now I'm considering something like this:
Since there's only going to be 7 dragons in the deck, I felt that 1-of for each of the "holding dragon" cards is better as you might not draw into a dragon within the first few turns. Considering dropping the corrupter for a second belcher too, although having that extra ping damage would be nice.
Anyone else with their own theory-list?
So are we expecting any changes to cards with the patch? GvG did change some cards when it came out.
We just got some.
Oh wow, the new pack quest is just a regular daily, so repeatable (if you're lucky)
First golden legendary ever! And one I don't have in normal form, to boot....I don't know if I should keep him.... advice?
He was my first golden legendary as well... I put him in a few fun decks, then GvG dropped and I DEed him for Dr. Boom... do not in the least bit regret it. If there are any 'real' legendaries you need, don't feel bad about DEing him... unless you're one of those fools trying to get 100% golden of all cards... of which only the richest of people will ever achieve.
Circle of Healing has been renamed Oval of Healing upon discovery that Hearthstone boards are not circular.
Except for Loatheb, are there any other Naxx cards that are being used constantly in high level play(tournament or legend rank decks)?
Why couldn't Quickshot be the last card to unlock? -.-'